Talking to the opposite sex

<p>Maybe you're just calling people who don't like to chat on the phone. I hate it, personally...talking for more than 2 minutes or talking about random stuff is like pulling teeth and I end up resorting to just saying "yes" or "no" to get rid of the other person. I personally just use phones to call up and ask a quick question or call and arrange plans or something. Maybe keep that in mind.</p>

<p>Untitled: that's a pretty good observation. My friend in Syracuse is constantly talking to hot girls and he gets the numbers but he never calls em. I always ask him why and he's like ahh im just too lazy to call man. All he does is call em once or twice and then he pipes.</p>

<p>bendrumfront: I'll just make comments from each of the tips you gave:</p>

<li>I think of questions but nothing comes out. My head is just empty when it comes to questions to ask.</li>
<li>I'm a pretty good listener I'd say. I tend to remember a lot of things, sometimes it surprised girls actually. Sometimes I purposely act like I don't remember something just to get people of my back. Listening isn't an issue for me.</li>
<li>i do this too. always say the person's name when i'm calling em.</li>
<li>so these are questions I should be asking?</li>

<p>jimbob1225: lets not even get into askin girls out. that's a whole other issue b/c i've tried it and well i have a .000 batting avg.</p>

<p>there appears to be a lot of people on this site that aren't good at interacting with the opposite gender. hmm</p>

<p>BlahDeBlah: this is actually how i view the phone. i only use it when i need to call someone and those calls are usually quick.</p>

<p>Going back to what Untilted said, "Calling girls isn't necessarily a positive thing either, only two kinds of people call girls and talk to them for a long time:</p>

<p>1) boyfriends
2) nice guys whom the girl likes to talk to when she encounters problems."</p>

<p>I've always thought that if you could get digits from a girl that's usually a good sign. Now I don't what to think any more.</p>

<p>From a girl's point of view...</p>

<p>Although I'm more than willing to talk about myself, I <em>really</em> hate it when guys just let me go on and on without ever talking about themselves as well. I feel like I'm being self centered...which makes me nervous...which makes me talk even more...which makes me annoying (or at least I'm annoyed when I do that). </p>

<p>Point is, try to balance the conversation so neither of you are having to lead/force it.</p>

<p>"I've always thought that if you could get digits from a girl that's usually a good sign. Now I don't what to think any more."</p>

<p>yeah it is a pretty good sign, but im one of those people who doesn't really like to talk on the phone for long periods of time so once a guy has my number i'd rather him just call to ask me on a date or something, not to just talk</p>

<p>I'm sorry to all you guys in here, but if you can't find solace/motivation/encouragement in any of this advice, you're probably just thinking too much into it. Not to sound cheesy, but when it's the right person, you won't need any of these tips anyways.</p>

<p>Yeah, I agree with whoever that says some people just don't like talking on the phone. I'm one of those people. There are a lot of guys that I can blab on forever to face to face, but I wouldn't want to talk to them on the phone. The only guy I've really enjoyed talking to (as in having a conversation, not "hey, you want to go see a movie") is the guy I'm currently dating, and that's probably because he loves talking on the phone (and talking in general), so if I run out of things to say and there's a lull, I can count on him to bring up some new random topic of interest.</p>

<p>I don't even talk to my girl friends that much on the phone, unless I hadn't talked to them in a long time or one of us has some sort of important issue to discuss.</p>

<p>Just don't approach a conversation differently than you normally would, because then you'll be nervous for sure. Most situations aren't really more difficult than anything you've ever done before , but your perception of it and thinking too much about it makes it harder.</p>