Texas A&M admitted students for the Class of 2027

@Culbreath akkk, that stresses me out for y’all.
Purdue, VA Tech and Mines are certainly great schools. For sure he needs to ramp it up tho.
Hopefully he’s checked deadlines for honors programs, as they differ/vary school-to-school, and even within each university. For example, at A&M, Business Honors starts sending out invitations at the start of November, but University Honors doesn’t let students know until May. I’m sure Housing deposit/selection is all over the place at each school, too. And I imagine some schools have a separate scholarship application/deadline, where TAMU’s is submitted at the time of application.
Stay on him!

My daughter has 13 AP so she will enter Mays as a sophomore. Will she have more Business classes? She needs to decide if she should choose a dorm/apartment near West campus.
Thank you.

She can wait to accept AP credit as needed. I wouldn’t accept them all at once. Better to save them as needed.

Curious… can you message me on what her AP credits are? Not sure her degree plan would look with all those APs. Mays is on west campus so if she’s doing mainly business, she may want to look at white creek if wanting to live on campus.


@TexasMom88 she needs to wait to accept those AP credits, with her Mays advisor. It’s definitely not always best to enter as a sophomore.
Message @ChristiR93 about the AP credits are, she can guide you.
But from what I’ve seen this year, on the Mays Parent page, the incoming freshman who entered with ‘associates degrees’ (all DC), they are quickly finding out it really isn’t all that great. These freshman are immediately thrown into hard classes, they have no electives to take, they’re in over their head (because community college didn’t provide a rigorous foundation, compared to Mays).
White Creek is an option, but Northside dorms (Hullabaloo, Davis Gary, FHK, Walton) are a quick walk to Mays.
Wait to accept AP. And there isn’t an LLC for Mays, so skip anything LLC.


AP works differently than dual credit. She will send her AP scores but not accept them until she has discussed with her advisor how and when to apply them. My daughter had 30 credits from dual credit that did transfer and auto apply so she was classified as a sophomore immediately after admission. It has worked great for her and so nice to just take 12 credits this semester instead of the 16 on the degree plan from her department that first years normally do in her program. And even better only 12 credits again next semester compared to the 18 her peers in her cohort group will be doing following the the VIZ degree plan! Her courses are challenging and she is working hard but she has all A’s at the midterm mark except one B from a prof that prides himself in rarely giving A’s. Anyway her dual credit courses were all core courses. Whereas her 5 AP courses were different. Most were not core courses. Most it turns out are not on her degree plan for her major. She did send them but has not accepted any yet. Looks like she will only accept one course for 3 credits that applies to her degree plan and one course will be used to meet a prereq requirement. So your daughter really needs to look at her degree plan and see what AP courses she has that she can apply and what that leaves her with and then she will have an idea what classes she will be taking first year. Viz degree plan only permits one general elective in the entire 4 year degree plan regardless of what students come in with or not. But other majors allow more electives.


Which dorms are the better dorms besides Hullabaloo for Engineering student? Preferably not super old?!?

@Freshman19 you need to take a dorm tour-Southside & Northside (2 separate tours, make a reservation). ResLife website gives a great virtual tour-lists amenities, year built, dates of renovations, photo gallery, price, everything you need or want to know about each dorm.
All majors will live all over campus, tho there is ‘Engineering Village’ on Southside. Freshman will have classes everywhere.
What you list/rank during phase 2 means NOTHING, literally, it’s just a formality. It all boils down to time stamp Housing deposit was paid, and what beds are available when it’s your dorm selection time.
Hullabaloo and Northside Modulars are the most popular, and they’ll be full within 2-3 days, so you’ll need many dorm choices, if you didn’t get accepted/pay Housing the first couple days of auto admission in September.
Take a dorm tour, for sure! And you’ve got PLENTY of time…dorm selection won’t start until late April.

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Can I ask you about the Engineering Living Learning Community? Do you know much about it?

@Freshman19 I’m a Mays parent, I don’t know a thing about Engineering Village, sorry.
Here’s a link I found tho-

And a similar link on ResLife website-


My freshman Aggie is in the Engineering LLC. What would you like to know?

Will you share what it is like? Does your freshman enjoy living with other engineering students? Pros and cons.

I will ask him to give me a good over all answer. We have no experience with other dorms, so we cannot compare.

He’s on the first floor of Aston. What I can tell you right now is that he thinks his room is small. He did not match with a roommate in advance, and their profile answers are very, very different. I personally think that the LLC did not do a good job of matching. He does like one of his suitemates. If you can tour the Commons in advance, do it, and think about actually living in one of those rooms with another person. He has a bicycle, which helps getting up to Zachry and over to the ILCB. There are a lot of fire alarms going off at any hour of the day/night, and the day they moved in (Aug. 20th), the first floor and basement of Mosher flooded from the sprinklers going off. Events like this may happen in any dorm. I think he likes his RAs.

He is not a fan of the Commons dining hall. Sbisa is a little better and not a huge deal to eat over there. I would suggest you have a lunch or dinner at the Commons.

I’m not sure if he studies with any other students, but I think that would vary by person. You may find it easy to hit up others to form study groups in the LLC, or better yet, with your classmates. He does have Chem lab with his roommate, but with so many sections, you may or may not have classes with anyone on your floor.

I’ll ask him if he can give me more information or answer any specific questions you have. He won’t be living there next year - off campus with Fish Camp friends.


My daughter is my 2nd Aggie, but my son was in the Corps so we didn’t have to do the roommate search thing. Can any experienced parents give me advice about searching for a roommate (planning to live on campus)?

@kaydeeloo have your student join the Class of 2027 Instagram page. Also post on your FB-asking if any friends have a student who will be at A&M, looking for a roommate.

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If doing roommate matching, I highly suggest being thoroughly honest on the questions. Don’t select what you think people want to hear. If you’re an early riser, mark it. If you like to sleep in, mark it. Etc.


Will TAMU rescind me? (or not like what I did with my schedule?) I applied to TAMU originally as BIMS and my senior schedule on the SRAR was DC English 4, AP Physics 1, Advanced pre-calc, AP Gov/Econ, AP Environmental Science, and band. I had a massive change of heart and wanted to go into law, so I changed majors to psychology (before I was admitted) and dropped pre-calc and physics for financial math (this is the math seniors take who don’t want to go into STEM) and DC psychology/sociology. and then I had another massive change of heart (after being bored out of my mind in psychology) and want to change my major to FIVS pre-law. I don’t want to get a psychology degree for law school because I have no interest in psychology (or any pre law degree I just wanted a pre law degree to get into law school). And I have an interest in forensics so I want to either go into criminal prosecution or forensic science. AND THEN I quit band because of burn out. And now my schedule is DC psychology/sociology, Equine science (the only class that worked with my schedule I wanted out of band that bad), financial math, AP gov/econ, DC English 4, and AP Environmental science. My grades are actually better than last years grades. Would TAMU be concerned with having a very different (and less rigorous) transcript?

@GpPsych woah, you’re all over the place🤪
You’ve been admitted to A&M?

There’s no ‘pre-law’ major, that I know of, only a few ‘pre-law’ tracks. You can literally major in ANYTHING to apply to law school. Law schools look at: lsat, gpa, résumé. @ChristiR93 and I have Mays students currently applying to law school.

Have you taken aptitude testing? I would highly recommend doing that-it’s costly, but worth it-prior to heading off to college.

Since you @GpPsych changed your courses quite significantly after you applied; you will need to inform TAMU Admissions - not sure what is the best way to do that. Looks like the 2 rigor courses you dropped were Adv. Pre-Calc and AP Physics 1. I would inform them sooner rather than later so that if they rescind your admission you can explore other options. When you contact them, just tell them that you want to change major and the courses you are now enrolled in - I would not give them an in depth explanation (unless asked) like you do here. Just my 2 cents. All the best!

If you changed your major but will fulfill your foundations degree, you’ll be fine. As @52AG82 said, there’s no pre law major. My son did mays mgmt pre law, but that’s not necessarily the best way. Law schools love stem majors. But ultimately They look at the data (lsat and gpa) over everything else.


Check out this major!

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