Summer On-Line Mythology Class

As part of the summer-before-freshman-fall program, D plans to take the on-line Mythology class, EH 242. There is not much information on the web site about this course, other than this: Archetypal, metaphorical, and historical significance of deities and myths. Prerequisite: EH 102 or EH 105. (She will have completed English Comp I and II through dual enrollment.)

Does anyone have any experience in this class at UAH? We are wondering what textbooks/stories are used and what the on-line format is like. Are there set class times, and how often and long? Can they be listened to/watched as recordings? Is there any student interaction? How much writing is involved? Tests?

I realize we will get all the information we need when the class begins, but it would be nice to have some student feedback if there’s anyone on CC who has taken this class. Thanks! We do plan on some summer traveling and want to make sure this will be doable.

According to the UAH Bookstore site, the textbook needed is Introduction to Mythology by Thury. The ISBN is 9780190262983. You can always e-mail the professor to see if she has information on tests, quizzes, etc.

Thanks, @momreads.