Summer/Fall Storage and class registration

<p>Two quick questions.</p>


<p>My s will be starting this summer (C session). Does anyone know if you can move your stuff from your summer dorm to your fall dorm before you leave?</p>

<p>If not, are there any storage options for students so our s will not have to bring everything home (NY) for two weeks before returning.</p>


<p>Whe you go to orientation for the summer session (we are headed down May 19-20), do students register for both summer and fall classes?</p>


<li>I would contact housing and ask what arrangements can be made for storage.</li>
<li>Yes you register for both summer and fall at orientation.</li>

<p>Your son must be starting to get very excited!</p>

<p>nycdad, I emailed about registering for summer and fall at orientation, and I received an email that said that the info received via the group sessions about majors/with department reps would be about summer and fall, but that they would only be registering for summer???</p>

<p>Here was the exact wording </p>

<p>"You will only be registering for summer courses. You will register for your fall courses during the summer semester.</p>

<p>Florida State University
Office of New Student & Family Programs
Dean of Students Department
A4320 University Center
Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2443</p>

<p>It was one of those "no-name" emails, with no person or personal email address to ask specific questions. We will be at preview tomorrow, and I will get D to try to clarify.</p>

<p>We have heard from students that there are times where students at the end of summer were able to move stuff into the closet of the room they would have for fall, but I do not know if this is only if your fall dorm was open for summer, or for certain dorms, or for certain years. We will try to get that info also.</p>

<p>Thanks for the most current information SUNNYFLORIDA! I appreciate the correction.</p>

<p>cybermom--no problem. I didn't mean to say you were wrong.... I assumed they would be registering for both, but the wording on the info D received seemed rather vague... so I send an email a few weeks back, and was surprised at the response. Why would they come all the way up there to orient and register etc and not just do summer and fall? It sounds like a change, not sure why they wouldn't just do both. Will try tp get more info tomorrow.</p>

<p>Well I can tell you current students are registering right now for both summer and fall at the same time when their registration window opens up based on the number of completed credits ( unless you are in honors of course ;) when you can register on the first day).</p>

<p>Maybe they actively assist with the summer registration and then the kids do fall on "their own" once their registration window opens for fall?</p>

<p>thank you all for your responses. it would seem that if they don't let the summer students register for fall courses it puts them at a disadvantage to those students starting in the fall in terms of course selection?</p>

<p>yes it does, but at the same time it was easier for me to pick classes for fall than it was for me for spring..basically because being a freshman in your second term allows you to basically pick anything you want but by spring semester you have to ensure you get all your freshman year requirements in.</p>

<p>"We will be at preview tomorrow, and I will get D to try to clarify."</p>

<p>Sunny - I was curious did you get any more info regarding when summer c students register for fall? it seems unfair to me ... i wonder what the reasoning is?</p>

<p>OK. Storage: I spoke with a staff member in Housing, and she said that Maintenance makes available basement storage space at the end of summer term at either your summer dorm or your fall dorm. You can pack up 2-3 large boxes to store things like microwave, TV, bedding etc between summer and fall. Then when you are back at fall you retreive your boxes. The space will be either at the dorm you use for summer or the one you wlll use for fall, but there will be designated space available. Other students and staff said there were storage facilities nearby, but they weren't needed unless you were going abroad, or maybe if you accumulated alot of stuff by, say, senior year. </p>

<p>Re: registration. For some reason, summer students this year will only register for summer classes at orientation. Then, they will be able to register for fall when the registration window reopens in July. It sounded like this was one of the consequences of budget cuts. They want to see exactly what classes still have spaces available, what classes need more sections, etc. I specifically stated to the Academic Advising Office staff member that I thought that this put summer students at a disadvantage for fall. I guess in the past, summer students actually had an advantage over fall enrolled students. I mentioned that not all summer students are offered summer instead of fall. Some are very competative and apply straght away for fall. She did remind me that summmer students taking senior AP classes would have their results in time to register for Fall, and Fall students would not, and would be having to make more adjustments. She also said that for freshman, there were so many general requirements that the worst case scenerio was that maybe summer students would end up with a dreaded 8am class for fall. When she reviewed my D's status, and pointed out that with 6 dual enrollment credits, 6 summer C credits, and 3-7 AP hours, she would be a full semester ahead and have no problem getting what she needed and finishing up in 4 years without having to be back again for summer. She said that there would be lots of movement of freshman in and out of classes, and that once fall opened up while they were already there this summer, they would have advisors available, the ability to check daily for openings, etc. She said we would all be "just fine." I suspect she is right.</p>

<p>Very helpful SUNNYFLORIDA!</p>

<p>I am concerned as my son is interested in FIGS; They have limited space and no waiting list. </p>

<p>Sunny - Did Academic Advising give you the impression they were considering or "ranking " incoming summer students "lower" than Fall. My son choose to apply for summer and I believe with his grades/scores would have been admitted for Fall. </p>

<p>Al students should be able to register at orientation. I think it quite unfair summer students should be expected to take the leftover courses. That is what this sounds like to me. I guess I better call tomorrow.</p>

<p>oh yeah I forgot to say thanks!!!! Thank you sunny for this most valuable info. As upset as I am at least I do know and can now I can try to advocate for my son.</p>

<p>BSM, the woman I spoke with did not say that they considered or ranked incoming freshman summer students "lower" than fall at all. But when she said that summer students would not be registering for Fall until registration reopens in early July, I said I thought that was what they were doing!!! She went on to tell me of some of the advantages, and I still voiced some displeasure. But for my D, I don't think it would make a huge difference, so I just expressed my thoughts to her and didn't press it.</p>

<p>What I don't really understand, it that current students are registering now, and then the window closes in late April until July 8th on the FSU site. So do they open the windows on the days of orientation? Or do all kids, summer and fall, "sign up" for classes but not actually register until July 8? Does the computer know on the orientation dates which students the window is open for?</p>

<p>Sunny, Thanks again for sharing. I understand that Florida is having budget cuts and am sure that the administartion is doing what it can to deal with finances, and sometimes decisions well "hurt" some . I agree in the end our kids ---the students will make out fine. I think what makes me upset is that I am so caught off guard. My son was making plans based on a different understanding. Didn't choose to apply for a living learning community etc.. It would have been nice to have had the info about registration when he passed on those opportunities.....But onward and upward I guess...</p>


<p>After reading your posts, I thought it important to correct some information that is not correct on this thread. All new students are treated the same during his/her "first" or "entry" semester at the institution. FSU will use know information about our incoming students (i.e. declared major, traditional patterns of course demand, amount of student in each orientation, and current loads pre-registered by our current student) to set aside seats in key sections of classes during each orientation. We then open seats or entire sections as the orientation process continues so no group of students is disadvantaged over others in orientation course registration.</p>

<p>Students only get this type of coordination their first "entry" semester, but each time students register for courses we pay attention to course demand based on student majors and patterns of need. As a student matures in the University, he/she will naturally have better course availability as is the nature of seniority.</p>

<p>New freshmen students starting in the summer will only register for their summer courses at orientation. They will then register for fall courses in July - once the advisors can again reconnect with the students to see how they are doing in their first semester of college, what AP scores finally came in as they don't post until July, and the student has had an opportunity to adjust to the rythems of college life. This is the way FSU has always done it and this is not a change based on changes in University funding. These students do not get to register for two semesters at once, because that would overadvantage them from the new fall students who are only registering for 1 semester at a time their "entry" term (not fall and spring together). The students by nature of our holding course seats and sections (some are not opened at all registration until July for their round of fall registration, the students are able to get full and highly competitive schedules. In fact, last year we still had over 100 seats left in the FIG program for international/non-domestic students that didn't arrive for course registration until last August, just before classes started.</p>

<p>The computer system will only open course registration for students at each orientation based on their registration for that orientation section, their having turned in immunization paperwork, and successfully attended all of their orientation programs. </p>

<p>I promise you all that FSU has successfully completed course registration in this manner with 1000's of students each year and no one has been turned away without a full load of courses to satisfy requirements of his/her major. Pretty good for an institution of 40,000 students - I hope this help everyone feel a little more comfortable. We promise to take good care of you and your student's needs through academic advising and a coordinated course registration system that may seem random, but is very coordinated.</p>


<p>After reading your posts, I thought it important to correct some information that is not correct on this thread. All new students are treated the same during his/her "first" or "entry" semester at the institution. FSU will use know information about our incoming students (i.e. declared major, traditional patterns of course demand, amount of student in each orientation, and current loads pre-registered by our current student) to set aside seats in key sections of classes during each orientation. We then open seats or entire sections as the orientation process continues so no group of students is disadvantaged over others in orientation course registration.</p>

<p>Students only get this type of coordination their first "entry" semester, but each time students register for courses we pay attention to course demand based on student majors and patterns of need. As a student matures in the University, he/she will naturally have better course availability as is the nature of seniority.</p>

<p>New freshmen students starting in the summer will only register for their summer courses at orientation. They will then register for fall courses in July - once the advisors can again reconnect with the students to see how they are doing in their first semester of college, what AP scores finally came in as they don't post until July, and the student has had an opportunity to adjust to the rythems of college life. This is the way FSU has always done it and this is not a change based on changes in University funding. These students do not get to register for two semesters at once, because that would overadvantage them from the new fall students who are only registering for 1 semester at a time their "entry" term (not fall and spring together). The students by nature of our holding course seats and sections (some are not opened at all registration until July for their round of fall registration, the students are able to get full and highly competitive schedules. In fact, last year we still had over 100 seats left in the FIG program for international/non-domestic students that didn't arrive for course registration until last August, just before classes started.</p>

<p>The computer system will only open course registration for students at each orientation based on their registration for that orientation section, (studnts will be walked through this process with personalized advisement at orientation and help with each student of the registration process), after they have turned in immunization paperwork/insurance waiver, and successfully attended all of their orientation programs. </p>

<p>I promise you all that FSU has successfully completed course registration in this manner with 1000's of students each year and no one has been turned away without a full load of courses to satisfy requirements of his/her major. Pretty good for an institution of 40,000 students - I hope this help everyone feel a little more comfortable. We promise to take good care of you and your student's needs through academic advising and a coordinated course registration system that may seem random, but is very coordinated.</p>

<p>Thanks for your informative post FSULEON.<br>
Do you think additional seats and sections will open up for upper level accounting classes in July too?</p>

<p>Students must be accepted to the College of Business (based on completed pre-req. courses and min. college GPA) before theey are able to take upper level accounting classes. Regardless of how many credit hours a freshmen (first-year) studnt would be bringing in - these are not courses a summer or fall starting freshmen would take their first semester. Course sections and seats will be held for the lower-level pre-business pre-reqs.</p>