Texas a&m info for future applicant

<p>Dude Bobish, like everyone else said, you shouldn’t even worried, you’re in!
I’m guessing you would find out within a month or so?? Because you’re not an automatic admit, and aren’t those applicants admitted first? Trust me, the length of the process isn’t too bad, I just got notification of my acceptance today, and I applied on the 20th of August!!! (it should have been earlier, but A&M had trouble processing my transcript!) But I’m an automatic admit… so I’m not too sure about review applicants. =/
Good luck to you and everyone else!!! I’m so happy!</p>

<p>ugh…auto admits…im so jealous…and mad.
well wutever why did u apply so early when u were already auto??..lol i kind find that silly but ur rite to get it done and be relieved lol.
ur a senior rite now like me?
and yes i hope my luck works out…thers no other backup college for me really…</p>

<p>The biggest reasons to apply early as an auto admit are to insure you get your top choice of major and your first choice in housing if you are living on campus. Both of those things are filled on a first come/first served basis.</p>

<p>^ What gxgal said, and I just kind of wanted to get it out of the way…
Man all right here’s the deal, if you don’t get into A&M, I will turn down my admission there and go somewhere else. That’s how sure I am that you’re going to make it.</p>

<p>wow STV u think its that possible for me? okay…but acutally i havn’t sent in my applytexas app in yet…still finishing up last essay…im not late am i? i want(ed) to beat the rush and try to apply early</p>

<p>u guys if someone can asnwer htat would be a big help…
i STILL havn’t sent in my online applicatoin to a&m cause my college and career teacher is holding me up reviewing my app…am i running a little late wiht my app??
or am is still safe??..u see i wanted to apply BEFORE most people did</p>

Something tells me you didn’t score quite so high on your SAT, especially not in math. You do meet the 1300 mark for your composite score. That consists of critical reading and math. If you really did score a 570 in reading and an 800 in math, then your composite score is 1370. That means you exceeded the automatic admit score by 70 points. The writing section is not factored into the composite score. Also, your writing is that of an uneducated high school student who skipped every English class from freshman to senior year. I’m a senior right now, and I applied to A&M. I didn’t score very high on my SAT, I have a low class rank, and a mediocre GPA. I still have a decent chance of being accepted. Please note that your essays play an important part in the admissions decision, so before you submit yours, I suggest you go back to middle school to learn basic spelling, punctuation, and grammar.</p>

<p>@bethflick all those posts were back in 2009. :0 Anyways, where are you planning on applying?</p>

<p>“im not gona waste my senior year having a mental breakdown” </p>

<p>Best post I’ve ever seen on this site. Everyone should take this guy’s approach. hope you got into A&M!</p>



<p>Each subscore must be above 600 too.</p>

<p>Does interest in the Corps of Cadets make a difference in the admissions process? I’m a junior with decent grades and quite a few varsity letters and clubs designations under my belt, but my test scores aren’t that great, and I’m looking to serve my country after college.</p>

<p>There is a big myth in A&M admissions that, if you just check the “Corps of Cadets” interest box on your application, it will get you in. The CofC staff does have some influence with admissions, but under circumstances that require much more than a box checked. First, you have to at least meet the minimums for entrance into the university. Participation in the Corps, especially during your freshman year, can cause a real hit on academic performance. They are not interested in admitting students to the program that don’t have the mental fortitude to pass their classes. It would look bad on the Corps statistics if that was the case. Secondly, the Corps is interested in decent retention. Therefore, they also want to see you are at least entering with the intention of staying in the Corps, not just using it as a stepping stone for admission only to drop out and become a non-reg the first week of school. So they look for prior involvement in Corps admission programs. These include campus visits to talk to Corps staff, Spend the Night and Spend the Day with the Corps, Aggie Eagle program, obtaining an ROTC scholarship, etc.</p>

<p>So, the short answer is, yes, it can help, but the long answer is, only if you seriously want to participate. Now, any student who has been accepted to A&M can easily join the Corps at that point. It’s the getting accepted that is the tough part.</p>

<p>If my ACT score was a 27 and I’m ranked within the top 25% at one of the top public schools in the nation. As well as moderately strong extracurriculars and a rigorous curriculum with a 4.0 GPA. What are my chances of getting in? I’m still a review applicant though :/</p>

<p>being at one of the top public schools in the nation is nice, but you won’t get any grace with your SAT or ACT scores. In fact, might ding you a bit. At one of the top high schools in the nation and being a lower class rank is where the grace is given, being at a top high school they would expect your ACT score to reflect the education opportunity you have been given. </p>

<p>You are a review applicant and your chances are as good as any with a 27 ACT score. Can you tell us your class rank? Break down your ACT scores into components for us. Have you made an official campus visit to TAMU? What is your 1st & 2nd choice major?</p>

<p>Officially our school doesn’t rank but the counselors did tell me that I am in the top quarter.

<p>I have made an official visit and even had a meeting with one of the guys in charge of the bio department.</p>

<p>1st major- biology
2nd major- nutritional sciences</p>

<p>Officially our school doesn’t rank but the counselors did tell me that I am in the top quarter.

<p>I have made an official visit and even had a meeting with one of the guys in charge of the bio department.</p>

<p>1st major- biology
2nd major- nutritional sciences</p>

<p>^Why dont you take the SAT and get an automatic admit? Seems like your reading and math scores are pretty good. All you need is a 1300 on the SAT Math+Reading to get an auto admit.</p>

<p>[Academic</a> Admits](<a href=“http://admissions.tamu.edu/freshmen/gettingin/waysAdmitted/academic.aspx]Academic”>http://admissions.tamu.edu/freshmen/gettingin/waysAdmitted/academic.aspx)</p>

<p>Good luck on that class rank if you have a large school/ district. Compensation would be killer test scores, GPA and extra curriculars. ACT about a 28+ SAT 1800+ should do it. Don’t just join clubs though. Attain leadership positions- shows you are driven to succeed. Put multiple years into each organization you join- continuity is a desirable characteristic.</p>

<p>I’m not trying to be rude or anything, but with what i’m seeing from these kids makes getting into college seem easier than its made out to be.</p>

I know this is way too late, but acceptance rates vary per college in the University. For example, the college of engineering for TAMU has a 40% acceptance rate. Nowhere close to the 66% that was recorded in 2015 for the entire school.