Summer school question

<p>The letter of transiency helps UA know that you are taking courses at another institution and helps the other institution know that UA is accepting the courses for transfer credit. </p>

<p>In your son’s case, the CC may not require a letter of transiency, but it’s a good idea to send one to them anyway. If he has to fax or mail them any forms, include it with those.</p>

<p>I’m not sure what it’s like in Tuscaloosa, but in our hometown, kids have not had good luck finding part-time work on company websites, or even driving around town looking for “now hiring” signs.</p>

<p>S found his by <em>cautiously</em> monitoring Craigslist. Look for postings that are obviously written for the individual store/shop. We didn’t bother with too-good-to-be-true ads and ads with links to corporate websites. </p>

<p>Please post the employment good news when you can. DS is inclined to work part-time once he establishes he can make the grade at UA.</p>

<p>Montegut–in the course of discussing a possible internship with Best Buy, my son was told that if he didn’t get the internship (he accepted an internship offer with another company yesterday) he should apply for summer work and they’d schedule him around summer school classes. Perhaps your son could apply there.</p>

<p>my other daughter, who goes to another school) got a job at texas roadhouse. they don’t have texas roadhouse in tuscaloosa, but they do have logan’s roadhouse. she has had a pretty good experience working there. maybe logan’s would be similar. one good thing about the roadhouse … on mondays thru thursdays they are only open for dinner, so not a lot of conflict with classes.</p>

<p>For those with at least 1 year of university, my S found the website to be a good one for searching through posted professional jobs locally. You can narrow your search by the key words in various combinations and spellings: “engineering intern” or “engineering internship” or “aerospace engineering” or “summer intern” or simply “internship” or “intern”. This should produce many results in whatever field you are looking at (not just eng’g) - if not jobs, at least a list of companies in the area you are searching. (I had no idea how many aerospace-related companies there actually were in our area! Hopefully you will be pleasantly surprised in the fields that you are researching, too.) Then, go to each company’s website and look for what opportunities they have. Often, each company will have its own career tab. Sure, our kids cannot be “Senior Managing Director” people right now, but each entry on this job board is a lead. It is good practice for kids to look for what is out there…and this is a good exercise for graduating high school-ers, too - just to look at what is out there. Once you go through all of the leads (and this is a lengthy, often tedious process), you can just update your search once a week after that, as lists its newly posted jobs first, and you can then only review (and chase) those “new” jobs. Once you find a job opening, most applications are done online. My S sent an email to each of the companies that had a much higher eng’g position open (i.e., not applicable to him), asking if they instead had any internship opportunities and/or summer work. It was eye-opening (for me) to see how much the hiring process has changed over the past 10 years…and for my S, it was eye-opening to experience how much work had to go into finding work! Jobs are out there. Our kids are bright and will get hired. As the saying goes: you will hit what you aim at. Good luck everyone.</p>

<p>Montegut, </p>

<p>Here is a job posted at UA looking for a enginnering major!
Student Office Assistant, Construction Administration</p>

<p>09000106 </p>

<p>04/22/2013 </p>


<p>Undergraduate Student Assistant </p>

<p>The Student Office Assistant is responsible for providing office and administrative support for the staff of the department of Construction Administration. Applicants must be proficient with Excel, Word, Powerpoint, and Adobe Acrobat; AutoCAD experience preferred; Engineering, Construction, Interior Design, or Operations Management majors are preferred.</p>

<p>Ditto on the suggestion for for internships. There are still new opportunities being posted every day.</p>

<p>We were looking into travel abroad for this summer since S is trying to complete IHP requirements, but he opted just to do the Alabama Action Abroad 10 day trip and not a longer one. So, then we started looking into internships, but he is just a freshman and we started looking late (mid-March).</p>

<p>I used Indeed and ran across an opportunity in his field (Civ-E) and sent him the instructions to apply. It unfortunately is not near our home, but is 25 miles from my parents home, so he can stay with his grandparents over the summer and get free lodging and food. The position only required one year of college be completed, but I still had my son note in his cover letter that he is a sophomore by credit hours.</p>

<p>They contacted him and he has a phone interview scheduled for next Monday. Over the last month he’s applied for about a half dozen opportunities that are near our home or near friends or relatives he would be able to stay with. If we expanded our search to areas where he’d need to provide his own lodging there are still MANY available opportunities.</p>

<p>So far he’s just heard back from that one, but some resumes were just sent out within the last couple weeks, so it is possible that he’ll still hear from others.</p>

<p>my daughter did not have much luck with indeed. found many to apply to, but did not hear back from any of them. only internship ops she got any attention from was ones where there was a personal contact within the company.</p>

<p>^^^Thank you, Omama. I did see that listing. Son is at a conference in Minnesota right now, but I am going to direct him to this listing as soon as he gets back. Looks like it would fit him well.</p>

<p>Son did attend a Job Fair at his conference and handed out his resume and made contacts. Hopefully, something will come of that. He made a good contact with a company who does not hire interns, but is interested in him to apply in the fall for a job after graduation! They were impressed with his grades and his resume, so hopefully, another company will have the same opinion and offer him an internship.</p>

<p>Even though the conference is on the other side of the country, he made it very clear that he was willing to go anywhere and do anything for the experience.</p>

<p>Thank you all so much for your help. We are trying to think positive here, and are happy that there may, in fact, be opportunities on campus if he does wind up at Bama for the summer.</p>

<p>As for the Logans restaurant, that is, in fact, why son was thinking of a Burger King type job, because where we live, tourism and food service are the main industries. He beat the pavement last summer and walked into every restaurant/fast food place, especially ones opening up a new branch, trying to get work, and unfortunately, not having food service experience was a disadvantage. So, he doesn’t mind flipping burgers if it could lead to a future job.</p>

<p>Malanai, congratulations on your son’s internship. That is fantastic! I’m assuming you’re talking about the Best Buy in Tuscaloosa. Son applied at our local Best Buy last summer, and they were interested in him, but he never got an offer, even though he followed up weekly. Perhaps he would have better luck at the Tuscaloosa Best Buy.</p>

<p>Thank you again for all your help and wishing all your kids the best of luck in finding something this summer.</p>



<p>Thank you. And yes, I’m referring to the Best Buy in Tuscaloosa.</p>


<p>Sent you a PM</p>

<p>My D received an email about this last week. Montegut, your son might be interested. Sorry if I sent this more than once! Trying to work off a smart phone on public school wifi…</p>

<p>Prayers for your son’s safe travel tomorrow. </p>

<p>The University of Alabama Institute for Social Science Research is accepting applications for positions starting in April, June, and late August of 2013.</p>

<p>…collect data over the phone in the evenings. …must be able to read text accurately from a computer screen in a manner that is clear and understandable while typing the collected information on a computer keyboard. Applicants must be able to understand and follow written and verbal instructions. Typing must be accurate but need not be particularly fast. Prior experience not necessary. The starting rate is $8.50 per hour.</p>

<p>Paid training over a two-week period which will include several weeknight training sessions and two weekend training sessions.</p>

<p>… only enrolled students are eligible.<br>
To be eligible for these positions, applicants must prove eligibility for employment by presenting adequate documentation, e.g., a driver’s license and social security card (not a copy), prior to beginning training.</p>

<p>Additional information about the position may be found on the application at <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; (case sensitive).</p>

<p>You may begin the application process by recording a mock interview. Instructions for the mock interview and for the next step of the application process will be found at <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; (case sensitive).</p>


<p>Any luck with summer plans? Some new jobs are posted at UA student section that may be of some interest.</p>

<p>Where are the jobs posted, S just got word he didn’t get the internship he was hoping for & everything else has fallen through. Time to make some new plans.</p>

<p>I checked back earlier in the thread and saw the two places. Not looking promising with trying to track something down during exam week before he heads home.</p>

<p>Wow, summer tuition rates are high. The six credits S got at UA in Oxford cost less. I thought it would be a great way to get ahead, but I guess not.</p>

<p>Between fresh and soph year, son took chemistry at a local private uni, which he needed as a prereq for soph year eng courses. It costs us about 6 or 7K. We thought we were saving money by him living at home. Not so. Rather than buy a new car, I worked part-time to carpool him to school like I did in HS. In our state, male teenage drivers’ insurance is a small fortune. Also, I had to feed him. Not cheaper, either. We probably would have done better to send him to Bama, put him in the dorms, and see if he could get a part-time job on campus, doing anything. Now, if you’re lucky enough to have a good CC or good public uni in the area for him to take a course at, and you already have a third car and inexpensive car insurance, you may do better keeping him at home. Of course, add in there, the fun of having him home all summer, and it’s either a win/win or a lose/lose. Talk over with your son what he wants to do. Of course, you can do like Seatide and send him to Vegas for summer courses. Since he’s probably under 21, you won’t have to worry about him gambling away his allowance.</p>

<p>local CC is definitely the way to go to pick up a few classes for not a lot of money.</p>

<p>OOS tuition is pricy. I would love for D to get the dreaded FI 302 out of the way by taking it online during the summer, but when it’s nearly $3000 for a single course (especially an online course), that’s hard to justify. When an OOS student does study abroad, the tuition component is paid at in-state rates, which would be why the Oxford credits cost less. A summer course at our local CC is about $350. Unfortunately, my D has exhausted the offerings there - there’s nothing else she needs that she can take there.</p>

<p>Thanks, The only classes he really needs are in his 2 majors & upper level, so he really needs to take them at Bama. He is done with Gen Ed requirements & Honors. Now to find some kind of a job, it is tough as local businesses do hire college students but they prefer local that they might be able to call back as needed.</p>