<p>I am taking a college class this semester (Number Theory) and it has a course number in the 400s. I was wondering if I should get credit at my school for this through something called "Advanced Studies." It doens't help my rank if I do it through Adv. Stud. but it will show up on my HS transcript as a 9th class I took and will say, "H. Adv. Stud." The problem is, I have to pay $135 to do this, so is it worth it just to have 1 extra class on your transcript and that colleges will see "OOO he took 9 classes Junior year." If I shouldn't do this, is there some way I can tell colleges I took college classes during HS (like some spot on the app. for it?).</p>
<p>Also, a somewhat unrelated question...
but my HS has a very strong math program and we have MV calc and diff eq offered. I have taken both of these, and these are through a college (we get instate college credit for them too since my teacher is a teacher at the university), but they are still held at school. I've seen a lot of kids put "MV calc" and "diff eq" on their resumes for college classes taken, but I am afraid that since I took these at school, they will be overlooked by adcoms since it won't explicitly say that I took them.</p>
<p>For the first question, I don't think that it's worth the money to put the course on your HS transcript. First, many applications ask you to list out what classes you took each year and they specifically ask you to denote which classes were college courses. Secondly, since you are a junior, you'll complete the college class long before you apply to colleges, so you can send in a college transcript to whereever you are applying (probably a lot cheaper than the $135). If you indicate on your application that you took classes at a local college, the university will most probably ask you to send in a college transcript. (based on my experience). You definately need to include the fact that you took this course somewhere in your application, but I dont think that it needs to be on your high school transcript.</p>
<p>As for the second question, I don't see any reasons that adcoms would overlook them. First of all, don't they appear on your high school transcript? Even if they don't, if you got college credit for them, you could send in a college transcript that has those courses on it.</p>
<p>Alright thanks tanman. Yeah, the HS transcript won't even say what class I took. Other students are taking 100 level classes that are easy and study movies (one class watched like 6 movies during the semester) and they say "Adv. Studies" on their transcript too, so I think I will hold off and just take it at college w/o HS credit.
Any other opinions...?</p>
<p>Hey, I took a number theory class at college, too! (sorry for the complete irrelevance.) Tanman's advice sounds good to me, especially since advanced studies applies to freebie classes.</p>
<p>I didn't read the other responses, so someone may have said this...</p>
<p>If you put the class on your HS transcrip most colleges won't let you transfer it as college credit, as they say it was used to "fulfil high school graduation requirements"
Also, don't you find it rediculous you have to PAY for them to recognize it? I'd like to hear their justification for that.
Anyway, my recomendation is- don't get HS credit.</p>
<p>I'm taking a dual credit English 12 this year and I love it. We spent all of first semester writing for the comp credit and this semester we get to do mostly the same as reg Eng. 12 but more -Hamlet and Macbeth not just Hamlet, more writing our papers are longer our research paper is 12 pgs min. reg is 8. I like that next fall I won't have to start with as many classes and that because I don't expect much financial aid I already have one class done and paid for. However if you expect a full ride (or close to it) don't waste the money, if a school wants you ,they will want you whether you take this one class or not.</p>