Teachers Rec - I'm confused!

<p>On the common app, teachers are allowed to submit recs online. Does that mean that there isn't anymore need for envelopes? It just seems too simple! which is suppose to be a good thing now that I'm screwed for my finals AND college apps. But it makes me feel uncomfortable.</p>

<p>Also, for colleges that are not on the common app, their recs are generally mailed right?</p>

<p>plus, is there a difference between mailed recs and online recs? To me, the envelopes would seem a little more pleasing. But only because I enjoy reading out of paper as oppose to a computer screen. Orr does it really not matter?</p>


<p>If you are submitting your application online, your teacher recs should be sent online as well. There is no difference between mailing them or doing them online. And yes, if the university you are applying to is not listed on common app then you should mail them, unless stated otherwise.</p>

<p>really?!!! you can’t mail the recs if you submit common app or other apps online?!?!?!?!</p>