Summer school question

<p>Looks like we’ll be doing summer school again, as no internships once again have materialized. Son is looking at a class that is listed as being offered from the end of May to the end of July.</p>

<p>Anyone have any experience with this kind of summer session?</p>

<p>Is the workload less intense when the class is spread out over the whole summer, rather than the usual short sessions that are offered twice?</p>

<p>To offset OOS costs, son will be looking for a full time job, maybe at a local Burger King or something, but is worried that he will have too much homework during summer school to work more than 20 hours a week.</p>

<p>Thanks for any suggestions!</p>

<p>IME summer school classes were easier. they met everyday and had a test every friday. no time to get behind.</p>

<p>i don’t think your son will have any problem keeping up with the workload, even with a 20 hr. per week job.</p>

<p>what does he need to take?</p>

<p>Doesn’t need to take anything. Only got one year left. The alternative is spending the summer on the couch. These would be engineering or related classes, where he could lighten the load for the next two semesters, or take electives he’s interested in. Being a senior, he’s got all his gen ed out of the way except for what has to be taken at Bama, ie, Honors courses and engineering courses.</p>

<p>Other times he’s had summer class, it’s been in a six week session, where there was no time for a job because he was in class most of the day and the remaining time was spent on homework.</p>

<p>These classes are all summer long, meet only a couple of hours a day, but every day, so he wouldn’t be able to get a regular 9 to 5 internship, so that’s why he’s thinking a fast food/restaurant job, where he can work nights and weekends to make money. </p>

<p>He’s hoping that since the class is spread out over 10 weeks, rather than 5 weeks, the work load may be lighter than the usual summer course, and he’d have time to pick up a job near campus.</p>

<p>Sorry to hear that his summer internship prospects did not materialize.</p>

<p>Is there a possibility of looking for a paid summer research job with a professor? Research hours are flexible and the experience would be relevant to his field and a good addition to his resume. As a rising senior, he would be in a great position to work in someone’s research project. He will need to approach his professors to find out who needs help. The hourly pay is not as good as an internship but certainly higher than a minimum wage job.</p>

<p>This year has been particularly tough for internships and REU’s. A number of both have been affected by the sequester cuts. </p>

<p>But I agree with Sophocles, see if he can find laboratory/ research work.</p>

<p>Son is worried that it’s too late to even get a lab job at this point, but really is interested in whether he would be able to handle a summer class and work together. </p>

<p>He’s trying to take as many classes as possible before graduation to make himself more employable.</p>

<p>It has been very frustrating, the internship search.</p>

<p>Last year’s rejections came with the excuse of only hiring rising seniors, and now that he’s a rising senior, there’s nothing available.</p>

<p>We do know from last year that staying home is not an option for employability, or even volunteering. Local students are required to do volunteer work, so even those positions are filled early on.</p>

<p>He’s got better prospects staying at Bama, picking up a class and a part-time/full-time job, and getting a jump on graduation.</p>

<p>Again, I would love to hear feedback on summer long classes and the workload.</p>

<p>Thank you for any help.</p>

<p>What kind of engineering is your son studying, Montegut?</p>

<p>Mechanical engineering. Next year, one of the courses is a two semester sequence. Otherwise, he might even be able to graduate in the fall, not that that would help his job prospects any.</p>

<p>Just looking at job postings, seeing skills he lacks, he’s hoping to maybe pick up some courses in the fall and spring to fill those gaps, and they would be paid for under his scholarship during the school year. So, it may be worth his while to take one of the required fall and spring courses during the summer at Bama and pick up a job while there.</p>

<p>TO bad there is nothing at Mercedes. My H has a co worker whose son has done a few interships there.</p>

<p>That said I would have your son go to his advisor and see what is cooking department wise. My D has stayed on campus the last few years and while she is not a engineering major has found plenty of work. As a matter of fact she had too much her junior year.</p>

<p>I always look on the job board. And it seems to me a enterprising young person could make some money at the country and yacht club. Also sound fun to me. I mean how more years do you get to do a job outdoors…near a pool…with cocktails?</p>

<p>If they can’t get something going in their department.</p>

<p>What is this job board you are speaking of? </p>

<p>Since the summer class doesn’t start until end of May, he will have time to line up a summer gig if that’s the way he chooses to go.</p>

<p>On the good side, son is now 21, so maybe working as a barback would be an option for him.</p>

<p>Hoping he is able to land a campus research job, so keep your fingers crossed for him!</p>

<p>Montegut - sending you a PM</p>

<p>Montegut, besides seeing his adviser about opportunities, you may recommend that he stop at the Honors College to see if it may have some things working this summer.</p>

<p>Montegut there are 2 job boards for students at Bama. One is on the general employment page which you can access from the UA general web page. Then there is another job page in mybama. Under the student tab. </p>

<p>That page has 2 different catagories on campus/ Tuscaloosa area and the other are jobs across the USA. The Tuscaloosa jobs are frequently updated.</p>

<p>Hopes this helps!</p>

<p>^^^Thank you very much, omama! I’ll have him check those out.</p>

<p>Did your son apply for any internships at the companies in Cummings Research Park?</p>

<p>^^^Yep. For two years, in fact. No bites.</p>

<p>Do students need to get approval from UA to take summer classes at a CC prior to registering for the classes or is it just important to confirm that the courses will transfer (from the website) and then provide a transcript once the class is completed? (In other words, does UA need to know ahead of time or does S just need to provide a transcript after completing the course?)</p>

<p>Students can print a letter of transiency online through myBama which lists the courses they are taking at the other institution and how said courses will transfer to UA. The letter of transiency is the “approval” needed to take courses at other institutions.</p>

<p>Students will also need to provide UA with a transcript from the other institution after the courses are completed.</p>

<p>Thanks Seatide…but that’s for the benefit of the other school, correct? Does UA require the letter of transiency or is it the other school that requires it?</p>

<p>Also, if the CC doesn’t ask for the Letter of Transiency, should S print one out and mail it anyway? (Or only if it is requested?)</p>