<p>Hey, So I did really bad this last spring quarter. My GPA dropped exceptionally and I received my first D+. However, I feel it was because of stress related issues and I think I have test anxiety. It's also probably because I was taking major related courses and I really wasn't interested and somehow kept telling myself I needed to be a doctor to help people. So, I changed my major/area of study as well, especially I get A's/B's (mostly A's, 1 B) in all other courses. If I get myself tested for stress-related issues, can I somehow tell the UCs/my school/counselors? I mean, I'd obviously be showing them I'm improving as well.</p>
<p>However, I am doing really good in my summer courses <em>knock on wood</em> (I'm taking 3, 13 quarter units). And am hopefully getting straight A's <em>knock on wood</em>. I'm planning to retake the D class in the fall. So, does this affect my TAG agreement at all? Because I know that you sign it in August when classes don't start until September .. </p>
<p>Also, if you retake a D class at another community college in the same community college district because that class isn't offered during the fall quarter at the CC you originally took it at does it still replace the D? [This question isn't for me FYI] The person asking this would like to hide it from the UCs she's applying to.</p>
<p>i dont think you can retake the class and replace ur D, u can only replace an F? correct me if i wrong</p>
<p>You can retake any unsatisfactory grade. which means you can retake any class in which you received below a C, and the unsatisfactory grade will be replaced by the new one.</p>
<p>however, any grades of C or above cannot be replaced.</p>
<p>^Unless your school has Full-semester academic renewal where all classes taken during the semester (and not just unsatisfactory) are clensed. But then technically you’re not re-taking it, it’s just disappearing.</p>
<p>I talked to a counselor and she said that I would have to retake it and the new grade would replace the D, however, the question is, I’m not retaking it until the fall, so will the person I’m signing my TAG with have an objection because of it?</p>
<p>yes that will be a problem, you need all passing grades before you apply to TAG, hope that answers your question (:</p>
<p>I disagree with the last post! You can have a grade of “D” as long as your GPA meets the standards of the school for which you are applying. Which is most likely a 3.0 GPA. So, if your GPA is above a 3.0 with a grade of D then you’re in good shape. Now, if that was a Pre-req, or a math or English class then you will need to make certain you get the pre-req done by the end of Spring 2011. Or if it was an English or math class then you need to replace that D grade by the end of this Fall. Hope that helped. Also, your GPA when you will apply for the TAG will be what you have now. But, the admissions office at the school you’re applying will see your new GPA after you finish with the Fall semester.</p>