Switching schools once admitted?

I’m interested in applying to McDonough but I don’t think I can get a great recommendation from a math or social science teacher (too late for jr year teachers, don’t know my senior year ones too well). I was planning to apply to the College instead using the teacher LOR I already have. If I’m admitted, would it be possible to change schools from the College to McDonough before freshman year? Would this be before/after committing? I’ve heard that it’s possible if you notify them and write the school-specific supplemental essay.

This might be the one part of your post that I am competent to comment on.

Have you asked your teachers from junior year? Is there a particular teacher from junior year that you got along with well?

My expectation is that your teachers from last year will still remember you quite well.

Had a long-term sub last year in history so wouldn’t work, my math teacher liked me plenty but she’s already full in terms of LOR requests.

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Why is it too late to ask your junior year teachers for references. Is this some rule at your school?

You mention history and math. What about science, English, or any other core courses you took?

Why do you think you could get into one but not the other ?

Apply to the school you want to be in. If you lack LORs/teacher reports, it’s not going to matter.

If you want to study business, then make sure you apply to b schools, not Arts & Sciences.

McDonough is fine but so are many others if it doesn’t work out.

As for transferring b4 enrolling, call (don’t write) and ask your question.

But if they admit by major or college, it’s unlikely until after freshman year when the internal process to transfer is available.

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McDonough applicants are required to submit a LOR from a math teacher.

Perhaps the OP means it is too late to create the kind of relationship with the junior year math teacher to get a strong LOR, not necessarily that it’s too late to ask.

To answer the original question, you need to complete two semesters in the college to which you were admitted before applying:


And OP can call or write the admissions counselor and explain and seek guidance.

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Aside from your recommendation letters, do you think your application is stronger for Georgetown College than for McDonough?

The acceptance rate for the College is at or below that for McDonough, so applying to the College won’t be significantly easier in general. If you are otherwise applying to business programs and have interests, awards, and extracurriculars that support business, how difficult will it be to re-work them to present a top notch non-business application?

Similarly, can you write a better essay to answer the Georgetown College prompt or the McDonough prompt?

If you present a much more compelling case for being a business student, then consider approaching a math teacher with a strong, written case for your interest and performance in math: topics you have enjoyed, class discussions that were especially interesting, and any other ways that you could convey yourself as a math student that could help them with a LOR.

Not all applications hinge on an amazing LOR. Carefully weigh whether you would have a robust business app with a lukewarm LOR vs a less stellar arts & sciences app and a stronger LOR.

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Yes, and OP said their junior year math teacher caps the number of LoRs she writes each year and had reached that cap by the time OP asked. Queue Mwfan screaming.

Seriously tho, OP, you might communicate to the math teacher that McDonough requires a math teacher LoR (if you haven’t already). Have a brag sheet ready to give her. You might also get your HS counselor involved.

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Ah, I did miss that. (Screaming because I missed the comment or screaming because the teacher caps LOR?)

I still think appealing to the teacher(s) with your requests should be a first step.

Oh my gosh no! Screaming at the teacher and the admin that let things like this happen!

And…Georgetown isn’t innocent in this either, they know some schools/teachers cap LoRs. They are about the most inflexible school around.

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