TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

OMG, now I’m anxious. What a roller coaster. It’s only3:30… hold off on the wine if you can.

I teach at a local gym at 6:00… so if my phone starts blowing up in class, I’ll know something is up, lol. EEK

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AIS had change of major button and Howdy did not.

Especially if you’re a senior (and not a parent) :laughing:

My daughter had been waitlisted since January. She applied mid October. Yesterday she had 6 tabs. Change of major button still there. 25 hours later, today at 11 she received full admission!!
Hoping there are many more full admits to come for those of you waiting.


Do you mind me asking what her stats were?

Also from those of you that said your PSA button disappeared, has anybody officially found out if they were offered admission or a rejection on the AIS portal?

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Well? Anyone? Anyone?

Silent here…

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Nothing yet

Nothing here either

No news here



Good Luck to all of you! I hope ya’ll get in! Let us know when you hear.

No change here.

So happy for y’all. Glad the wait is over.


NHS, volunteer hours, 4 year Varsity track, 4.5 weighted GPA, honors and AP classes. Average submitted ACT score. Solid essay. Not sure her rank, her school doesn’t rank and I’m not sure where TAMU ranked her.

Anyone have any updates?

No changes here since yesterday - still 3 tabs, change of major button gone in both AIS and Howdy, App “Complete and Under Review” (where it previously said On Waitlist and Considered for Team Blinn).