<p>Another kid on Fiahh!! also Corrections (thanks Soozie)</p>
<p>Fall 2006 Acceptances</p>
<p>ActorsDad's Son - CCM (Drama) Final, Evansville (Drama), UMich <a href="Acting">highlight</a>
anothermomwithquestion's D- Marietta (BFA), Muhlenberg
BBoyd3188 - Otterbein (BA Voice)
bearcaaat - PPU
be<em>a</em>star OCU(Drama), UCI
BrendanN - Syr, Ithaca (MT), Muhlenburg, UMiami (BFA MT?)
broadwaycorey - PPark (MT), BW, Otterbein (BM)
broadwaywannabe - UArts
chrisnoo- NYU CAP 21 (Final)
cindy013- Fordham, SUNY Buffalo- BA Theater, SUNY Oswego- Theater, Nazareth College- Theater, SUNY Geneseo- Theater
clairesellers - MMC (Production/Mgmt) Final
deegee - NYU CAP 21 Final
drama8king8 - PPU
drum87- Cal State Fullerton, Chapman U (Drama)
falloffstage - PPU, Millikin, Northern Kentucky University, BW
Ginaomibdwy - OCU (MT), UMiami (BM-Voice)
Grateful Dad's D - Wagner, Indiana
gustof777 - UARTS (Final)
Icebear411 - Syracuse (Acting)
ilbamom's D - SMU (theatre studies BFA
illinisue's D - Otterbein (BAThea)
imazoo - ELON (MT), UMich (MT), Ithaca (MT)
iNaSpotlight-Shenadoah Conservatory
jakebridges03 - CCM (MT)
Janenw's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jashner's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jbrown's S - LIPA (acting), SMU (acting), Evansville (acting), DePaul (Acting)
Jordansmom D - OCU (MT) - Final, Indiana University
kegosnell - PPU (MT), OCU (MT)
Kellster - College of Charleston
Lexismom's D - OCU (drama, BA in music), Cal State Fullerton (drama), UAz (MT), Syr (MT), Elon (MT)
Lisa77's S - UCF (MT)
Lizbennett's S - Shenandoah Cons.
LotteLenya - IndianaU(Bloomington)
lynnm's D - PPU - MT, MMC
magicboy68 - UFla (Acting BFA),DePaul
mamatw's D - Ithaca
mandemb's S - LIPA
MattSingsAlot - BoCo, CCM (MT) Final
mboi - Syr (MT)
Melsmom's D - PPU (jazz dance), Elon (Theatre BFA)
Mezzomom's D - Otterbein (Music)
Michaelsmom's S - PPU (MT-final decision)
Millerp323 - PPU
MTaussie's S - Otterbein (MT)
mtmumzie's D - Syr (MT)
MTPapa's D- Shenandoah Cons.
MTpolk - OCU (drama, BA in music)
mutsey87 - Ithaca
NoccaDad's D - Elon (Final)
notfromme's D - Shenandoah Cons.
nyc<em>etoile - Tisch (Strasberg)
PRFRMR20 - Emerson (MT), UArts (MT)
rel2743553 - New Mexico, UMich (acting)
Samia525 - PPU
sonsdad's S- CCM (MT), BW, CMU (Acting)
srw's S - OCU (MT)
stacey</em>ga - CCM (Drama)
Stphen1187 - Syr (MT)
surfinpenguin44 - FSU (MT, BFA)
TheaterGuy- NYU Cap 21 Final
TheatreJock - PSU (MT), BW (MT), Coastal Carolina (BA MT)
TheatreNote - FSU (BM V)
Thesp33 - CCM (drama)
ThespianDreams - SUNY Potsdam, Indiana University
ToTheStage- U of Colorado (MT, BFA)
Vikki's-S- OCU (Drama & BM)
Weetziebat223- NYU CAP 21 Final
"WISCONSIN" - UMich, CCM (MT)</p>
<p>Acceptances (you are into the program) by school:</p>
<p>BoCo - MattSingsAlot
BW (BM-MT) - falloffstage, broadwaycorey, sonsdad's S, ARTYPOOH, TheatreJock
CAL STATE FULLERTON - Lexismom's D, Drum87
CCM(drama) - aspiringactress1, ActorsDad's S Final, stacey<em>ga
Chapman U , drum87, Thesp33
CCM (MT) - jakebridges03, WISCONSIN, sonsdad's S, MattSingsAlot (Final)
CMU (Acting) - sonsdad's S
Coastal Carolina (BA MT) - TheatreJock
DePaul (Acting) - jbrown's S, magicboy68
ELON (MT) - noccadad's d (Final), TheatreNote (theatre), lexismom's d, imazoo
ELON (Theatre) - Melsmom's D
Emerson - PRFRMR20
Evansville (drama) - ActorsDad's S, aspiringactress1, jbrown's S
FSU MT (BFA) - surfinpenguin44
FSU BM (voice) -TheatreNote
Indiana U (BA MT) - LotteLenya, Grateful Dad's D
Ithaca (MT)- mutsey87, BrendanN, mamatw's D, imazoo
LIPA (acting) - jbrown's S, mandemb's S
MMC (MT) - lynnm's D
MMC (Prod/Mgmt) - clairesellers (Final)
Marietta- anothermomwithquestions' D
Millikin- falloffstage
Muhlenburg - anothermom-w-q's D
Nazareth College(BA-Thea) - Cindy013
NYU/Tisch-Atlantic -
NYU/Tisch-CAP 21 chrisnoo (Final), Janenws D (Final), TheaterGuy (Final), Weetziebat223 (Final), deegee (Final), jashner's d (Final)
NYU/Tisch-Meisner -
NYU/Tisch-Strasberg- nyc</em>etoile (Final)
OCU Drama - be<em>a</em>star, Lexismom's D, MTpolk, noccadad's d,TheatreNote, Vikkie's S
OCU MT - Jordansmom's D- Final, srw's S, kegosnell, Ginaomibdwy
Otterbein (Music)- Mezzomom's D, broadwaycorey
Otterbein (BA Thea) - illinisue's D
Otterbein (BA Voice) - BBoyd3188
Otterbein (MT) - MTaussie's
PPU - falloffstage, Melsmoms D (jazz dance), Michaelsmoms S (MT- final),bearcaaat, Samia525, broadwaycorey (MT), lynnm's D (MT), kegosnell (MT), drama8king8, Millerp323
PSU (MT) - TheatreJock
Shenadoah Conservatory - iNaSpotlight(MT), Lizbennett's S, MTPapa's D, notfromme's D
SMU (acting) - jbrown's S, ilbamom's D
Syracuse (Acting) - Icebear411
Syracuse (MT) - Stphen1187, Lexismom's D, BrendanN, mboi, mtmumzie's D
SUNY Buffalo (BA-Thea) - Cindy013
SUNY Geneseo (BA-Thea) - Cindy013
SUNY Oswego (BA-Thea) - Cindy013
UArts - broadwaywannabe, gustof777 (Final), PRFRMR20
UAz (MT) - lexismom's D
UCI - be<em>a</em>star
UCFla (MT) - Lisa77's S
U Co - tothestage (MT)
UFla (Acting BFA) - magicboy68
UMiami (BFA MT) - BrendanN
UMiami (BM) - Ginaomibdwy
UMich (MT) - "WISCONSIN", imazoo
UMich (Acting) - rel2743553,
actordad's S
Wagner - Grateful Dad's D</p>
<p>ActorsDad's S - UMich (Accepted)
lexismom's d - Elon (Accepted)
Marianne406's D - Evansville
Melsmom's D - Elon (Accepted)
scogor's D - Elon
Thesp33 - Julliard</p>