Taking summer courses at Community College

<p>My daughter is thinking about taking a summer course this summer at our local community college (PSY 101) and then transferring the credit to UA. She is a freshman at UA this year. She has the Presidential Scholarship. I just want to be sure this doesn’t interfere with her scholarship at UA and that she will be able to transfer the credit. I’m sure someone here knows the answer.</p>

<p>It won’t affect her Presidential. You can check the online transfer course equivalency tables to make sure the course transfers (or call if your course/institution isn’t shown). <a href=“https://ssb.ua.edu/pls/PROD/rtstreq.P_Searchtype[/url]”>https://ssb.ua.edu/pls/PROD/rtstreq.P_Searchtype&lt;/a&gt; Unlike at many schools, the grades earned will transfer as well and count toward the UA GPA. My D took a community college course last summer, and the course (and the grade!) are showing on DegreeWorks.</p>

<p>Shel’ll need a letter of tranciency from the UA. Here is the link at the UA to see if the course transfers. <a href=“https://ssb.ua.edu/pls/PROD/rtstreq.P_Searchtype[/url]”>https://ssb.ua.edu/pls/PROD/rtstreq.P_Searchtype&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Summer classes taken right before attending Bama (between high school graduation and frosh year) are ok and don’t affect “incoming frosh status”.</p>

<p>What gets kids into trouble is when they take a gap year or go to some other school first…take some college classes…then apply to Bama (or elsewhere).</p>

<p>“She is a freshman at the UA this year.”</p>

<p>oh…I missed that. Thanks.</p>

<p>I don’t know why there was a fear of scholarship issues. </p>

<p>Usually we get this question about students who are graduating from high school and want to take a summer class.</p>



<p>because we have all realized that various schools have “small print” about the scholarships, and we are all afraid of being burned by the unknown. So we try to check about every detail to make sure!</p>

<p>Thank you everyone. Your answers really helped. I looked up the transfer credit and PSY 101 at UA is PSY 100 at our local community college (which I wouldn’t have known without this thread). You all are a great help!</p>