<p>Should I take APs senior year? Currently, I have a 5 on Calc BC, Chemistry, Physics C (both parts), and US History. I have already gotten into MIT and Duke, and will be going to either those two, or Harvard or Princeton or Stanford, depending on whether I get into the last three (deferred from Harvard EA though).</p>
<p>I was wondering which APs to take. I can take (meaning I have taken the classes for):</p>
<p>AP Bio
AP Comp Sci A
AP Stats
AP US Gov.
AP Microecon (actually the class is macroecon but I heard micro is easy to self study given macro)
AP Macroecon
AP Spanish Language
AP English Lit
AP English Lang</p>
<p>I'm not at all an English person, and probably won't get a 5 if I take any English ones, but we get out of our final if we take it lol. I might not take English though. How many do most seniors take, and which ones should I take? Should I take any?</p>
<p>The number of AP's varies from school to school, so the number taken will vary as well. Did you really take 8 AP's this year? I have nowhere near that much discipline.</p>
<p>As far as taking the tests go, your scores will have no bearing on admissions (obviously). Chances are that HPSM and Duke don't accept AP credit - but you will want to check on that. Personally, if no credit is offered, I would only take the English one to get out of the final. Otherwise, it seems like a waste of $85.</p>
<p>MIT and Duke take them for sure. I took 6 AP classes, but Government and Macroecon are each only one semester, and Microecon is similar to Macro, and then the two English's are apparently similar enough that they can teach them together in my school. Thus, I have 9.</p>
<p>If you have to pay for them, I wouldn't take all those tests. I doubt that you'll actually need credit in the more sciency of those subjects. With the crazy credentials I know you have, I'm sure you'll have no problem skipping past the basic required courses into more adanced ones. Unless you just really don't want to have to take any more classes in one of those subjects, I don't think it will really make much of a difference in the long run.</p>
<p>currently you're a junior, since you're talkin bout classes for your senior year, but you've already been 'accepted' to MIT and Duke? i am confused.</p>
<p>take AP Stats, AP US Govt, and the two econs</p>
<p>What's the point of taking an AP class if you're not going to take the corresponding test? If I were you, I'd take all the tests. So what if you don't get a 5? Atleast you tried.</p>
<p>really? i said that because i heard a lot of schools have some sort of aids for students who take AP tests. i dont know, i have to pay 166 this year and probably around $400 next year...<em>_</em> our school sucks at attention paid to sutdents</p>
<p>Why not sign up for tests for all of the APs you're taking? If you get ANY credit, it will be cheaper than any college credits & will give you more options in deciding how you want to handle things -- whether to use your APs to get out of any general requirements, to skip ahead in courses, or not bother with them. Congrats on your great acceptances, by the way.</p>
<p>well...AP tests dont actually save money but save time for you, so that you can take more advanceed classes in college.
but in my school, i can go to some community college to take a first year college course for free and get a A+. many colleges, probably except for very competitive ones, do accept such credits.</p>