TCU Class of 2025 — Admissions Date: by April 1

Daughter accepted today! Marketing/Business. 3.89 UW, no test score…SAT cancelled 4x and finally ran out of time to take it. Large public school in PNW and three sport athlete with choir and drama. Faculty Scholarship. She is so excited! Best of luck to everyone!

dance (separate application, no decision)
3.9 UW
4.3 W
31 ACT/10 writing
10 APs
AP Scholar with Distinction

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I think SMU is 12/18

Accepted as a Journalism major w/ Dean’s scholarship. Did anyone receive an invite for the Chancellor’s scholarship?

Parent here…my daughter was accepted yesterday with a dean’s scholarship ($25,000/yr). We are so excited!! She is planning on being a dietician nutritionist. We will still need financial aid as I am a widow. Does getting the dean’s scholarship preclude getting financial aid due to family income.
Her stats: 4.0, 1/44 rank, 1460 SAT

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Is that how the Chancellor’s scholarship works? Son got the Dean’s but has the stats for chancellors.

You can still get financial aid on top of any scholarships. These are merit based.

Our daughter was deferred as well (nursing major). 4.2 weighted GPA (no weight for anything but AP at her school), 4.0 unweighted, 1460 SAT (not superscored - one sitting), varsity sports, extra curriculars, volunteer hours, pretty well rounded. I posted about her deferment at TCU in a FB group that I’m in for military spouses and someone replied and said her student is on an app called zeemee (then you join the TCU group) and that the deferment for nursing and bio majors this year is HUGE. That gives me a little hope for our girl. Good luck to all!

Thanks for sharing! They must have an overwhelming number of applicants for the Nursing program. They’re likely deferring to allow more time for them to consider ALL applicants (including those still submitting applications until the Regular Decision deadline), review more data, and especially weed out those that aren’t willing to go the extra steps and wait. Interesting times! Good luck to your daughter!

Based on those stats it seems nutty … makes me wonder how their application numbers compare to previous cycles. Since Texas was among the few states that had colleges actually pull off in-person classes with success, my guess is this factor is a draw for them. Clearly, looking at the schools who have released their ED & EA numbers, the thought that the pool would be smaller and “only those who could afford it” is simply not the case - with many reporting record numbers of applications. I think all involved are stunned by the numbers. Remember their objective is lowering acceptance rate and increasing yield, right ? Here we are ! By increasing selectivity they ensure more students will be willing to full pay if they can by virtue of perceived prestige. Bottom line is that each school has specific priorities that drive their enrollment decisions - some are transparent (gpa, test scores etc) and others are not.

Thank you!

I also saw somewhere… there were many nursing acceptances during the ED application pool. Nursing at every school is highly competitive, and applicant pools high. Your DD will be accepted and end up where she is suppose to be.

Hi y’all! Deferred from nursing :slight_smile: OH well haha just means I’ll end up where I’m supposed to because I will not be resubmitting interest. Here are my stats:
SAT: 1510
GPA 3.94 UW//4.41 W
Asian(My general essay was about being adopted :))
5 AP Courses, Took a majority of weighted Courses
Varsity dance team for 4 years as well as having a leadership position, National Honors Society Member, and National Merit Commended Scholar, as well as lots of volunteer work.
My school does not rank.
I am also out-of-state.

I’ve already gotten into Clemson and that is my top choice so far! (Unfortunately, TCU was never super high on my list due to cost and how far away it is) Good luck to everyone else who got deferred, and hope you get into nursing!

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Congrats!! Clemson is lucky to have you!!

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Son accepted Friday night. Fort Worth private high school, 4.0, 1310 SAT, Varsity Football Captain, Pre Business, TCU Scholar at 18,000 per year. Sadly he does not want to stay in FTW!

Hi my daughter said the same thing about huge deferment for nursing from the zeemee group, and has now also joined a group chat that a lot of the deferred nursing students are on. If your daughter was on zeemee she probably joined the chat as well. My daughter’s stats are very similar to your daughter’s. We will be contacting our TCU admission counselor on Monday for sure, hope they are ready for the flood of contact from deferred nursing students!

@Budrick1 You mentioned you’ll be contacting your admission counselor about the deferred decision. Can I ask what you’ll be asking about? My son got deferred, his first semester ends this Thursday and we’ll know grades next week. There’s the deferred interest form that has grades on it, which we’ll fill out. I was planning on him contact his counselor after we saw his grades to use that as further support.

Hi, we will also be submitting 1st semester grades on the form, but we also want to ask counselor if there is anything else they want to see. Letters/emails, other contact and/or ways of confirming interest. I also want to ask if they have any information about the number deferments given, (if they were slammed with way more applications due to covid as another poster said, etc.)


Has anyone received their letters of admission in the mail yet?

Haven’t received anything in mail yet for ED nursing acceptance.