Temporary Housing Assignment

<p>Hi, I received my housing assignment today and because there are too many students to fit that amount of space VT has, I was assigned temporary housing with an RA as my roommate, in the RA's room. Has anyone ever experienced this type of housing, or know anyone who has? Is there any way for me to switch out or does anyone have some advice?</p>

<p>I am also in temporary housing but i am in a room with 2 other roommates in a converted study lounge of O’shaq. Anyone have experience with this or the lounge itself?</p>

<p>my assignment said it was just me and the RA in Lee</p>

<p>Usually RA’s are pretty great people with awesome interpersonal skills :slight_smile: I wouldn’t sweat it too much. </p>

<p>FWIW, your future roommate may be kind of bummed by not getting the single they would in years when housing wasn’t overbooked. My advice: make the best out of it; hopefully you both end up getting along real well.</p>

<p>These housing issues really concern me. Would you say that they are avoidable if you pay your housing deposit early - as in late March/early April? Are the students who are having these issues those who paid right at May 1? Or are these situations completely random with no connection to when you paid your deposit?</p>

<p>Hey, I’m a freshman, got my assignment</p>

<p>I’m in Miles Hall (anyone know anything good about it?) with one other roommate.</p>

<p>I filled out my housing contract as early as possible in late March. I called residential living here, and they said people who fill out th econtracts first receive first priority.</p>

<p>You can propably try to live off-campus; I know there’s some good apartments nearby and next to the Math Empo</p>

<p>I wouldn’t believe that answer since my son put his housing assignment in back in December when accepted and still did not get his requested preferences. But, it is all good. Your days in college will not be defined by what dorm you were in. I was in Slusher 20 years ago and have great memories regardless of where I was living!</p>

<p>rockvillemom, I do think that getting the contracts in as early as possible helps a great deal in gettting a dorm room (maybe not your first choice, but…) Our son has been fortunate to get a room each year; he knew he wanted to be on campus even after freshman year and got his stuff in early. I really think the economy is playing a huge part in the problem housing has right now. More upperclassmen must be opting to stay on campus and causing a pinch in the number of rooms available. </p>

<p>It must be quite a science to get the housing contract numbers just right. Even at small LACs. I remember in my old days as an undergrad at UR, we had the same thing happen a couple of times. They were scrambling to make rooms out of common areas, tripling kids up, etc. We were a bit jealous in the end, those students did get the very best and newest furniture and carpeting though :)</p>

<p>KandK - as always - thank you. Housing issues make me very nervous. As long as I know it is something we can “control” by turning in the housing contract promptly - I can deal with it. I’m not terribly worried about dorm preference - just not having some of the issues described above.</p>

<p>Being prompt with the return of the housing contract I think is definitely beneficial for the first year. Now for the years after, if you want on campus housing your son will be put into a lottery after he returns his housing application paperwork (happens sometime in January).</p>

<p>They say that it doesn’t increase your chances (or get a better lottery #) if you return your application quickly, but our son did it anyway- figured it couldn’t hurt. </p>

<p>If I remember, it seems that somewhere in the range of 80% of kids who want to be on campus are usually able to get a room. This year there is also some construction/refurbishment being done to some of the dorms, which is causing a crunch for space.</p>

<p>Here is a link that may help answer some questions:</p>

<p>[Returning</a> Undergraduates Student Housing | Application Process | Your Housing & Dining Contract | Housing & Residence Life | DSA | Virginia Tech](<a href=“http://www.housing.vt.edu/contracts/apply/undergrad.php]Returning”>http://www.housing.vt.edu/contracts/apply/undergrad.php)</p>