Switching colleges/majors

<p>My son applied and was accepted into the business school. He originally planned to get a business degree with a sports admin minor. Now that he is looking more closely at the classes available for registration, he is thinking he would like to switch to a Sports Administration major (College of Education) with a business minor. Would this be a difficult change? And how do we go about the process of officially changing it with the school before he enrolls in classes?</p>

<p>This is basically a re-post of my response to a similar question last week, and no you are not bound to the school you were admitted to. My D and I visited U of M over April break and during the information session they said specifically that they admit who they deem to be the strongest candidates regardless of area of interest (with the exception they try to keep f to m ratio close to 50/50)… They also noted about 70% of students change majors, anyway, so they strongly encourage the student body to take classes throughout the various schools at UM. Therefore, you can change to a different school than the one you were admitted, if you change majors. I’m not sure however, if that applies to an area of specialty such as art where submission or a portfolio is required for admission or say music, where a rehearsal was required. But for most general majors you are not bound to the school you were admitted and to paraphrase, if one year there happens to be a disproportionately smaller amount of applicants in the business school as opposed to other years, so be it. </p>

<p>My DS had applied to College of Engineering. When acceptance came, it said acceptance to Arts and Sciences. We called and it was not a problem to switch to Engineering. I also remember them stating they accept the strongest students, regardless of major.</p>