Teachers and bathroom passes

<p>This seems like an odd topic but it's kinda been annoying me lately.</p>

<p>At my CC, two of my professors say "If you have to leave the room any time during lecture, do not come back." including having to go to the RR. They do this because it distracts the class when people leave. OK, you get distracted for like two seconds... and that's it. I don't even notice people leaving. </p>

<p>Idk, I think it's kind of dumb. I can understand being strict when you have bad students especially in High School, but otherwise... why can't you just let them do their business?</p>

<p>Just wait until someone has an accident. Get a note from your Dr. That is ridiculous!</p>

<p>umm… at my high school we’re allowed to walk in and out of class whenever we want. No passes or anything. We don’t even have to ask.</p>

<p>Sounds ridiculous, especially for a college.</p>

<p>we always have to ask. i have a few teachers who will only give one pass per grading period (nine weeks). so if a student has to go one day, and then a few weeks later after having taco bell for lunch, he feels sick…you gonna penalize him if he leaves the room? come onnn</p>

<p>My belief is we’re High School Students. It’s counter-intuitive to say that we can’t perform a bodily process. We have to ask to use the bathroom is ■■■■■■■■.</p>

<p>Asking is okay as long as their policy isn’t restrictive. I absolutely hate it when teachers think they’re so badass and “i won’t put up with your ****” and say you can’t go during class. It’s also stupid when you have a certain number of passes, especially if they can be turned in for EC at the end…</p>

<p>My idiot of a study hall teacher last year made you wait 15 minutes into the class, ask for permission, fill out a form, get a written pass from him - and then you could go potty. It didn’t take me a long time to figure out what the rank smell coming from his carpet was.</p>

<p>Reason why if I was a HS teacher… go freely. I shouldn’t have to tell a kid they can’t go use the damn bathroom. The idea of needing a pass is ■■■■■■■■ to me. Go damnit. To avoid getting chewed out, I would make some pre-made passes. At least 5/7 of my 7 teachers get this. </p>

<p>My Spanish teachers are DICKS on Bathroom passes.</p>

<p>See the problem is not the teachers but the idiots who like to try to skip classes. They ruin it for everyone else.</p>

<p>In a college class that’s stupid… these people are adults. They should be allowed to go to the bathroom without penalty.</p>

<p>If they want to skip classes that’s their problem, not the teachers’. If they’re in class then they’re usually just disruptive.</p>

<p>^ we need some rights in here. I think it’s absolutely ridiculous to punish (even when you are allowed to go, it’s still frowned upon) the fact that “everyone poops” etc. What’s even more annoying is when the school expects you to use the passing periods to use the bathroom…haha, yeah, and then be late for class.</p>

<p>At another local high school, if you go to the bathroom during class, then you get a detention after school.</p>

<p>That is stupid.</p>

<p>I like my school’s policy where we can pretty freely walk in and out of class.</p>

<p>Detention at a school for using the bathroom during class. What the hell? Some parents need to combat that.</p>

<p>Is it a bad school? If so, I can understand (even though that’s taking it too far). If not, that’s ■■■■■■■■.</p>

<p>My school has a little thing that’s like you can’t use the bathroom 15 minutes after the bell rings and 15 minutes before. I don’t think it goes into affect a lot though.</p>

<p>Not to sound like lame person in this thread, but some students are really obnoxious about going to the bathroom during class. It takes just a few annoying students over a couple of years for teachers to make rules like that.</p>

<p>But really, why can’t people just go before or after class?</p>

<p>If you have five minutes between classes and have a long way to walk and have to go to your locker, it’s hard to get business done before the bell rings. I think most HS classes are an hour and a half long–that’s a pretty long time. Nobody likes the feeling of a full bladder and it’s distracting.</p>

<p>Shame on all you, that sucks that you have a thing called bathroom passes!</p>

<p>How does it work in NZ?</p>

<p>^ You walk out of the room and walk to the bathroom, then (obviously) you return to class. We don’t have those hall monitor people either.
But some teachers make you ask them if you can go to the bathroom, and we have a rule where only one person goes out (to bathroom, for a drink, to locker) at a time.</p>