Switching from chemical engineering to nursing, will the classes be easier?

I just started taking the “real engineering classes” , classes like material energy balances and physical chem (physics of chemical reactions) and I just don t think I have the chops for it. I have no social life and the work is too cumbersome … chem 1-2, physics1-2, calc1-3 , d.q, we’re much easier .

I like the idea of being a nurse since I like health/bio/nutrition science and the idea of helping people, as well as the work week (since it gives me free time to write, which is a passion). However, as a transfer sophomore at Uf I m not sure if I’m allowed or will have to go somewhere else and reapply to Uf later. I really need to figure this out since I switched previously from accounting (too boring/not a passion)… So I m already 22 and can’t do this again…advice (I already feel bad for switching once)?

Nursing concentrates on a different set of sciences - anatomy, bio, microbiology, etc. Some of those are also typically a prerequisite for applying to a nursing program that starts in the junior year. There is no calc and typically only one or two semesters of chemistry.

Start with a talk with an advisor in your university’s career services office, and find out how difficult it is to enter your university’s nursing program. In any case, I’d apply to other colleges to keep your options open. There is at least one program (Thomas Jefferson University in Phila.) that is entirely comprised of 3rd year transfers from other colleges.

You also have the option of finishing some type of bachelors degree at your current college (such as biology while taking as many courses towards a BSN degree as possible) and then doing a Bachelors to RN degree program. However, that would add more time and money.

A third option is transfer to a community college nursing program. They typically provide an associates degree, and they authorize you to take the RN exam. There is often a waiting list for entry, and they are competitive for entry.

The short answer to the question in your title is no. The classes will be different ( @Charliesch explained the science course differences already), but not easier, at least not once you get to the nursing classes themselves. You must be trained to think like a nurse and answer NCLEX-style questions (best answer instead of right answer). Why? Because when faced with a pneumonia patient on the floor and a patient who might be having an allergic reaction, you can only go to one first, and you have to be trained to make the best decisions right now. Students often use the expression “like drinking from a firehose” to describe the volume of information coming at them.

You mentioned about " no social life". I’m not sure nursing will change that for you . Once you hit junior year of most nursing programs, clinicals start which require a lot of time and preparation on top of still having other classes that require constant studying . My junior d has enjoyed being a part of several clubs the last two years and has already had to cut back this semester due to having back to back exams that seem to occur every other week in addition to all the clinical hours she now has ( which will only increase over the next year). She is very disciplined with her academics but says she is studying constantly . Her older d who graduated with BSN in May ( from a different college) had same experience jr and sr yr. I know engineering is a very tough degree but not sure switching to nursing will offer you any more free time and most students do not describe it as being easy .

If a nursing student wants to have a social life, they should consider attending a college where their general education classes will not be extremely demanding. Nursing is a very challenging and time consuming major at any college. If you attend a highly competitive university, your courses other than nursing and science will also be demanding. It is better to have math, social science and english classes that are not extremely difficult, so you have time to concentrate on your clinicals and nursing requirements.

Look for the quality of the nursing program, not the prestige of the name of the college.