<p>I totally understand your post as I was there – “Been there done that for child - number one” and guess what…“I am there doing that for child number two”.</p>
<p>Guys-with all due respect to the snide comments about a “b-” being awful – it is an awful grade if you were expected to be an IVY leaquer (we can debate the merits of going to such a school - but there’s no debate-- a B- is an awful grade if this is your goal)…and the universe falling…when you got an A student who worked their butt off and was aiming that high …and then gears shift --as a parent - you just cannot understand it…it’s so frustrating b/c they will throw all away b/c they are a teenage who is immature and perhaps even depressed…
s…it’s a very bad case of senioritus – best case, and worst case, this is a kid crying out for help – sayiing— whoopisies-- maybe I’ve had enough, I’m depressed, I’m burnt out and I think I cannot handle that level any more.</p>
<p>I get the OP’s post–having lived it, and I can tell you I made a terrible mistake as a mom with child # 1-- wishing this child did consider a less intense school and wish I had read those signs and made the suggestion to shift gears - but I goofed and nagged and nagged and told my kid to snap out of it…blah blah blah- worst thing I could have done. I didn’t see the writing on the wall. Child # 1 - now a junior, – is an engineering major at a top 10 school…was accepted to multiple ivies and top engineering programs even with the snaggy senior grades (no idea how)… the second quarter was when we saw the signs - B B B and C!! Child still got in everywhere – the rest of stats were so damm impressive they ignored the second quarter senior year-- all except Princeton (columbia, cornell and Penn acceptances). BUT hold your breadth…sit down-- wait, wait for it…ready…by third quarter C D D and F!!! YEp you heard that right…finished the year with C C B B- and five AP scores: 4 4 4 3 3 (two AP Physics exams)… previous three years-- straight As and all 5s. Dropped off the EC radar by end of first quarter as well…lived on FB for hours and that was the senior year…(gee here I am on CC).</p>
<p>IT REALLY MATTERED - b/c by the time child got to college, no longer the stellar student any longer-- wasn’t ready to work – didn’t work on APs and never transitioned properly! Thankfully, child has a full merit ride (between internal and external scholarships) and screw ups are not on my dime! Never did grow up. There’s not a prayer for grad school- kid is a B- student at a major school-- but boo haa. I take the blame…should have stopped the train years ago…</p>
<p>SO __ READ THE WRITING ON THE WALLL - and suggest your D consider a GAP year and/or consider other types of schools- one notch down. Might I suggest U Maryland, Penn State, Michigan, CMU, Case Western , RPI - all fine engineering schools.</p>
<p>Living the nightmare with child # 2 - First quarter – 4 As 1 B…second quarter mid quarter grades just out CCC F,A-…We told child # 2-- it’s time to consider RIT, WPI, Northeaster…b/c Caltech, MIT and Stanford ain’t going to take you with those grades (applied to those three and cornell supposedly the safety)! – and perhaps you really ought not to be wanted to head off to stress land next year.
Child also lives on FB and never does any homework – takes exams and aces those…but refuses to do any assignments b/c these are a “waste of my time”…</p>
<p>READ THE SIGNS-- your child has the intelligence for those schools, but lacks the maturity, integrity and discipline to be there-- and she needs a nudge in that direction…away from those schools-- or read my post-- see if she sees herself…</p>