SUNY Binghamton Class of 2022

@whozitnow thank you. We are so nervous that we haven’t heard yet. Your words make us feel a little better.

@WilliamNYC Yeah sadly it’s mostly just about scores. I wish there was a more holistic approach. Did your daughter end up attending Stony Brook? I am applying to ten schools. My top schools are Binghamton, Stony Brook, and University at Buffalo. So far I"ve got into UB. I’ve also gotten into Hofstra and Adelphi, which I just applied to since it was free at my school. I also applied to Plattsburgh, Geneseo, Fordham, Oswego, and Hartford. Binghamton is my dream school, so I really hope I get in even though I don’t think I will.

@hmniF2000 Your ECs are really good. Although our chances aren’t great, we really won’t know until we receive an email. Even though the waiting would kill me, I wouldn’t even mind being referred to RD as long as I get accepted honestly. Hopefully we both somehow get in. What other schools are you applying to?

@WilliamNYC When did you hear/ how did you hear from Hofstra. I also applied and was just wondering. I got into Adelphi also tho.

@jojo230 My school does on-site admissions for local universities. There are certain requirements for the GPA, ACT, and SAT and if you meet them you qualify for the on-site. On a certain day everyone who applied gets interviewed by a representative during school and they read your essay and ECs and such, and tell you how much of a scholarship you get. I ended up getting 24K.

@jen1717. No D didn’t elect to go to SB. She found it a bit too big, sprawling campus, focus on grad students. SB is also known to be a commuter university with plenty of students not living on campus. She went to a small LAC instead. Congrats with your acceptance at Buffalo. Definitely a good school.
@jojo230 we didn’t apply to Hofsta.

Oh sorry @WilliamNYC I meant @jen1717

92.843 weighted gpa and 1410 sat what do u think my chances are to get into Harper

Assuming you went to a decent HS and took challenging courses, I think you will get into Hapur with those stats. My son got in with a lower GPA but slightly higher SAT from a top rated HS in NYC.

does anyone know when the next round comes in … also any info on honors admission (college) do they have one and when is it decided…

From looking at the acceptances so far, I have a strong feeling I’m going to get deferred from SOM with my 1410 SAT, 31 ACT, and 98 unweighted GPA. My scores and grades are good for Harpur but mediocre for the SOM applicant pool. I guess time will be my only solution (though I imagine a deferral in January.) Also, I feel like Bing is accepting lower stats from OS people, but that’s all colleges I assume.

My S applied to Watson and has similar stats than you @stechin . I am also mentally getting ready for a deferral. With regards to accepting lower stats from OoS people: It is just that Bing attracts a ton of very good students from within NY. That makes sense considering the in-state tuition…OoS highly qualified students have plenty of other very good public schools they can apply to. At the national level, Bing has some serious competition.

@camny515 About the rejections when did you friends apply and what were there stats like if you dont mind me asking? im asking because i am pretty sure im gonna get deferred to RD if not rejected. Were your friends not qualified?


.My son got into the SOM last Thursday. We are in state. His ACT was 32 and his weighted gpa was 94.8. You have a very strong chance. It is not like my son had a 34 ACT. It was only 1 pt higher than your ACT and his gpa was lower so you never know. Even if you are deferred, I think you will get in for the RD round.

@euve69 When did your son apply? I speculate that my application might be at the bottom of the pile considering that I submitted it at 5:45 in the morning on Halloween. Also, I hear that people in the past have been accepted on the condition that they go to Harpur (when they initially applied to SOM.) I wonder if they’d do that this year since my stats seem more tailored for a EA Harpur applicant. Though, I’d hate to say that I’d decline if they asked me to go to Harpur because it’s extremely difficult to transfer out of Harpur. The only major I’d be interested in at Harpur is probably Actuary Science (which I was going to apply to initially before changing my mind)

@WilliamNYC Do you think Bing is the most popular SUNY for OOS people? I’m curious, though I know it has more to do with the popularity of Bing among instaters. Bing is the most difficult SUNY to get into, so I think it’s like a top school for people who know they aren’t leaving New York, but still want to dorm and have the college experience. I’m shooting for Bing because I previously thought it was within range, liked their “Public Ivy” reputation, and believe they would provide great opportunites for internships and jobs. I knew I wasn’t Ivy League bound either like some of the people on this forum, too :)). I find it funny because most people in my life assumed I would shoot for the Ivies (maybe because I have the Asian stereotype going for me, lol).

My son sent in his app on 10/5 and his transcripts and recs were received on 10/12. Do not worry, if you put down a business major, like accounting or marketing, they will consider you only for the SOM. That is my understanding.

Do we know if any decisions are being sent tonight?

no we don’t know @brrr24 . We guess that more will get sent today after 7PM. If not today, then tomorrow, etc., etc.

I’m from NJ with a 1390 SAT, 4.3 GPA (freshman and sophomore year) and 3.7 weighted GPA junior year. I struggled junior year as I transferred schools but have done well on all my Ap Exams and have taken nothing but honors and ap courses throughout highschool. I applied to the school of management and have a strong resume and a good recommendation. But I am nervous I am going to get rejected. Did anyone hear back from a business major in the school of management yet? Also congrats to all that have gotten in!