Take APs Senior Year?

<p>They used to subsidize the cost of the exams, but they stopped the year I started taking APs. Collegeboard also stopped the 2 AP exams for the price of one thing this year, just when I started taking semester AP exams. I think it's a conspiracy, personally.</p>

<p>sigh....i dont get it why AP tests have such amazing costs...
only because you can get college credits?</p>

<p>The grading is very intensive, as is the creation of the tests. People call CB an evil money-sucking organization but it really is non-profit so everything is as cheap as possible.</p>

<p>OH? is that so? then you think ETS/CB gained no profit from the stupid late fees, stand-by fees, the getting-score-by-phone fees, and the blah blah blah fees, each of which is never less than $10?</p>

<p>Our insurance company is "not for profit" as well. That means it gets favored tax status, but they're still making record profits! CB makes plenty of money as well, tho it does perform a service.</p>