Super Homesick/Freaking Out

<p>Thanks everyone. I realize that life isn’t happy and easy all the time and that to a point I just have to deal. I’ll try my best to keep a good attitude and put myself out there. So is it okay that I am one of the only freshman in my bio class? Will not having college lab experience make me lost compared to the other kids or make them not want to work with me? And seriously, thank you so much everybody for the support.</p>

<p>Take a few deep breathes and know that everything will fall into place with time. It sounds like you’re doing all the right things, but like most people just beginning college, feel homesick and anxious. You will find your place and it doesn’t have to happen immediately. Give yourself time to adjust to this huge life change. I know everyone says it will take time and you want to instantly feel OK…but you gotta go through it to get to the other side. Try and do things you enjoy - go to the gym, for long walks, do things that help you feel calm and in control to help yourself during the stressful times.</p>