TCU Class of 2025 — Admissions Date: by April 1

So excited! Just received notification that I got the AddRan Academic Achievement Scholarship - just $4000 but every little helps!! I wasn’t even aware this was a scholarship. Does anyone know if this is new? Has anyone else received similar?

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Accepted EA and given Dean’s Scholarship!!
Biology Major (Pre-Med)
4.2 W / 3.92 UW
4 Honors classes / 6 AP classes
Great extracurriculars: 200+ volunteer hours, student gov VP, sports, etc
Above average essays and recommendations

that ridiculous that she was deferred from nursing. I have a 3.6 UW and a 3.8 W and I was accepted. I don’t understand colleges

I would get in contact with the counselor and get to know them on a personal level. As well as write a hand written letter to the university to your admissions counselor to show your passion for the school :slight_smile:

Did she gain any info on application or deferral numbers for perspective ? Take a big step back and realize this truly is a numbers game but not, not, NOT in the way you think. “Stats” like GPA & standardized scores are just the beginning of the wholistic review many schools speak of and employ. The most important qualities they are looking for/value in an admission cycle are NOT plainly revealed to applicants. Further, they are usually things the student has zero control over. (Read that last sentence again) Think of the many questions in the common app and the data gathered from those boxes checked. What if they want students from Hawaii but you live in Maine ? And so on, and so on. Then, it’s easy to understand how admissions can slice & dice things based on what the administration deems important at a given time. “Stats” like the ones shared here are not application difference makers because they are only a tiny piece of the massive puzzle.

Not sure why you would need to submit your SAT if you were already accepted.

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I am a current TCU student if anyone has any questions.

Anyone receive their admission packet in the mail yet?

@HavenR Not yet, but I received an email from FedEx that I have something being delivered from TCU on Tuesday (and I’m an international student so Americans should hopefully be receiving theirs before me). It may not be an admissions packet but I’m assuming that’s what it is.

Wondering if anyone who applied as BA/BFA major (acting, musical theatre, dance, etc.) has heard anything about scholarships yet? D was admitted academically, but won’t know about artistic acceptance until March. There was no scholarship/merit award provided in her acceptance and we don’t know whether that was due to no test score submitted (test-optional this year, but we didn’t think it would affect scholarship qualifications especially since all 3 of her test dates were canceled), or whether they’re waiting until BFA acceptance (she was accepted BA already)…etc. Just trying to find out whether there’s still hope for merit aid/scholarship. Thanks for any insight you may have!

Just received my acceptance packet this morning! In the UK. So exciting! Feels so much more real now.


This may be off topic, but I won the Chancellor’s scholarship last year (turned it down, however) and may be able to help with any questions regarding the process.

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Still waiting for my admission packet in the mail in the US … anyone else receive theirs? I’m on the West Coast.

Yes, but just a couple days ago in MN. It should arrive soon!

Also have not yet received in the midwest

@HavenR My D hasn’t received hers either…Chicago suburbs

Neither has my son- North Suburbs of Chicago

My DD applied and heard BFA ballet. She was accepted. She received merit in her letter (did submit scores) and a second academic scholarship from the school of Fine arts, the Monday following the Friday acceptance. The website under the dance program says talent award notifications will start in February, I think. Her letter for the ballet acceptance came through the GetAccepted website.

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Thanks! Musical Theatre BFA acceptance doesn’t come out until March apparently. D was accepted to BA program for now but once she hears about BFA she’ll decide what to do. No scholarship letter for her yet–thinking the no test score had something to do with that since her stats are good otherwise; I don’t recall reading that test scores were required for merit scholarships (for this Covid year I guess I thought “no test score required” meant just that). Live and learn, but $$ is going to be a factor depending on whether she gets any artistic scholarship. Congratulations to your ballerina! Maybe our Ds will meet at some point!

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Nope- austin Texas and have paid deposit. My poor kid checks the mail often!