Summer Science Institute

<p>U of W-M's Center for Biology Education apparently has a 6-week program that is free of cost (room, board, materials)
However, I am kind of hesitant on applying because going through old CC threads, I've never heard this program come up.
Anybody have info on this? Application for it is due pretty soon. Thanks!</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>oh… and this is a high school opportunity; I know its a bit confusing on the top right corner.</p>

<p>this sounds good, thanks for posting</p>

<p>wait, no, its for minorities only</p>

<p>Did anyone apply to this this year??? I did, but I’m unsure if I should make a new thread since this is the only mention on CC there is of this program… it doesn’t seem that popular… I wonder if this is only for in-state kids… well we shall see…</p>