SUNY Binghamton Class of 2022


Yes, that is possible for a simple reason. I believe that once the EA apps are thrown into the RD pool, they are basically treated the same. So now you have all of the applications in one giant pool. I do not think they say hey, Bill sent this in EA so lets get to him first. I believe that it goes into one giant RD pool.

i think it also matters on what your major is. for any school…so RD or deffered EA will depend on what you applied for. the comp sci or science majors a little wait time unless you get in the first round so to say… good luck all

I was able to communicate with one admissions representative at a college forum they held for international students online. She told me that I had stellar credentials and that a decision has been made on my application. She also said that I would hopefully get my decision before the end of the month. I applied EA.

@itwasawedding I hope they start releasing the decisions by the end of the month, although that would be surprising because that would be even earlier than when they released them last year (beginning of December.) Since I have similar stats to you, I hope that means I’ve got “stellar credentials” as well.

@stechin Hopefully we’ll both get in!

DD just got notification of acceptance via email!

@1S1Dforcollege - Congratulations to your daughter!

To which school (Harpur, SOM, etc.?) has she been accepted? What nation/state/county is she from? (Just looking for any pattern as to which groups of top applicants might have heard already.) Thank you.

She got into Harpur, we are from PA.

You got your EA acceptance already @1S1Dforcollege? Do you mind posting SAT/ACT stats?

Yes an email popped up from Bing around 7 this evening. It said it updated her application status and she thought it was telling her her app was complete (even thought she sent it weeks ago), then a letter with confetti and streamers flashing showed up congratulating her. She got a 1480 SAT and had a 4.41 wGPA.

Nice! Congrats! Thanks also for sharing her stats. A bit higher than our son so maybe he’s a bit back in the queue. It’s nice to know though that decisions are being sent already!

Thats awesome @1S1Dforcollege ! Congrats to your daughter!

@1S1Dforcollege Congrats! She has a really good SAT score and a high GPA so I can understand why they’d accept her so quickly. It’s nice to know that Bing is releasing their decisions so early (even earlier than last year, which was in December!) I wonder if they’ll send out the acceptances by starting with the top students (basically anyone with high SAT/ACT scores) again. Most likely, I guess, given by your daughter’s stats.

It’s probable that those very early releases are only for applications with very high scores academically. There’s simply less competing files to go through and decisions can be made faster. As the admission officers reach the middle section of the bell curve there’s a lot more considerations and comparing involved…

Is anyone applying for Watson?

Yes @Textbook123, my son applied EA to Watson. No news yet.

was it to Bing?
those were good stats @1S1Dforcollege …congratulations… may we know what major?

She is hoping to be a bio major, pursuing pre-med. Also hoping for Scholars invite.

Do you guys know of anyone else who got accepted

@Textbook123 unless you have stellar credentials I don’t think you will know quickly… We are hoping to get news at around mid December. And wouldn’t be shocked if we get a deferral to RD… That is alright. No biggie. :slight_smile: