<p>Brown’s website says, “You should select two teachers who have taught you in major academic subjects (science, social studies, mathematics, foreign language, English)”</p>
<p>Can the teachers be from the same subject, like AP Psychology and APUSH (they both fall under social studies)? Is this not allowed/not recommended/doesn’t matter?</p>
<p>It would especially helpful to hear from someone who has been accepted or knows the answer of this furshure. </p>
<p>I really wish I could give you a definite answer, but I can’t. Here’s my two cents:</p>
<p>I really don’t think Brown cares. What you read is probably just a general guideline, not a requirement. One of my teacher recs was from a person in my school who isn’t even a teacher- she has never taught any of my classes- and it didn’t seem to make a difference. I think that as long as the rec helps broaden the adcom’s perspective of you, it really doesn’t matter.</p>
<p>Some schools prefer recommendations from teachers of different departments (ex. English/humanities/social studies vs. math/science). I think the Brown AOs would specify whether or not they want them to be, and since I can’t find any info clearly stating that I think you’re all right.</p>
<p>You should still try to keep your recommendation from a core teacher and one who’s taught you in the past two years, though.</p>
<p>Most colleges suggest having one math/science and one english/social studies.
I would suggest atleast having two teachers from two different departments (i.e. one from mathematics and one from english).
However, if you can’t do that, then getting two teachers from the same department should be fine as well.<br>
My two teacher recs were from an economics teacher and an english teacher, and I was fine. (as in I got in e.d., to preempt sushifureak’s question, hah).</p>