Switching to ED2 after EA deferral

But don’t you think - ED, regardless of the reasons, gets her in if they would indeed accept her ED?

In other words, by EDing, you are committing and throwing aside any red flags.

And they are pushing this (back to my point on strong arming), because all the kids who are deferred will likely get an email - but you can still apply ED2 as well!!

My counter to your thought, right or wrong, would be ED is ED - how, when, and why you got to that point would not be relevant.

The school just sees a guaranteed butt in chair.

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Yes, I think that. But this person is asking, as per the title, about switching to ED2 after EA deferral. I think that might not sit well with some AO’s. But maybe it’s fine. I just see no reason not to switch the app to ED2 NOW. What’s the point of waiting if it’s top choice? Or, is it really not the top choice, and that’s why the OP won’t commit to ED2. Maybe they actually want to see if better options come along. Hence, why I believe it’s possible this approach could backfire.

ED2 now, not after a confirmed EA deferral. Right now, the strategy is to gamble a bit. Gamblers can win or lose.

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I agree OP can’t count on EA deferral, but that outcome is quite possible. EA deferral to ED2 is a game that the schools play (at the schools that offer these rounds like Chicago, Tulane, Villanova), so I don’t see the AOs thinking any of this as problematic…the students who are deferred EA receive emails saying they can switch to the ED2 round if they want (the tone of the emails are sell-mode).

Tulane in particular accepts a number of students this way (no data to share), with RD round chances abysmally low, with just 106 students accepted RD last year. That’s the other part that’s been unstated here…RD acceptance rates at schools with ED1/2 plus EA rounds are low, with primarily students who meet institutional priorities receiving acceptances.


This is 3rd party - so can’t guarantee the data but its other stats are current (23% acceptance).

It says in 2020 it had 1054 ED apps and accepted 58%. Even if it’s 1300 today and they accepted 700, they are targeting a 1700 person class per the Nova website.

So they’re still offering a ton of EA students - and they have to - because their yield is 29% - and that includes the ED so really it’s much lower - so if they need another 1000 kids post ED, they’re going to have to admit 4500 or 5000 (post ED) to get them.

Nova is not Penn - they’re not going to draw the same percentage of kids applying ED.

Frankly - and it’s all perception - and I know Nova is a fine school - but I don’t personally see it as “that much ahead” of Butler. That she loves Butler and you got $$ - which seems important to you (OP) - reason enough not to go ED. Harder to get into - but if you walked up to 100 people and mentioned both schools, even employers, i’m not sure the difference in perception for 90 percent of them would be much.

Nova may say - let’s defer her - because she may have ED’d somewhere else and we don’t want to be second fiddle. If she withdraws, it helps out their yield.

But they still need to admit a ton and it sounds like you are TO - but her GPA at least puts her in a good position - and assuming her rank is top 10% - that bodes well as well. even if deferred.

Miami plays the “defer” game - as do many a private college.

Best of luck.

Villanova University Early Decision & Early Action Acceptance Rate - collegegazette.com

I would certainly defer to your informed professional experience but a separate question.

If Villanova is OPs first choice how should they proceed to best ensure the desired outcome?

I agree with you to maximize chances of acceptance ED2 now would be the way to go, if the NPC looks affordable. But, i do understand the desire to see offers, but that strategy could result in sub-optimal outcomes. It’s difficult to handicap for sure.


Attended an info session at a T30 school this fall during which the AO said that ED2 pool is not as strong as ED1 and that, in part, accounted for the lower acceptance rate compared to ED1. He said that ED2 has kids who overshot in ED1 and do the same in ED2. I was kind of shocked at his honesty.

If your daughter is “in the middle” of Nova’s range don’t expect an EA admit. I confidently bet it will be a deferral especially if you are from a state that Nova draws heavily from (PA, NJ, NY etc). Now, I also believe that switching from EA to ED2 or going straight to ED2 will produce the same result. I don’t believe Nova cares about your thought process. About the other schools, it has become incredibly difficult to get merit at Wake or Richmond. I strongly believe she ll be full pay there.


We live in Illinois and so many people go to Bama for their generous merit and love it! Regarding College of Charleston, I was just reading a book that referenced it and what a good experience students get. There are so many good schools, I wish I could erase US News ranking and prestige all together. I am glad that your kids are doing so well.

I didn’t realize deferred EA kids get an email suggesting they move to ED2, is that a common practice?

Here’s an article from the Wall Street Journal written in 2019 about this exact practice. New Front in College Admissions: Nudging Students to Decide Early - WSJ

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Nova’s ED2 deadline is Jan 15, EA acceptances come by Jan 20th, and their website specifically says that EA deferrals have until Jan 30th to change. So the fact that they explicitly say that, and extend the deadline for those students tells me that they defer a fair amount of EAs now that I think about it.


Interesting …

Thanks, I wasn’t aware of this.

Does this email practice happen at all colleges?

Not all schools have EA and ED2, but for those that have both, it does seem to happen a lot, from what I am reading / hearing.

Even if the deadlines don’t match up for deferral from EA, schools may do this. For example my son applied to Northeastern EA (official notification date Feb 1), and I fully expect him to get emails from them in December encouraging him to switch to EDII (application deadline Jan 1). That is just my guess, from how much they have been pushing ED in emails, though.

Will your son switch if he get that email and doesn’t get into an ED1 school?

My son isn’t interested in any ED options at all. He is keeping his options open for either a good merit package from a private or OOS public, or admission to one of his preferred UCs.

Good luck to him, with an open mindset to multiple options he should have lots of choices!

The only thing I’ll say about prestige and I personally am a prestige snob…just not my kids. But I’m also a value shopper and prestige isn’t always cheap.

Il just say - kids are there day after day for four years. So they need to be happy. And prestige brings happiness until you live the life - then it’s meaningless. And again who says one is more prestigious than the other ? So there’s a lot of marketing in there !!

Sounds like yours can be happy at both Butler and Nova - or at least that’s the presumption up front. But others apply to certain names for that reason alone and that’s a shame because rather than finding the right school, they went to the wrong but prestigious school and are back on the board looking to trade in their Ivy for a state flagship.

And no matter where she goes - Butler or Nova - she’ll meet amazingly smart kids that will blow her away with their intellect.

Looking forward to seeing how your journey ends.