SUMaC 2021

Hey everyone! I noticed there wasn’t a thread for the 2021 SUMaC (Stanford University Math Camp) yet so I decided to make one! To those who are applying/applied, what is your profile like and how was your performance on the exam?


Did you apply for this year ? Also, SuMac is for 10 and 11 th grade right ? I think the deadline is 10th March.

Yes, I did apply! Did you?

do you guys think there will be more applicants this year because of covid?

Not sure, do you think SUMaC would expand its enrollment too?

Hello Everyone! I’m an international applicant applying to SUMaC this year. I haven’t yet submitted the application but I’ll submit it before tomorrow. Thanks

same :)) wru from

how do u guys think u did in the admissions exam?

I have rigorous proof for all of them except 5e. I have even generalized a few so I think I do have a chance of getting into SUMaC 2021. How about you? how are you guys doing?

I am from India, what about you?

philippines :)))

How did you do on the problem set?

honestly ive been procrastinating and im just rushing to get all the problems done today hahah. ive done all my essays tho :)) i’ve finished questions 1, 2, most of 3 and i’m almost done with 4

tbh i dont think i have a great chance of getting in bc i’ve only been a part of a few math competitions, but im js trying my best

I think yes because last year they admitted around 60-65 students


how long is ur answer document

If I remember correctly then it’s about 20 pages (in Latex)

btw, did you make the optional video essay? How many of you guys actually made the optional video essay?

no hahaha, i go to an english speaking school. did u?

Nope I didn’t