Summer classes before transferring?

LONG STORY SHORT I’ve applied to transfer as a sophomore w less than 24 hrs. I’m taking the SAT in 2 weeks and I’m currently enrolled in 15 units. 5 of those units are for stats, which is super difficult for me and hurting my GPA. I’m contemplating dropping at and taking it in the summer. Is this a good idea or should I complete it this semester?! Will it affect my chances of getting in?? HELP

This is hard to answer in a vacuum. It would certainly be better to drop it than to fail. What grade do you think you can get if you stick it out and put in your best effort? What is your major? Is stats required for that major? UA will have minimum grades for some courses. For example, my daughter was a business major, stats was a requirement and a minimum grade of C- was required. If there’s a minimum grade and you can’t get that grade at this point, you would need to retake the course in any event so there’s little point in taking the GPA hit (5 credits out of 15 could mean a BIG hit). Is there a reason you think you’d do better in this class during the summer?

Are you getting financial aid at your current school? Dropping 5 credits will put you below full time status, which could affect financial aid, insurance, etc. You should look into that, and discuss it with an advisor, before dropping.

Whether dropping this course would affect your chances of getting in to UA probably depends on the rest of your record (i.e., how many other credits you have, what your GPA is, how strong a candidate you are otherwise, etc.)

Thank you. I decided that dropping it would be my best option considering bama will be making their decision in April… I will have to send my transcripts over anyway if I do get in which will include stats in the summer. Thank you for taking the time to write your answer, it helped and I appreciate it! :slight_smile:

Hi Taylor I was just wondering if you sent in your ACT score and high school transcript? I’m in a similar situation and I just wanted to know if It was necessary. I’m a freshman wanting to transfer to UA with less than 24 hrs also. Thanks.

I sent both in!