Texas A&M admitted students for the Class of 2027

You can wait till end of April for Aggie One Stop response before you pay for the non-refundable NSC.

Does anyone know of any off campus housing that has 9 month leases rather than 12 month leases?

@DallasSr23 none that I know of. That’s where off campus gets ya-having to pay for 12 full months, BUT they’ll require you to vacate the unit for 2-3 weeks at the end of July/early August
leaving you in a bind. Every complex does it. Students are left scrambling, trying to find a place to store their stuff for 2+ weeks, not being able to get into their unit until days before school starts.
It’s a racket. THEY ALL DO IT :rage:

Check your AIS!!! My son’s was just updated!

Hi everyone ! I just graduated from the “waiting to hear from A&M” thread to “The A&M admitted” thread ! How exciting ! I have browsed through a few housing qns, So, @ [52AG82], are you saying that it’s already too late now to get into the various Residence Halls housing application pool??


@duckfeet_1997 NOT TOO LATE!! Pay $75 non-refundable Housing deposit NOW (well, have your student, if you’re the parent). It’s a 2 part process, don’t stop until you get confirmation ‘next step is phase 2’.
It is late, but dorms are still guaranteed!

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Sorry to keep asking about stackability of academic scholarships. Say a student gets 3k from PES and 2k from another competitive, TAMU source. Not stackable means the student will receive 3k (larger of the two) instead of 5k (total). But does it also mean (a) only 3k is counted towards the 4k required for OOS waiver, which is not enough, or (b) 5k, which is enough? If (a) is true, then the only way OOS waiver is achievable is if a student gets one that’s at least 4k. All these departmental $500 and $1000 here and there, while helpful, aren’t really eliminating the big one—OOS tuition.

I’m copying @Topgolf since s/he and I might be in a similar situation.

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Is the 2k from A&M, or outside scholarship?

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I think it’s only Academic scholarships that can’t be stacked. Meaning, student can’t get PES and Lechner Scholarship (one example).
There are other types of scholarships, besides just Academic.
OOS must be offered 4K in competitive scholarships from TAMU (outside don’t count towards the 4K).
I’d contact AggieOneStop for clarity.


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From A&M

I now understand where my confusion lies. I should not have equated Academic Scholarship with Scholarship. Re-reading your and others’ previous responses now make more sense. Thank you!!

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@yikkblue it does get confusing. My Aggie has been awarded an ‘Opportunity Award’ (which is essentially a scholarship, but called an ‘award’). She’s also received ’Departmental Awards’. Both of these ‘awards’ are in a dollar amount, which post to her billing statement, not a plaque, certificate or cord to wear at graduation.

From everything I can find, it’s only those scholarships listed under ’Academic’ that can’t be stacked. Does that help
or makes things even muddierđŸ€Ș


Your explanations and screenshot images are so very helpful! :pray:t2:

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Just curious if anyone is still waiting on their official letter/banner in the mail? It’s been three weeks and we haven’t received it yet.

we are going on over 4 weeks without receiving anything in the mail. I contacted the AO last week and they told me to give it another week.

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@dawn3 Thank you!

@yikkblue thank you for copying me. Yes, we are in the same situation, have PES. Was hoping on additional scholarship to total it to $4000 but your post and responses clarified that the academic scholarship needs to one single scholarship that is $4000 or above to get the tuition waiver. Bummer

No, I don’t think so. If student gets another type of award or scholarship, that can be added to the PES 3k. Corps, Opportunity, departmental, etc can be added to the PES, to equal 4K+.
The PES is 3k, so the highest Academic scholarship your student will receive, but other TAMU awards & scholarships can be added to the PES.
Does that make sense?
@yikkblue & @Topgolf if either of your kids makes NM Finalist, then it’s a done deal. What are your kids majors? Have they been in contact with OOS local A&M reps?


Thank you @52AG82 Every time I think I get it, but seem to get confused the next time around :laughing: My kid got into engineering (applied CS). He has not contacted the local rep. What can/should he ask the rep and how would they find the rep contact info?

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