Summer Academy Acceptance?

<p>Is there a way to check if you were accepted online? The notification deadline is June 1st. I never got any kind of e-mail or anything saying I got accepted, but I received a bill for housing over the summer. Did this happen to anyone else? I think I will call in a few days if nothing else changes.</p>

<p>No clue about checking online, but I would definitely call/email on Monday. New Student Programs is usually really fast about getting back with you. It’s possible they were just waiting until after graduation, which was today/ is tomorrow, for the week “break”.</p>

<p>Side note 1: I was a Peer Mentor for the academy last summer- the program wasn’t even 100% full. They’ll probably be close to/at capacity this year, but I would be shocked if you were denied.</p>

<p>Side note 2: Hoping you get in/accept- you’ll love it. Several of last years students and PMs are PMs this year- Michael/Catherine/Taylor/Josh/Taylor/Dylan/Jasmine/Jared are all awesome :)</p>