the big list of acceptances

<p>at the top of this CC MT main page is a link to the FAQ site, which is a board with the info on Ba versus BFA</p>

<p>Illinisue, congratulations!!!! My daughter still hasn't made her final decision (and won't until after April 8th; she's just too busy with her school play, senior recital, and two concerts...all in the next two weeks!), but she's leaning strongly towards Otterbein. She's a very practical kid, and the combination of Otterbein's overall appeal along with the Presidential Scholarship (and the resulting acceptance into the honors program) and a HUGE talent award is making it very hard to seriously consider anything else. I'll be watching for your daughter's decision...and will post my daughter's decision once she's made it.</p>

<p>I haven't posted in awhile, have been out of the loop.... BUT what a list!! Congratulations all!! Great job...and more on the way.</p>

<p>SUE aka 5pants</p>

<p>Happy Updates! </p>

<p>Fall 2006 Acceptances</p>

<p>ActorsDad's Son - CCM (Drama) Final, Evansville (Drama)
anothermomwithquestion's D- Marietta (BFA), Muhlenberg

BBoyd3188 - Otterbein (BA Voice)

bearcaaat - PPU
beastar OCU(Drama), UCI
BrendanN - Syr,Ithaca (MT), Muhlenburg
broadwaycorey - PPark (MT), BW,

Otterbein (BM)

broadwaywannabe - UArts
chrisnoo- NYU CAP 21 (Final)
cindy013- Fordham, SUNY Buffalo- BA Theater, SUNY Oswego- Theater, Nazareth College- Theater, SUNY Geneseo- Theater
clairesellers - MMC (Production/Mgmt) Final
deegee - NYU CAP 21 Final
drama8king8 - PPU
drum87- Cal State Fullerton, Chapman U (Drama)
falloffstage - PPU, Millikin, Northern Kentucky University, BW
Ginaomibdwy - OCU (MT), UMiami (BM-Voice)
Grateful Dad's D - Wagner, Indiana
gustof777 - UARTS (Final)
Icebear411 - Syracuse (Acting)
ilbamom's D - SMU (theatre studies BFA
illinisue's D - Otterbein (BAThea)
imazoo - ELON (MT), UMich (MT), Ithaca (MT)
iNaSpotlight-Shenadoah Conservatory
jakebridges03 - CCM (MT)
Janenw's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jashner's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jbrown's S - LIPA (acting), SMU (acting), Evansville (acting), DePaul (Acting)
Jordansmom D - OCU (MT) - Final, Indiana University
kegosnell - PPU (MT), OCU (MT)
Kellster - College of Charleston
Lexismom's D - OCU (drama, BA in music), Cal State Fullerton (drama), UAz (MT), Syr (MT), Elon (MT)
Lisa77's S - UCF (MT)
Lizbennett's S - Shenandoah Cons.
LotteLenya - IndianaU(Bloomington)
lynnm's D - PPU - MT, MMC
magicboy68 - UFla (Acting BFA),DePaul
mamatw's D - Ithaca
mandemb's S - LIPA
MattSingsAlot - BoCo, CCM (MT) Final
mboi - Syr (MT)
Melsmom's D - PPU (jazz dance), Elon (Theatre BFA)
Mezzomom's D - Otterbein (Music)
Michaelsmom's S - PPU (MT-final decision)
Millerp323 - PPU
mtmumzie's D - Syr (MT)
MTPapa's D- Shenandoah Cons.
MTpolk - OCU (drama, BA in music)
mutsey87 - Ithaca
NoccaDad's D - Elon (Final)
notfromme's D - Shenandoah Cons.
nycetoile - Tisch (Strasberg)
PRFRMR20 - Emerson (MT), UArts (MT)
rel2743553 - New Mexico, UMich (acting)
Samia525 - PPU
sonsdad's S- CCM (MT), BW
srw's S - OCU (MT)
ga - CCM (Drama)
Stphen1187 - Syr (MT)
surfinpenguin44 - FSU (MT, BFA)
TheaterGuy- NYU Cap 21 Final
TheatreJock - PSU (MT), BW (MT), Coastal Carolina (BA MT)
TheatreNote - FSU (BM V)
Thesp33 - CCM (drama)
ThespianDreams - SUNY Potsdam, Indiana University
ToTheStage- U of Colorado (MT, BFA)
Vikki's-S- OCU (Drama & BM)
Weetziebat223- NYU CAP 21 Final

Acceptances (you are into the program) by school:

BoCo - MattSingsAlot
BW (BM-MT) - falloffstage, broadwaycorey, sonsdad's S, ARTYPOOH, TheatreJock
CAL STATE FULLERTON - Lexismom's D, Drum87
CCM(drama) - aspiringactress1, ActorsDad's S Final, staceyga
Chapman U , drum87, Thesp33
CCM (MT) - jakebridges03, WISCONSIN, sonsdad's S, MattSingsAlot (Final)
Coastal Carolina (BA MT) - TheatreJock
DePaul (Acting) - jbrown's S, magicboy68
ELON (MT) - noccadad's d (Final), TheatreNote (theatre), lexismom's d, imazoo
ELON (Theatre) - Melsmom's D
Emerson - PRFRMR20
Evansville (drama) - ActorsDad's S, aspiringactress1, jbrown's S
FSU MT (BFA) - surfinpenguin44
FSU BM (voice) -TheatreNote
Indiana U (BA MT) - LotteLenya, Grateful Dad's D
Ithaca (MT)- mutsey87, BrendanN, mamatw's D, imazoo
LIPA (acting) - jbrown's S, mandemb's S
MMC (MT) - lynnm's D
MMC (Prod/Mgmt) - clairesellers (Final)
Marietta- anothermomwithquestions' D
Millikin- falloffstage
Muhlenburg - anothermom-w-q's D
Nazareth College(BA-Thea) - Cindy013
NYU/Tisch-Atlantic -
NYU/Tisch-CAP 21 – chrisnoo (Final), Janenw’s D (Final), TheaterGuy (Final), Weetziebat223 (Final), deegee (Final), jashner's d (Final)
NYU/Tisch-Meisner -
NYU/Tisch-Strasberg- nyc
etoile (Final)
OCU Drama - beastar, Lexismom's D, MTpolk, noccadad's d,TheatreNote, Vikkie's S
OCU MT - Jordansmom's D- Final, srw's S, kegosnell, Ginaomibdwy
Otterbein (Music)- Mezzomom's D,


Otterbein (BA Thea) - illinisue's D

Otterbein (BA Voice) - BBoyd3188

PPU - falloffstage, Melsmom’s D (jazz dance), Michaelsmom’s S (MT- final),bearcaaat, Samia525, broadwaycorey (MT), lynnm's D (MT), kegosnell (MT), drama8king8, Millerp323
PSU (MT) - TheatreJock
Shenadoah Conservatory - iNaSpotlight(MT), Lizbennett's S, MTPapa's D, notfromme's D
SMU (acting) - jbrown's S, ilbamom's D
Syracuse (Acting) - Icebear411
Syracuse (MT) - Stphen1187, Lexismom's D, BrendanN, mboi, mtmumzie's D
SUNY Buffalo (BA-Thea) - Cindy013
SUNY Geneseo (BA-Thea) - Cindy013
SUNY Oswego (BA-Thea) - Cindy013
UArts - broadwaywannabe, gustof777 (Final), PRFRMR20
UAz (MT) - lexismom's D
UCI - be<em>a</em>star
UCFla (MT) - Lisa77's S
U Co - tothestage (MT)
UFla (Acting BFA) - magicboy68
UMiami (BM) - Ginaomibdwy
UMich (MT) - "WISCONSIN", imazoo
UMich (Acting) - rel2743553
Wagner - Grateful Dad's D</p>


<p>ActorsDad's S - UMich
lexismom's d - Elon (Accepted)
Marianne406's D - Evansville
Melsmom's D - Elon (Accepted)
scogor's D - Elon
Thesp33 - Julliard</p>

<p>My son got an acceptance letter today from CMU for acting.</p>

<p>Sonsdad - congrats! That's amazing - what part of the country are you from?</p>

<p>Happy Updates, our first CMU acceptance! How proud you must be sonsdad!</p>

<p>Fall 2006 Acceptances</p>

<p>ActorsDad's Son - CCM (Drama) Final, Evansville (Drama)
anothermomwithquestion's D- Marietta (BFA), Muhlenberg
BBoyd3188 - Otterbein (BA Voice)
bearcaaat - PPU
be<em>a</em>star OCU(Drama), UCI
BrendanN - Syr,Ithaca (MT), Muhlenburg
broadwaycorey - PPark (MT), BW, Otterbein (BM)
broadwaywannabe - UArts
chrisnoo- NYU CAP 21 (Final)
cindy013- Fordham, SUNY Buffalo- BA Theater, SUNY Oswego- Theater, Nazareth College- Theater, SUNY Geneseo- Theater
clairesellers - MMC (Production/Mgmt) Final
deegee - NYU CAP 21 Final
drama8king8 - PPU
drum87- Cal State Fullerton, Chapman U (Drama)
falloffstage - PPU, Millikin, Northern Kentucky University, BW
Ginaomibdwy - OCU (MT), UMiami (BM-Voice)
Grateful Dad's D - Wagner, Indiana
gustof777 - UARTS (Final)
Icebear411 - Syracuse (Acting)
ilbamom's D - SMU (theatre studies BFA
illinisue's D - Otterbein (BAThea)
imazoo - ELON (MT), UMich (MT), Ithaca (MT)
iNaSpotlight-Shenadoah Conservatory
jakebridges03 - CCM (MT)
Janenw's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jashner's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jbrown's S - LIPA (acting), SMU (acting), Evansville (acting), DePaul (Acting)
Jordansmom D - OCU (MT) - Final, Indiana University
kegosnell - PPU (MT), OCU (MT)
Kellster - College of Charleston
Lexismom's D - OCU (drama, BA in music), Cal State Fullerton (drama), UAz (MT), Syr (MT), Elon (MT)
Lisa77's S - UCF (MT)
Lizbennett's S - Shenandoah Cons.
LotteLenya - IndianaU(Bloomington)
lynnm's D - PPU - MT, MMC
magicboy68 - UFla (Acting BFA),DePaul
mamatw's D - Ithaca
mandemb's S - LIPA
MattSingsAlot - BoCo, CCM (MT) Final
mboi - Syr (MT)
Melsmom's D - PPU (jazz dance), Elon (Theatre BFA)
Mezzomom's D - Otterbein (Music)
Michaelsmom's S - PPU (MT-final decision)
Millerp323 - PPU
mtmumzie's D - Syr (MT)
MTPapa's D- Shenandoah Cons.
MTpolk - OCU (drama, BA in music)
mutsey87 - Ithaca
NoccaDad's D - Elon (Final)
notfromme's D - Shenandoah Cons.
nyc<em>etoile - Tisch (Strasberg)
PRFRMR20 - Emerson (MT), UArts (MT)
rel2743553 - New Mexico, UMich (acting)
Samia525 - PPU
sonsdad's S- CCM (MT), BW,

CMU (Acting)

srw's S - OCU (MT)
staceyga - CCM (Drama)
Stphen1187 - Syr (MT)
surfinpenguin44 - FSU (MT, BFA)
TheaterGuy- NYU Cap 21 Final
TheatreJock - PSU (MT), BW (MT), Coastal Carolina (BA MT)
TheatreNote - FSU (BM V)
Thesp33 - CCM (drama)
ThespianDreams - SUNY Potsdam, Indiana University
ToTheStage- U of Colorado (MT, BFA)
Vikki's-S- OCU (Drama & BM)
Weetziebat223- NYU CAP 21 Final

Acceptances (you are into the program) by school:

BoCo - MattSingsAlot
BW (BM-MT) - falloffstage, broadwaycorey, sonsdad's S, ARTYPOOH, TheatreJock
CAL STATE FULLERTON - Lexismom's D, Drum87
CCM(drama) - aspiringactress1, ActorsDad's S Final, staceyga
Chapman U , drum87, Thesp33
CCM (MT) - jakebridges03, WISCONSIN, sonsdad's S, MattSingsAlot (Final)

CMU (Acting) - sonsdad's S

Coastal Carolina (BA MT) - TheatreJock
DePaul (Acting) - jbrown's S, magicboy68
ELON (MT) - noccadad's d (Final), TheatreNote (theatre), lexismom's d, imazoo
ELON (Theatre) - Melsmom's D
Emerson - PRFRMR20
Evansville (drama) - ActorsDad's S, aspiringactress1, jbrown's S
FSU MT (BFA) - surfinpenguin44
FSU BM (voice) -TheatreNote
Indiana U (BA MT) - LotteLenya, Grateful Dad's D
Ithaca (MT)- mutsey87, BrendanN, mamatw's D, imazoo
LIPA (acting) - jbrown's S, mandemb's S
MMC (MT) - lynnm's D
MMC (Prod/Mgmt) - clairesellers (Final)
Marietta- anothermomwithquestions' D
Millikin- falloffstage
Muhlenburg - anothermom-w-q's D
Nazareth College(BA-Thea) - Cindy013
NYU/Tisch-Atlantic -
NYU/Tisch-CAP 21 – chrisnoo (Final), Janenw’s D (Final), TheaterGuy (Final), Weetziebat223 (Final), deegee (Final), jashner's d (Final)
NYU/Tisch-Meisner -
NYU/Tisch-Strasberg- nyc</em>etoile (Final)
OCU Drama - be<em>a</em>star, Lexismom's D, MTpolk, noccadad's d,TheatreNote, Vikkie's S
OCU MT - Jordansmom's D- Final, srw's S, kegosnell, Ginaomibdwy
Otterbein (Music)- Mezzomom's D, broadwaycorey
Otterbein (BA Thea) - illinisue's D
Otterbein (BA Voice) - BBoyd3188
PPU - falloffstage, Melsmom’s D (jazz dance), Michaelsmom’s S (MT- final),bearcaaat, Samia525, broadwaycorey (MT), lynnm's D (MT), kegosnell (MT), drama8king8, Millerp323
PSU (MT) - TheatreJock
Shenadoah Conservatory - iNaSpotlight(MT), Lizbennett's S, MTPapa's D, notfromme's D
SMU (acting) - jbrown's S, ilbamom's D
Syracuse (Acting) - Icebear411
Syracuse (MT) - Stphen1187, Lexismom's D, BrendanN, mboi, mtmumzie's D
SUNY Buffalo (BA-Thea) - Cindy013
SUNY Geneseo (BA-Thea) - Cindy013
SUNY Oswego (BA-Thea) - Cindy013
UArts - broadwaywannabe, gustof777 (Final), PRFRMR20
UAz (MT) - lexismom's D
UCI - be<em>a</em>star
UCFla (MT) - Lisa77's S
U Co - tothestage (MT)
UFla (Acting BFA) - magicboy68
UMiami (BM) - Ginaomibdwy
UMich (MT) - "WISCONSIN", imazoo
UMich (Acting) - rel2743553
Wagner - Grateful Dad's D</p>


<p>ActorsDad's S - UMich
lexismom's d - Elon (Accepted)
Marianne406's D - Evansville
Melsmom's D - Elon (Accepted)
scogor's D - Elon
Thesp33 - Julliard</p>

<p>Dear Aspiriingactress1,</p>

<p>Thanks very much. We live in Ann Arbor.</p>

<p>Sonsdad, what wonderful news! Your son has fine options. Congrats to him for these acceptances.

<p>I was waitlisted for the BFA Musical Theatre Program at Otterbein. Pretty pumped about it.</p>

<p>TheatreJock...You're on Fiahh! Should we start adding waitlists to our big list? Could be an interesting statistic to keep track of...</p>

<p>BIG HUGE congrats, theatrejock</p>

<p>does anyone else LOVE the fact that Melsmom just said "Fiahh"??</p>

<p>I know this isnt MT related at all, but I am bragging on behalf of my sister. She just got into CMU for both engineering and architecture. She gets to choose which program she wants, which is awesome. its funny, two first borns (my parents are divorced) going to their top choice schools, its been a great year at my house(s). </p>


<p>TheaterJock, good for you! That's an accomplishment!</p>

<p> about your sister! Getting into CMU for architecture OR engineering is very selective and quite an achievement. I have a 19 y.o. D going into architecture and know a little about it.</p>

<p>Another kid on Fiahh!!</p>

<p>Fall 2006 Acceptances</p>

<p>ActorsDad's Son - CCM (Drama) Final, Evansville (Drama)
anothermomwithquestion's D- Marietta (BFA), Muhlenberg
BBoyd3188 - Otterbein (BA Voice)
bearcaaat - PPU
be<em>a</em>star OCU(Drama), UCI
BrendanN - Syr, Ithaca (MT), Muhlenburg,


broadwaycorey - PPark (MT), BW, Otterbein (BM)
broadwaywannabe - UArts
chrisnoo- NYU CAP 21 (Final)
cindy013- Fordham, SUNY Buffalo- BA Theater, SUNY Oswego- Theater, Nazareth College- Theater, SUNY Geneseo- Theater
clairesellers - MMC (Production/Mgmt) Final
deegee - NYU CAP 21 Final
drama8king8 - PPU
drum87- Cal State Fullerton, Chapman U (Drama)
falloffstage - PPU, Millikin, Northern Kentucky University, BW
Ginaomibdwy - OCU (MT), UMiami (BM-Voice)
Grateful Dad's D - Wagner, Indiana
gustof777 - UARTS (Final)
Icebear411 - Syracuse (Acting)
ilbamom's D - SMU (theatre studies BFA
illinisue's D - Otterbein (BAThea)
imazoo - ELON (MT), UMich (MT), Ithaca (MT)
iNaSpotlight-Shenadoah Conservatory
jakebridges03 - CCM (MT)
Janenw's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jashner's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jbrown's S - LIPA (acting), SMU (acting), Evansville (acting), DePaul (Acting)
Jordansmom D - OCU (MT) - Final, Indiana University
kegosnell - PPU (MT), OCU (MT)
Kellster - College of Charleston
Lexismom's D - OCU (drama, BA in music), Cal State Fullerton (drama), UAz (MT), Syr (MT), Elon (MT)
Lisa77's S - UCF (MT)
Lizbennett's S - Shenandoah Cons.
LotteLenya - IndianaU(Bloomington)
lynnm's D - PPU - MT, MMC
magicboy68 - UFla (Acting BFA),DePaul
mamatw's D - Ithaca
mandemb's S - LIPA
MattSingsAlot - BoCo, CCM (MT) Final
mboi - Syr (MT)
Melsmom's D - PPU (jazz dance), Elon (Theatre BFA)
Mezzomom's D - Otterbein (Music)
Michaelsmom's S - PPU (MT-final decision)
Millerp323 - PPU
mtmumzie's D - Syr (MT)
MTPapa's D- Shenandoah Cons.
MTpolk - OCU (drama, BA in music)
mutsey87 - Ithaca
NoccaDad's D - Elon (Final)
notfromme's D - Shenandoah Cons.
nycetoile - Tisch (Strasberg)
PRFRMR20 - Emerson (MT), UArts (MT)
rel2743553 - New Mexico, UMich (acting)
Samia525 - PPU
sonsdad's S- CCM (MT), BW, CMU (Acting)
srw's S - OCU (MT)
ga - CCM (Drama)
Stphen1187 - Syr (MT)
surfinpenguin44 - FSU (MT, BFA)
TheaterGuy- NYU Cap 21 Final
TheatreJock - PSU (MT), BW (MT), Coastal Carolina (BA MT)
TheatreNote - FSU (BM V)
Thesp33 - CCM (drama)
ThespianDreams - SUNY Potsdam, Indiana University
ToTheStage- U of Colorado (MT, BFA)
Vikki's-S- OCU (Drama & BM)
Weetziebat223- NYU CAP 21 Final

Acceptances (you are into the program) by school:

BoCo - MattSingsAlot
BW (BM-MT) - falloffstage, broadwaycorey, sonsdad's S, ARTYPOOH, TheatreJock
CAL STATE FULLERTON - Lexismom's D, Drum87
CCM(drama) - aspiringactress1, ActorsDad's S Final, staceyga
Chapman U , drum87, Thesp33
CCM (MT) - jakebridges03, WISCONSIN, sonsdad's S, MattSingsAlot (Final)
CMU (Acting) - sonsdad's S
Coastal Carolina (BA MT) - TheatreJock
DePaul (Acting) - jbrown's S, magicboy68
ELON (MT) - noccadad's d (Final), TheatreNote (theatre), lexismom's d, imazoo
ELON (Theatre) - Melsmom's D
Emerson - PRFRMR20
Evansville (drama) - ActorsDad's S, aspiringactress1, jbrown's S
FSU MT (BFA) - surfinpenguin44
FSU BM (voice) -TheatreNote
Indiana U (BA MT) - LotteLenya, Grateful Dad's D
Ithaca (MT)- mutsey87, BrendanN, mamatw's D, imazoo
LIPA (acting) - jbrown's S, mandemb's S
MMC (MT) - lynnm's D
MMC (Prod/Mgmt) - clairesellers (Final)
Marietta- anothermomwithquestions' D
Millikin- falloffstage
Muhlenburg - anothermom-w-q's D
Nazareth College(BA-Thea) - Cindy013
NYU/Tisch-Atlantic -
NYU/Tisch-CAP 21 – chrisnoo (Final), Janenw’s D (Final), TheaterGuy (Final), Weetziebat223 (Final), deegee (Final), jashner's d (Final)
NYU/Tisch-Meisner -
NYU/Tisch-Strasberg- nyc
etoile (Final)
OCU Drama - beastar, Lexismom's D, MTpolk, noccadad's d,TheatreNote, Vikkie's S
OCU MT - Jordansmom's D- Final, srw's S, kegosnell, Ginaomibdwy
Otterbein (Music)- Mezzomom's D, broadwaycorey
Otterbein (BA Thea) - illinisue's D
Otterbein (BA Voice) - BBoyd3188
PPU - falloffstage, Melsmom’s D (jazz dance), Michaelsmom’s S (MT- final),bearcaaat, Samia525, broadwaycorey (MT), lynnm's D (MT), kegosnell (MT), drama8king8, Millerp323
PSU (MT) - TheatreJock
Shenadoah Conservatory - iNaSpotlight(MT), Lizbennett's S, MTPapa's D, notfromme's D
SMU (acting) - jbrown's S, ilbamom's D
Syracuse (Acting) - Icebear411
Syracuse (MT) - Stphen1187, Lexismom's D, BrendanN, mboi, mtmumzie's D
SUNY Buffalo (BA-Thea) - Cindy013
SUNY Geneseo (BA-Thea) - Cindy013
SUNY Oswego (BA-Thea) - Cindy013
UArts - broadwaywannabe, gustof777 (Final), PRFRMR20
UAz (MT) - lexismom's D
UCI - beastar
UCFla (MT) - Lisa77's S
U Co - tothestage (MT)
UFla (Acting BFA) - magicboy68
UMiami (BM) - Ginaomibdwy,


UMich (MT) - "WISCONSIN", imazoo
UMich (Acting) - rel2743553
Wagner - Grateful Dad's D</p>


<p>ActorsDad's S - UMich
lexismom's d - Elon (Accepted)
Marianne406's D - Evansville
Melsmom's D - Elon (Accepted)
scogor's D - Elon
Thesp33 - Julliard</p>

<p>My S just heard from Umich via their web site that he was accepted . He was on the deferred list since December. However, it hasn't changed his decision to go to CCM.</p>

<p>I believe I was accepted into the BFA program at Miami. That's what I applied to and that's what I've been keeping in contact with Bruce about. Earlier this week, he said I should be receiving my acceptance packet in a few days, but I've yet to see it. Instead, I received an e-mail last night congratulating me on my acceptance and inviting me to the open house. I assume I'll be receiving the hardcopy today.</p>

<p>actorsdad, maybe you can tell us how your S made his decision. I am sure it comes down to certain intangibles, but if people are willing to share, knowing how such decisions are made can be enlightening.</p>

<p>Congrats to your son.</p>

<p>Another kid on Fiahh!!</p>

<p>Fall 2006 Acceptances</p>

<p>ActorsDad's Son - CCM (Drama) Final, Evansville (Drama),


anothermomwithquestion's D- Marietta (BFA), Muhlenberg
BBoyd3188 - Otterbein (BA Voice)
bearcaaat - PPU
beastar OCU(Drama), UCI
BrendanN - Syr, Ithaca (MT), Muhlenburg, UMiami highlight

broadwaycorey - PPark (MT), BW, Otterbein (BM)
broadwaywannabe - UArts
chrisnoo- NYU CAP 21 (Final)
cindy013- Fordham, SUNY Buffalo- BA Theater, SUNY Oswego- Theater, Nazareth College- Theater, SUNY Geneseo- Theater
clairesellers - MMC (Production/Mgmt) Final
deegee - NYU CAP 21 Final
drama8king8 - PPU
drum87- Cal State Fullerton, Chapman U (Drama)
falloffstage - PPU, Millikin, Northern Kentucky University, BW
Ginaomibdwy - OCU (MT), UMiami (BM-Voice)
Grateful Dad's D - Wagner, Indiana
gustof777 - UARTS (Final)
Icebear411 - Syracuse (Acting)
ilbamom's D - SMU (theatre studies BFA
illinisue's D - Otterbein (BAThea)
imazoo - ELON (MT), UMich (MT), Ithaca (MT)
iNaSpotlight-Shenadoah Conservatory
jakebridges03 - CCM (MT)
Janenw's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jashner's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jbrown's S - LIPA (acting), SMU (acting), Evansville (acting), DePaul (Acting)
Jordansmom D - OCU (MT) - Final, Indiana University
kegosnell - PPU (MT), OCU (MT)
Kellster - College of Charleston
Lexismom's D - OCU (drama, BA in music), Cal State Fullerton (drama), UAz (MT), Syr (MT), Elon (MT)
Lisa77's S - UCF (MT)
Lizbennett's S - Shenandoah Cons.
LotteLenya - IndianaU(Bloomington)
lynnm's D - PPU - MT, MMC
magicboy68 - UFla (Acting BFA),DePaul
mamatw's D - Ithaca
mandemb's S - LIPA
MattSingsAlot - BoCo, CCM (MT) Final
mboi - Syr (MT)
Melsmom's D - PPU (jazz dance), Elon (Theatre BFA)
Mezzomom's D - Otterbein (Music)
Michaelsmom's S - PPU (MT-final decision)
Millerp323 - PPU
mtmumzie's D - Syr (MT)
MTPapa's D- Shenandoah Cons.
MTpolk - OCU (drama, BA in music)
mutsey87 - Ithaca
NoccaDad's D - Elon (Final)
notfromme's D - Shenandoah Cons.
nyc<em>etoile - Tisch (Strasberg)
PRFRMR20 - Emerson (MT), UArts (MT)
rel2743553 - New Mexico, UMich (acting)
Samia525 - PPU
sonsdad's S- CCM (MT), BW, CMU (Acting)
srw's S - OCU (MT)
stacey</em>ga - CCM (Drama)
Stphen1187 - Syr (MT)
surfinpenguin44 - FSU (MT, BFA)
TheaterGuy- NYU Cap 21 Final
TheatreJock - PSU (MT), BW (MT), Coastal Carolina (BA MT)
TheatreNote - FSU (BM V)
Thesp33 - CCM (drama)
ThespianDreams - SUNY Potsdam, Indiana University
ToTheStage- U of Colorado (MT, BFA)
Vikki's-S- OCU (Drama & BM)
Weetziebat223- NYU CAP 21 Final
"WISCONSIN" - UMich, CCM (MT)</p>

<p>Acceptances (you are into the program) by school:</p>

<p>BoCo - MattSingsAlot
BW (BM-MT) - falloffstage, broadwaycorey, sonsdad's S, ARTYPOOH, TheatreJock
CAL STATE FULLERTON - Lexismom's D, Drum87
CCM(drama) - aspiringactress1, ActorsDad's S Final, stacey<em>ga
Chapman U , drum87, Thesp33
CCM (MT) - jakebridges03, WISCONSIN, sonsdad's S, MattSingsAlot (Final)
CMU (Acting) - sonsdad's S
Coastal Carolina (BA MT) - TheatreJock
DePaul (Acting) - jbrown's S, magicboy68
ELON (MT) - noccadad's d (Final), TheatreNote (theatre), lexismom's d, imazoo
ELON (Theatre) - Melsmom's D
Emerson - PRFRMR20
Evansville (drama) - ActorsDad's S, aspiringactress1, jbrown's S
FSU MT (BFA) - surfinpenguin44
FSU BM (voice) -TheatreNote
Indiana U (BA MT) - LotteLenya, Grateful Dad's D 
Ithaca (MT)- mutsey87, BrendanN, mamatw's D, imazoo
LIPA (acting) - jbrown's S, mandemb's S
MMC (MT) - lynnm's D
MMC (Prod/Mgmt) - clairesellers (Final) 
Marietta- anothermomwithquestions' D
Millikin- falloffstage
Muhlenburg - anothermom-w-q's D
Nazareth College(BA-Thea) - Cindy013
NYU/Tisch-Atlantic -
NYU/Tisch-CAP 21 – chrisnoo (Final), Janenw’s D (Final), TheaterGuy (Final), Weetziebat223 (Final), deegee (Final), jashner's d (Final)
NYU/Tisch-Meisner -
NYU/Tisch-Strasberg- nyc</em>etoile (Final)
OCU Drama - be<em>a</em>star, Lexismom's D, MTpolk, noccadad's d,TheatreNote, Vikkie's S
OCU MT - Jordansmom's D- Final, srw's S, kegosnell, Ginaomibdwy
Otterbein (Music)- Mezzomom's D, broadwaycorey
Otterbein (BA Thea) - illinisue's D
Otterbein (BA Voice) - BBoyd3188 
PPU - falloffstage, Melsmom’s D (jazz dance), Michaelsmom’s S (MT- final),bearcaaat, Samia525, broadwaycorey (MT), lynnm's D (MT), kegosnell (MT), drama8king8, Millerp323
PSU (MT) - TheatreJock
Shenadoah Conservatory - iNaSpotlight(MT), Lizbennett's S, MTPapa's D, notfromme's D
SMU (acting) - jbrown's S, ilbamom's D
Syracuse (Acting) - Icebear411
Syracuse (MT) - Stphen1187, Lexismom's D, BrendanN, mboi, mtmumzie's D 
SUNY Buffalo (BA-Thea) - Cindy013
SUNY Geneseo (BA-Thea) - Cindy013
SUNY Oswego (BA-Thea) - Cindy013
UArts - broadwaywannabe, gustof777 (Final), PRFRMR20
UAz (MT) - lexismom's D
UCI - be<em>a</em>star
UCFla (MT) - Lisa77's S
U Co - tothestage (MT)
UFla (Acting BFA) - magicboy68

UMiami (BFA MT) - BrendanN

UMiami (BM) - Ginaomibdwy
UMich (MT) - "WISCONSIN", imazoo
UMich (Acting) - rel2743553
Wagner - Grateful Dad's D</p>


<p>ActorsDad's S - UMich <a href="Accepted">highlight</a>

lexismom's d - Elon (Accepted)
Marianne406's D - Evansville
Melsmom's D - Elon (Accepted)
scogor's D - Elon
Thesp33 - Julliard</p>

<p>It's not easy to always understand how an 18 year old makes decisions, but he expressed a few things I can share:</p>

<li><p>He narrowed his list to mostly BFA programs early on. He felt that BA programs that he visited (Williams, Fordham, & Brown) were not intensive enough for him). He also always wanted dramatic performance not MT. While he has a strong voice, his passion is acting.</p></li>
<li><p>His first list this fall included CMU, UMich, Syracuse, Evansville, USC, SMU, DePaul, Illinois State, Rutgers, Juilliard, BU, and CCM. Illinois State was a safety that didn't require an audition, but had a program that felt like a BFA
program. Most of these schools were recommended by various people: instructors, summer programs and research.</p></li>
<li><p>After summer program and some visits, he crossed off SMU (didn't like the school or Texas), BU ( program was large and seemed to have a high ratio of kides to instructos), DePaul (didn't like cut program), Rutgers (didn't like the school.</p></li>
<li><p>Auditioned at Evansville in October and 2 weeks later was accepted with $48,000 scholarship. At that point he took off all the schools he had listed under them (Usc- too far, Illinois State- Safety, CMU - felt they were more of a MT school and felt the school's acting program was overated. This was reinforced by a casting agent he knew that was a CMU alumni that said that most of the recent grads she had auditioned were not very impressive).</p></li>
<li><p>That left UMich, Evansville, Syracuse, Juilliard, and CCM. CCM was added late fall because he kept hearing about the school and figured he should check it out.</p></li>
<li><p>He was deferred in December from Michigan, but they told him he had a great audition and he is academically strong, so we thought he would be accepted. He auditioned for Syracuse in November and liked the school and the program , but was put off by the fact that many MT students were accepted by the school as drama students as their second choice in fairly large numbers. Their MT and drama departments were very mixed and he had mixed feelings about that.</p></li>
<li><p>He auditioned at CCM and loved everyhing about the program. The only negative was the school in general (weak academics). He decided at that point that it would be CCM or UMich if he got in. He decided that Evansville would be good only if he was planning on a MFA, as they have an excellent record for placing students in top programs.</p></li>
<li><p>He got accepted at CCM and when he talked to the head of the program, he was convinced that it was the program for him. He loved the structure of the program, the instructors, the demanding reputation, freshman showcase, and the general artsy feeling of the school of music. He sent in the deposit and we were done. UMich was considered (by him) to be limited by their instruction (no viewpoints) and seemed to have a chip on their shoulder in comparison to the MT students. MY son also didn't feel a connection with the head of the program, although he loved a few of the instructors that he met.</p></li>

<p>I think he will be happy at CCM, however I feel he would have probably been happy at all of his other top choices as well. He was very fortunate to have a choice. He ended up being rejected by Syracuse and Juilliard and accepted at Evansville, UMich and CCM.</p>

<p>Hope that helps understand my son's progress through the maze of decisions you need to make along the way. The endless hours of research was well worth it (mostly by my wife). Our only regret is that we wish we found out about college confidential earlier!</p>