Target store close to campus

<p>Which target store is closer to UCLA: the one in 3530 La Cienega Bvld. or 10820 Jefferson Blvd., Culver City?</p>

<p>Ha. </p>

<p>DO NOT try to go to the La Cienega store. It's FAR (like, probably 30 minutes without traffic if you take Wilshire to La Cienega).</p>

<p>The store on La Brea is only about 4 miles, but it'll take anywhere from 15-40 minutes to get there on Santa Monica or Sunset depending on the time of day. </p>

<p>The Culver City one is the same way, but I guess you could take the freeway so it might go faster (or not, again depending on the time of day). </p>

<p>I much prefer the La Brea one, personally. It's much, much bigger and much newer than the others. Plus I like the drive through W Hollywood much better than sitting on Sepulveda for a year. But that's just me.</p>

<p>they look about the same. i would go for the culver city one since its right off the 405.</p>

<p>Yeah I drive past the La Cienega store when I get off the 405 there to bypass airport traffic. It'd take a lot longer than the Culver store. </p>

<p>But my vote still goes to the W Hollywood store.</p>

<p>Is the W Hollywood one on La Brea and Santa Monica? Are there buses that run there?</p>

<p>Yes and I don't know but probably? I assume there's definitely a major busline on Santa Monica or Sunset. </p>

<p>I practically live at that store.</p>

<p>^ wait.. you're saiyng la brea is closer than la cienegea??</p>

<p>Not the streets themselves. But the target on La Brea is on Santa Monica while the Target on La Cienega is alllllll the way down by the 405 and the airport.</p>

<p>are the products in the ucla store near the dorms reasonably priced? are there any discount stores nearby campus?</p>

<p>can't live without target :rolleyes:</p>

are the products in the ucla store near the dorms reasonably priced?


<p>is anything owned by a university reasonably priced?</p>

<p>I was just at the WeHo Target. I felt the need to share because I totally thought of this thread when I pulled into the structure.</p>

<p>The La Cienega one is not near the airport (though its ghetto), though the La Brea one is probably closer as long as you're not driving during peak times. WeHo and its major thoroughfares (Santa Monica, Sunset) practically stop during rush hour. Go to Culver City or La Brea.</p>

<p>isnt the target store on santa monica the closest one to the campus?</p>

<p>at the intersection of santa monica and la brea</p>

<p>The la cienega store is most definitely in the ghetto, and while not near the airport itself, it's definitely in that direction. </p>

<p>And the weho store IS the labrea store. Both streets suck during rush hour, but so does the freeway and sepulveda, so i guess the moral of the story is don't try to go to target during rush hour.</p>

<p>The Target on Santa Monica in WeHo is definitely the nicest one and it's not too far... just don't go when there's going to be a lot of traffic on Santa Monica or Sunset.</p>