TCU Class of 2025 — Admissions Date: by April 1

Hi it did not mention any area of study in the admission letter but says area of study is psychology on portal page.

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Does anyone know when honors decisions will be released?

All the website says is by April 15.

For reference, for EA students it was “decisions will be released by January 31” and they were released on Friday Jan 29th, so the last weekday possible. It could be different, but you could be in for a bit of a wait.

Does anyone know when FAFSA for RD comes out?? they said it should take some weeks

I am still waiting on my FA from EA

oh really?? when did you apply for it??

They had our information on October 30th. We had to supply some additional information in January and February.

Sorry if I missed the answer to this already…

Does anyone know when the financial info will be released? My daughter was accepted to the nursing program (and awarded the Faculty scholarship) -but we’re waiting to see the full financial aid offer.

Thank you!

Glad you asked–we’re waiting for that too. DS received a good package for his other top choice, and that won’t be the only consideration, but I’m interested to see how the two offers compare.

Just found the financial aid letter in the portal–DS is at school right now, so not sure if he received an email to check it or not. I had logged in to look at our visit information and it was in the portal!

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ours is still not there

Shoot! Maybe that’s because they are still adding up the grants and scholarships they plan to give you!! Fingers crossed you get good news soon.

ROFLing… so funny. Actually, the portal looks slightly different, the size font on the scholarship letters is smaller in the scholarship box on the side. They really shrunk the dates of those letters too. I hope that means we will be hearing about a dance scholarship soon. Still no clue on FA.

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NURSING APPLICANTS: For what it’s worth, I contacted someone at TCU and asked if they could tell me the stats on the nursing program applicants. I was told they had the largest and most competitive pool ever which was NOT what they expected. But they rec’d about 2,300 applicants and offered admission to only 280! So I feel extremely lucky that our student was accepted. They had applicants with their CNA licenses and tons of hours in a hospital, etc. and those applicants were more likely admitted EA where our student was deferred bc she had no hours and no CNA or other licensing. The pandemic made getting hours impossible. Anyway, hope this helps because it was way more competitive than I even imagined.

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Has anyone heard from honors college?

I am still waiting to hear back as well.

Do you know if they send an email?

I finally found the answer on the website, it says notifications go out by April 15.

On TCU’s honors college website it says by April 2nd.

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Even better! Thank you.