TCU Fall of 2015 Acceptance Letters

<p>@cc2709 hi sorry i just realized you posted it already. but thank you anw! :smiley: </p>

<p>For Twin Applicants:
I asked the admissions counsler before I applied and he said if they admit one twin and are on the fence about the other they accept both.I applied with my twin and both of us got in. Good luck to everyone!! </p>

<p>D got acceptance package yesterday</p>

<p>@MollyN My daughter stats were: 4.23 GPA 1860 SAT / 29 ACT Biology Major Envelope arrived today in California
delivered right to the door by the mailman as it didn’t fit in our mailbox!</p>

<p>I got Deferred :confused: Really frustrated because i don’t know how much better my stats could of been. Don’t really plan on applying regular decision since TCU was not in my Top 3. I will email to find out where i came short.</p>

GPA-3.4 UW (school does not weight)
All boy private jesuit high school-very demanding and challenging
6 APs
Captain and varsity XC runner
Model UN VP
Eucharistic Minister
and a part time job. </p>

<p>@letsgorams2015 was your essay lacking? Because that seems crazy you didn’t get in.</p>

<p>@letsgorams2015‌ or maybe your stats are too good for tcu that they know you may not want to attend even if you’re accepted. Just a thought since you don’t consider TCU to be you’re top 3 :)</p>

<p>@letsgorams2015‌ did you not do the optional paper, because my D got accepted with a 34 ACT and 3.93 GPA. </p>

<p>@slomsdalen‌ We took time out of our english classes junior year to work on writing them for the Common App. So my teacher worked on mine for about a month on it and he really liked it and gave me an A on it so i don’t see how it could be that bad? oh well</p>

<p>@MollyN‌ hahahaha that must be it! It’s a little to conservative for me and I don’t know if i want to go that far away from home! Other than that though the campus is beautiful and my friends love it there. </p>

<p>My portal still hasn’t changed from “decision letter has been sent” & I still have not received anything in the mail. Anyone else?? Starting to get very frustrated as I see people with lower stats that me getting accepted </p>

<p>@Torr1997 where do you live?</p>

Has anybody that applied Early Action II received a decision yet?

Son has not yet heard anything. I believe March 1 is the “stated” date to receive decisions, but that may a general target.

Goodluck to your son!

daughter just received her acceptance letter yesterday. applied early action II

Son received his acceptance letter today. No mention of any scholarship. I’m assuming that means full price or go home?

@tuitionremission‌ I saw something in the packet for EA2 that said you should hear by Mar 1st for scholarships. From other posts it comes in a separate packet.

My TCU portal says:

“Thanks for applying to TCU, _______. Your decision letter has been mailed.”
Does this mean I’ve been rejected admissions? Or is this them just waiting for me to get my letter? I have friends who applied for early admissions and theirs said things like Congratulations when they check theirs.

Currently freaking out, help me?

Just got my acceptance