Summer and Fall Schedules

<p>Anyone know when these will come out? I'd really like to start planning my classes out...</p>

<p>Also, on a chemistry note, I've heard that if I want to get in Laude's 302 class, I should contact his secretary because there's probably a waiting list already. Anyone know if this is true?</p>

<p>[Course</a> Schedules | Registrar | University of Texas at Austin](<a href=“]Course”></p>

<p>According to the registrar’s website, the summer schedule will be out at 5 pm on March 30th and the fall schedule will be out at 5 pm on April 6th.</p>

<p>I have never heard of waiting lists kept by a professor’s secretary. You register by priority at your assigned time. You can get on the waitlist for those classes that offer it if you don’t get the class you want. Registration for current students is in April and your assigned time will show up on your RIS</p>

<p>Yeah that’s what I thought, but I’ve had several people (albeit ones I barely know) tell me to call his sec. Hmmmm. And thanks for the registrar link, I never noticed that since I go straight to the schedule I need from the home page. ;)</p>

<p>You can’t officially register for them until Orientation though, right?</p>

<p>Everyone wants Laude, so it’s extremely hard to get into his chemistry class. Most people are in his class only because they are part of a FIG, however it is possible to get in by being on his waitlist. You would have to call his assistant to get on this list. If you’re extremely lucky, a CH302 spot might open up, but that’s highly unlikely because he guarantees a spot for all of his CH301 students. He teaches CH301 in the fall and CH302 in the spring so if I assume you would be at the top of his spring 2011 CH302 waitlist, but I don’t know if he has started it for CH302 yet.</p>

<p>Well that screws me, I guess, since I’m off his schedule - in 301 now, will take 302 in the fall. Oh well…</p>

<p>“You can’t officially register for them until Orientation though, right?”</p>

<p>Incoming freshmen and incoming transfer students don’t register until orientation.
Current students register for the spring and fall in april.</p>

<p>If you aren’t a FIG but want to take his class Fall 2010, what do you need to do?</p>

<p>If you want to take CH301 with Laude in the fall, but you’re not in a FIG, you would have to constantly check the course schedule and hope that it opens up. I only know one person who managed to get into the class this way. You can also get on his waitlist and if you’re early enough, you’ll have a good chance of getting into his class.</p>

<p>What I’ve heard from people in his classes is if you’re on the waitlist, go to the classes because he starts going down the list to see if anyone is there, and if you aren’t, he crosses you off and you have no chance of getting even if a bunch of people drop.</p>

<p>Should I call the secretary now, even before summer orientation?</p>

<p>I think it’s still too early. I mean, your registration hasn’t even begun yet. I think you should try to register first and if that doesn’t work out, contact his secretary.</p>

<p>I heard the same thing about a “waitlist” for an engineering communications class from my advisor. Supposidly there is a list where kids would come in at 5AM to sign up for a certain class. In this case, BME 333T.</p>