Texas A&M admitted students for the Class of 2027

I would definitely stay in Mays. Mays students don’t declare their major until end of sophomore or beginning of junior year-there is no ETAM like Engineering. There’s a great 4+1 MIS program, where he would graduate in 5 years with a BBA and a Masters in MIS.
Mays MIS is a great program!




Can anyone speak to the likelihood of having online courses while at TAMU?

All classes for minors are always online, as are the intro Econ classes, and a few others. The bulk of classes will be in person. WinterMester classes are online.


Does anyone know when financial aid offers will appear in howdy? and how will i be notified of any tamu scholarship offers will that also be in the howdy aid portal?

I have the same question. My daughter got President Scholarship and can see it on Howdy under the Financial Aid tab (if I remember correctly). That’s her only award so far. But i dont think she was able to find a break down of her cost of attendance yet. She is going to call the finance office tomorrow to ask when we can expect to see the final financial info. Will keep you posted

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@GpPsych unless you’re NMSF/F, and receiving (automatic) Presidents Endowed Scholarship, that’s probably all that’s been offered so far.
A&M not known for giving out much scholarship $-compared to many schools-most is merit or need based. Again, NMSF/F, perhaps Commended, National Scholars, and those with very high stats will get offered the most, then heavily offered to need based and those in identified Century Scholar schools (as far as 4 yr, big scholarships).
Scholarship $, and most likely FinAid, won’t show up until spring. It’ll be found under -
*Financial Aid Portal
*click the 3 lines on the left
*click Awards
Anything that is offered will be highlighted in Yellow; once student accepts whatever is offered, it turns to highlighted Green.
This is for grants, financial aid & scholarships. You have to just check.

@Hike_and_bike make sure your daughter ‘accepts’ her offered scholarship. If she’s been offered PES, they will take it away, if not accepted by the deadline.


For OOS students, are they automatically considered for the in-state tuition waiver or is that a special application? Or just a wait-and-see if it gets offered in the spring?

@divarose it is not easy, at all, to get in-state tuition. No one is considered for it, it won’t be offered. A student must get $4k in specific A&M scholarships (a year) to qualify-which isn’t easy, OR student has to try and gain residency (takes minimum 12 months, owning property in your name OR living in the same domicile for 12+ months and working something like 25 hours a week).
TAMU doesn’t ‘dangle’ waving OOS tuition like many other state schools…they don’t have to.


Do you have to commit to the college before accepting a scholarship?

No idea, sorry. If it’s PES she’s been offered, deadline should be months away, not immediate.

How long does it take after acceptance to receive the acceptance packet in the mail?

@shruti1 Congrats! The packet arrived in the mail two weeks after portal acceptance for my son.

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Now that my DD has been accepted, the angst for dorm/roommate has set in. If she was accepted in December right before the break, how likely is she to get into Hullabaloo Hall? She doesn’t really like the Instagram group so far and doesn’t want to post pictures of herself. I don’t know how to direct her. She is open to meeting people, but she would also like the parents to connect as well. Her sister had a horrible experience after being matched for an apartment and ended up in a situation with a person who smoked weed in their apartment as well as other drugs being present. Needless to say, my new Aggie is very anxious about this process. The only dorm she wants is Hullabaloo. Any ideas?

Along those lines, if you are accepted in Mays and request change of major to engineering, do you lose your Mays slot if not accepted into engineering?

My D23 was accepted last week to forensic science, her 2nd choice major! She is super excited, but intrigued…as this major seems more competitive than her 1st choice (psychology)
If she requests a change of major, will that afect the offer she already has? She is thinking of requesting a change to neuroscience, which is more aligned to psychology. She ultimately wants to go on to law school.
Also- psychology and neuroscience are both under the same college, would that negatively impact her chances of her change request being approved? Thoughts?
Thank you!

@weikel12895 ZERO chance of getting in Hullabaloo, unless she matches with someone who was admitted in the first couple days of earliest acceptance (and paid their Housing deposit then).
Post on your FB page-ask for friends of friends, who might know someone going to A&M in the fall, get her to post on Instagram. Ask at church, see if neighbors know a relative, etc.
Hullabaloo will be full be end of 2nd day, except for some random empty beds, and the other bed is occupied. But a December acceptance won’t get in Hullabaloo, unless the other roomie has a 1st or 2nd day time slot.

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@Latorrej i know @ChristiR93 can answer your question, but law schools accepts all majors. In fact, both ChristiR93 & I have Mays students applying to law school currently.
Law school wants high LSAT, high gpa and great resume.

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From what I’ve been told and researched, The only time undergrad major matters much for law school is when you want to go into patent law…that’s when an undergrad degree in engineering or applied physics or other STEM major is needed. Other than that, it’s just gpa & LSAT score.

Twin 2 who got accepted to Mays is also planning to go to law school…now if I can just get him to decide on where he’s committing to!!!

Incidentally, I’ve always seen him more as a STEM kid, since he excels at science and math (but also has a love of history and politics and enjoys numbers and financial
stuff too!) and when he started talking about law school, I gently suggested he think about patent law and maybe major in applied physics or some engineering discipline….but anything suggested my mom is automatically rejected lol.

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Asking for a change of major will not negatively affix you. I would email an advisor in her desired major and ask how she should go about it. That will get her name in front of them before she requests it. They can also shed some light on the availability at this time. I wouldn’t wait on this. As soon as they’re back in the office, send that email. Please keep us posted.

If I am waiting on friends to hear back from/ accept TAMU before selecting roommates, do I hold off on completing Phase II of the housing app? I paid the $75 deposit immediately after getting in 2 weeks ago.