<p>1) Are the courses in summer school, I guess in this case I mean chem 3b in particular, graded more harshly or leniently, or are they on par with regular school year courses ( which is what I guess)? </p>
<p>2) Also, in this particular case, I imagine that the summer courses for these types of courses are just more difficult, due to all the pre meds (such as myself) trying to get all these courses done, so that there is more of a fight against the curve. </p>
<p>3) How many courses at a time would be advisable, right now, I am planning on taking 3b, and 3bl (total of 5 units), has anyone had experience handling more? </p>
<p>4) How are gsi office hours during the summer, I tend to go to office hours quite a bit, mostly to ask a few questions, but otherwise to see what other students are asking etc? Once again, I imagine that the number of gsi's are around half of that as they have during regular semester.</p>
<p>5)And this something I recall hearing, but can't remember for sure, but do medical schools look upon summer courses, particularly difficult ones such as ochem, differently, or is that just summer courses at cc or a different univ (e.g. ucsd, which is where I might have been taking it otherwise).</p>