the big list of acceptances

<p>Fall 2006 Acceptances</p>

<p>Abparent's S - Ohio Wesleyan (Theatre), Elon (MT), Montclair (MT)
actingreacting1 - Cornish College of the Arts (Acting)
ActorsDad's S - CCM (Drama) Final, Evansville (Drama), UMich (Acting)
anothermomwithquestion's D- Marietta (BFA), Muhlenberg, Ohio Northern (MT)
amy oconnell - Roosevelt
BBoyd3188 - Otterbein (BA Voice)
bearcaaat - PPU
be<em>a</em>star OCU(Drama), UCI
BrendanN - Syr, Ithaca (MT), Muhlenburg, UMiami (BFA MT), Emerson, SUNY Purchase (acting)
broadwaycorey - PPark (MT), BW, Otterbein (BA Thea & BM)
broadwaywannabe - UArts
CaptRobinson - CMU (MT)
chaseman1325 - CMU (MT)
chrisnoo- NYU CAP 21 (Final)
cindy013- Fordham, SUNY Buffalo- BA Theater, SUNY Oswego- Theater, Nazareth College- Theater, SUNY Geneseo- Theater
ckp - Roosevelt
clairesellers - MMC (Production/Mgmt) Final
deegee - NYU CAP 21 Final
DramaGuy16 - Roosevelt
drexel6337's D - Emerson, BOCO
drama8king8 - PPU
dreamdancer - Roosevelt
drum87- Cal State Fullerton, Chapman U (Drama)
edmondsg's S - NYU Tisch, Northwestern (Theatre BA)
falloffstage - PPU, Millikin, Northern Kentucky University, BW, Emerson
Ginaomibdwy - OCU (MT), UMiami (BM-Voice)
Grateful Dad's D - Wagner, Indiana, SUNY
Fedonia (acting)
gustof777 - UARTS (Final), NCSA
Icebear411 - Syracuse (Acting)
ilbamom's D - SMU (theatre studies BFA), BOCO
illinisue's D - Otterbein (BAThea)
imazoo - ELON (MT), UMich (MT), Ithaca (MT), CMU, BOCO
iNaSpotlight-Shenadoah Conservatory
jakebridges03 - CCM (MT)
Janenw's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jashner's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jbrown's S - LIPA (acting), SMU (acting), Evansville (acting), DePaul (Acting)
Jordansmom D - OCU (MT) - Final, Indiana University
kegosnell - PPU (MT), OCU (MT)
Kellster - College of Charleston, Vassar
kingsandcabbages - BOCO
Lexismom's D - OCU (drama, BA in music), Cal State Fullerton (drama), UAz (MT), Syr (MT), Elon (MT)
Lisa77's S - UCF (MT), U of Miami (MT)
Lizbennett's S - Shenandoah Cons.
LotteLenya - IndianaU(Bloomington)
lynnm's D - PPU - MT, MMC
magicboy68 - UFla (Acting BFA),DePaul
mamatw's D - Ithaca
managy88 - Shenendoah (final)
mandemb's S - LIPA
MAS06 - BOCO, Ithaca
MattSingsAlot - BoCo, CCM (MT) Final
mboi - Syr (MT), BOCO
Melsmom's D - PPU (jazz dance), Elon (Theatre BFA)
Mezzomom's D - Otterbein (Music)
Miabella - U of Miami (MT)
Michaelsmom's S - PPU (MT-final decision)
Millerp323 - PPU
Momsinger's D - James Madison
MTaussie's S - Otterbein (MT), Illinois Wesleyan (MT)
mtmumzie's D - Syr (MT)
MTPapa's D- Arizona State University (vocal perf), OCU (thea), Rockford College (MT), Shenandoah University (MT), and Syracuse University (MT)
MTpolk - OCU (drama, BA in music)
musicalmom's D - Wright State, Shenendoah, SUNY Buffalo, SUNY Geneseo
mutsey87 - Ithaca
NoccaDad's D - Elon (Final)
notfromme's D - Shenandoah Cons.
nyc<em>etoile - Tisch (Strasberg)
PRFRMR20 - Emerson (MT), UArts (MT), U of Miami (MT), BOCO
rel2743553 - New Mexico, UMich (acting)
Samia525 - PPU, BOCO
sonsdad's S- CCM (MT), BW, CMU (Acting), Syr (Acting), Roosevelt
srw's S - OCU (MT)
stacey</em>ga - CCM (Drama)
Stphen1187 - Syr (MT), BOCO
surfinpenguin44 - FSU (MT, BFA)
TheActr97J - BoCo
TheaterGuy- NYU Cap 21 Final
TheatreJock - PSU (MT), BW (MT), Coastal Carolina (BA MT)
TheatreNote - FSU (BM V)
Thesp33 - CCM (drama). CMU (Acting)
ThespianDreams - SUNY Potsdam, Indiana University
ToTheStage- U of Colorado (MT, BFA)
Urlivewithfrank2 - BOCO
Vikki's-S- OCU (Drama & BM)
Weetziebat223- NYU CAP 21 Final
"WISCONSIN" - UMich, CCM (MT)</p>

<p>Acceptances (you are into the program) by school:</p>

<p>Arizona State (Vocal Perf) - MTPapa's D
BoCo - MattSingsAlot, Urlivewithfrank2, drexel6337's D, ilbamom's D, samia525, PRFRMR20, kingsandcabbages, Stphen1187, mboi, MAS06, imazoo, TheActr97J
BW (BM-MT) - falloffstage, broadwaycorey, sonsdad's S, ARTYPOOH, TheatreJock
CAL STATE FULLERTON - Lexismom's D, Drum87
CCM(drama) - aspiringactress1, ActorsDad's S Final, stacey<em>ga
Chapman U , drum87, Thesp33
CCM (MT) - jakebridges03, WISCONSIN, sonsdad's S, MattSingsAlot (Final)
CMU (Acting) - thesp33
CMU (MT)- sonsdad's S (acting), imazoo (MT), chaseman1325, CaptRobinson
Coastal Carolina (BA MT) - TheatreJock
Cornish College of the Arts (Acting) - actingreacting1
DePaul (Acting) - jbrown's S, magicboy68
ELON (MT) - noccadad's d (Final), TheatreNote (theatre), lexismom's d, imazoo, Abparent's S
ELON (Theatre) - Melsmom's D
Emerson - PRFRMR20, drexel6337, magicboy68 (theatre arts), BrendanN, falloffstage
Evansville (drama) - ActorsDad's S, aspiringactress1, jbrown's S
FSU MT (BFA) - surfinpenguin44
FSU BM (voice) -TheatreNote
Illinois Wesleyan (MT) - MTaussie's S
Indiana U (BA MT) - LotteLenya, Grateful Dad's D
Ithaca (MT)- mutsey87, BrendanN, mamatw's D, imazoo, MAS06
James Madison - Momsinger's D
LIPA (acting) - jbrown's S, mandemb's S
MMC (MT) - lynnm's D
MMC (Prod/Mgmt) - clairesellers (Final)
Marietta- anothermomwithquestions' D
Millikin- falloffstage
Montclair - Abparent's S
Muhlenburg - anothermom-w-q's D
Nazareth College(BA-Thea) - Cindy013
Northwestern (BA-Theatre) - edmondsg's S
NCSA - gustoff77
NYU/Tisch-Atlantic -
NYU/Tisch-CAP 21 – chrisnoo (Final), Janenw’s D (Final), TheaterGuy (Final), Weetziebat223 (Final), deegee (Final), jashner's d (Final)
NYU/Tisch-Meisner -
NYU/Tisch-Strasberg- nyc</em>etoile (Final)
NYU/Tisch-undetermined - edmondsg's S
OCU Drama - be<em>a</em>star, Lexismom's D, MTpolk, noccadad's d,TheatreNote, Vikkie's S, MTPapa's D
OCU MT - Jordansmom's D- Final, srw's S, kegosnell, Ginaomibdwy
Ohio Northern (MT) - anothermom-w-q's D
Ohio Wesleyan (Theatre) - Abparent's S
Otterbein (Music)- Mezzomom's D, broadwaycorey
Otterbein (BA Thea) - illinisue's D, broadwaycorey
Otterbein (BA Voice) - BBoyd3188
Otterbein (MT) - MTaussie's S
PPU - falloffstage, Melsmom’s D (jazz dance), Michaelsmom’s S (MT- final),bearcaaat, Samia525, broadwaycorey (MT), lynnm's D (MT), kegosnell (MT), drama8king8, Millerp323
PSU (MT) - TheatreJock
Rockford College (MT) - MTPapa's D
Roosevelt - ckp, amy oconnell, sonsdad's S, dreamdancer, DramaGuy16
Shenadoah Conservatory - iNaSpotlight(MT), Lizbennett's S, MTPapa's D, notfromme's D, musicalmom's D, managy88 (final)
SMU (acting) - jbrown's S, ilbamom's D
Syracuse (Acting) - Icebear411, sonsdad's S
Syracuse (MT) - Stphen1187, Lexismom's D, BrendanN, mboi, mtmumzie's D, MTPapa's D
SUNY Buffalo - Cindy013 (BA Thea), musicalmom's D
SUNY Fredonia (acting) - Grateful Dad's D
SUNY Geneseo - Cindy013 (BA Thea), musicalmom's D
SUNY Oswego (BA-Thea) - Cindy013
SUNY Purchase (acting) - BrendanN
UArts - broadwaywannabe, gustof777 (Final), PRFRMR20
UAz (MT) - lexismom's D
UCI - be<em>a</em>star
UCFla (MT) - Lisa77's S
U Co - tothestage (MT)
UFla (Acting BFA) - magicboy68
UMiami (BFA MT) - BrendanN, Lisa77's S, PRFRMR20, Miabella
UMiami (BM) - Ginaomibdwy
UMich (MT) - "WISCONSIN", imazoo
UMich (Acting) - rel2743553, actordad's S
Vassar - Kellster
Wagner - Grateful Dad's D
Wright State - musicalmom's D</p>


<p>Abparent's S - Otterbein (MT)
ActorsDad's S - UMich (Accepted)
jaymom's D - BOCO
lexismom's d - Elon (Accepted)
Marianne406's D - Evansville
Melsmom's D - Elon (Accepted)
musicalmom's D - Baldwin-Wallace, Syracuse
scogor's D - Elon
STBFamous - Emerson
TheatreJock - Otterbein (MT)
Thesp33 - Julliard</p>

<p>Be careful with that logging in to the student website thing! I was browsing the NYU thread for the school itself today and in 2 separate threads there was the same message from an NYU rep basically saying you've abused our technology and we consider it a serious offense because you're trying to access info that hasn't been made avaliable to you yet. Another user called and appologized and they told them they probably wouldn't be punished for it, but the people who started the whole thing would, so I'd stay clear and if you're contemplating trying this, I would advise you not to.</p>

<p>In fact, I'm going to find that thread and link it here. Hold on.
Ok, here it is: <a href=""&gt;;/a>. It is on one of the last pages.</p>

<p>Thanks, BroadwayBound88. I can't imagine why they would punish anyone for using a service for which they themselves control login authorization. I'm a software consultant, including network security, and I doubt they would enable the accounts of anyone who was not authorized to login, unless it's a classic case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand was doing.</p>

<p>Also, I definitely don't think it's safe to assume admission just because of the login thing -- the Saturday at the Square invitation, I hope, is a different story.</p>

<p>Ok, I hadn't read the post by the NYU official before posting my comments above. Apparently something must have been off with the timing of enabling those accounts, and they really don't want people using them until they get their admission letters. So if you haven't already tried logging in... don't!</p>

<p>Wonderful choices for your kids edmondsg and mtmumzie! Congrats!
Fall 2006 Acceptances</p>

<p>Abparent's S - Ohio Wesleyan (Theatre), Elon (MT), Montclair (MT)
actingreacting1 - Cornish College of the Arts (Acting)
ActorsDad's S - CCM (Drama) Final, Evansville (Drama), UMich (Acting)
anothermomwithquestion's D- Marietta (BFA), Muhlenberg, Ohio Northern (MT)
amy oconnell - Roosevelt
BBoyd3188 - Otterbein (BA Voice)
bearcaaat - PPU
be<em>a</em>star OCU(Drama), UCI
BrendanN - Syr, Ithaca (MT), Muhlenburg, UMiami (BFA MT), Emerson, SUNY Purchase (acting)
broadwaycorey - PPark (MT), BW, Otterbein (BA Thea & BM)
broadwaywannabe - UArts
CaptRobinson - CMU (MT)
chaseman1325 - CMU (MT)
chrisnoo- NYU CAP 21 (Final)
cindy013- Fordham, SUNY Buffalo- BA Theater, SUNY Oswego- Theater, Nazareth College- Theater, SUNY Geneseo- Theater
ckp - Roosevelt
clairesellers - MMC (Production/Mgmt) Final
deegee - NYU CAP 21 Final
DramaGuy16 - Roosevelt
drexel6337's D - Emerson, BOCO
drama8king8 - PPU
dreamdancer - Roosevelt
drum87- Cal State Fullerton, Chapman U (Drama)
edmondsg's S - NYU Tisch, Northwestern (Theatre BA)
falloffstage - PPU, Millikin, Northern Kentucky University, BW, Emerson
Ginaomibdwy - OCU (MT), UMiami (BM-Voice)
Grateful Dad's D - Wagner, Indiana, SUNY
Fedonia (acting)
gustof777 - UARTS (Final), NCSA
Icebear411 - Syracuse (Acting)
ilbamom's D - SMU (theatre studies BFA), BOCO
illinisue's D - Otterbein (BAThea)
imazoo - ELON (MT), UMich (MT), Ithaca (MT), CMU, BOCO
iNaSpotlight-Shenadoah Conservatory
jakebridges03 - CCM (MT)
Janenw's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jashner's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jbrown's S - LIPA (acting), SMU (acting), Evansville (acting), DePaul (Acting)
Jordansmom D - OCU (MT) - Final, Indiana University
kegosnell - PPU (MT), OCU (MT)
Kellster - College of Charleston, Vassar
kingsandcabbages - BOCO
Lexismom's D - OCU (drama, BA in music), Cal State Fullerton (drama), UAz (MT), Syr (MT), Elon (MT)
Lisa77's S - UCF (MT), U of Miami (MT)
Lizbennett's S - Shenandoah Cons.
LotteLenya - IndianaU(Bloomington)
lynnm's D - PPU - MT, MMC
magicboy68 - UFla (Acting BFA),DePaul
mamatw's D - Ithaca
managy88 - Shenendoah (final)
mandemb's S - LIPA
MAS06 - BOCO, Ithaca
MattSingsAlot - BoCo, CCM (MT) Final
mboi - Syr (MT), BOCO
Melsmom's D - PPU (jazz dance), Elon (Theatre BFA)
Mezzomom's D - Otterbein (Music)
Miabella - U of Miami (MT)
Michaelsmom's S - PPU (MT-final decision)
Millerp323 - PPU
Momsinger's D - James Madison
MTaussie's S - Otterbein (MT), Illinois Wesleyan (MT)
mtmumzie's D - Syr (MT)

Shenandoah (MT), PPU (MT), UArts (MT)

MTPapa's D- Arizona State University (vocal perf), OCU (thea), Rockford College (MT), Shenandoah University (MT), and Syracuse University (MT)
MTpolk - OCU (drama, BA in music)
musicalmom's D - Wright State, Shenendoah, SUNY Buffalo, SUNY Geneseo
mutsey87 - Ithaca
NoccaDad's D - Elon (Final)
notfromme's D - Shenandoah Cons.
nycetoile - Tisch (Strasberg)
PRFRMR20 - Emerson (MT), UArts (MT), U of Miami (MT), BOCO
rel2743553 - New Mexico, UMich (acting)
Samia525 - PPU, BOCO
sonsdad's S- CCM (MT), BW, CMU (Acting), Syr (Acting), Roosevelt
srw's S - OCU (MT)
ga - CCM (Drama)
Stphen1187 - Syr (MT), BOCO
surfinpenguin44 - FSU (MT, BFA)
TheActr97J - BoCo
TheaterGuy- NYU Cap 21 Final
TheatreJock - PSU (MT), BW (MT), Coastal Carolina (BA MT)
TheatreNote - FSU (BM V)
Thesp33 - CCM (drama). CMU (Acting)
ThespianDreams - SUNY Potsdam, Indiana University
ToTheStage- U of Colorado (MT, BFA)
Urlivewithfrank2 - BOCO
Vikki's-S- OCU (Drama & BM)
Weetziebat223- NYU CAP 21 Final

Acceptances (you are into the program) by school:

Arizona State (Vocal Perf) - MTPapa's D
BoCo - MattSingsAlot, Urlivewithfrank2, drexel6337's D, ilbamom's D, samia525, PRFRMR20, kingsandcabbages, Stphen1187, mboi, MAS06, imazoo, TheActr97J
BW (BM-MT) - falloffstage, broadwaycorey, sonsdad's S, ARTYPOOH, TheatreJock
CAL STATE FULLERTON - Lexismom's D, Drum87
CCM(drama) - aspiringactress1, ActorsDad's S Final, staceyga
Chapman U , drum87, Thesp33
CCM (MT) - jakebridges03, WISCONSIN, sonsdad's S, MattSingsAlot (Final)
CMU (Acting) - thesp33
CMU (MT)- sonsdad's S (acting), imazoo (MT), chaseman1325, CaptRobinson
Coastal Carolina (BA MT) - TheatreJock
Cornish College of the Arts (Acting) - actingreacting1
DePaul (Acting) - jbrown's S, magicboy68
ELON (MT) - noccadad's d (Final), TheatreNote (theatre), lexismom's d, imazoo, Abparent's S
ELON (Theatre) - Melsmom's D
Emerson - PRFRMR20, drexel6337, magicboy68 (theatre arts), BrendanN, falloffstage
Evansville (drama) - ActorsDad's S, aspiringactress1, jbrown's S
FSU MT (BFA) - surfinpenguin44
FSU BM (voice) -TheatreNote
Illinois Wesleyan (MT) - MTaussie's S
Indiana U (BA MT) - LotteLenya, Grateful Dad's D
Ithaca (MT)- mutsey87, BrendanN, mamatw's D, imazoo, MAS06
James Madison - Momsinger's D
LIPA (acting) - jbrown's S, mandemb's S
MMC (MT) - lynnm's D
MMC (Prod/Mgmt) - clairesellers (Final)
Marietta- anothermomwithquestions' D
Millikin- falloffstage
Montclair - Abparent's S
Muhlenburg - anothermom-w-q's D
Nazareth College(BA-Thea) - Cindy013
Northwestern (BA-Theatre) - edmondsg's S
NCSA - gustoff77
NYU/Tisch-Atlantic -
NYU/Tisch-CAP 21 – chrisnoo (Final), Janenw’s D (Final), TheaterGuy (Final), Weetziebat223 (Final), deegee (Final), jashner's d (Final)
NYU/Tisch-Meisner -
NYU/Tisch-Strasberg- nyc
etoile (Final)
NYU/Tisch-undetermined - edmondsg's S
OCU Drama - beastar, Lexismom's D, MTpolk, noccadad's d,TheatreNote, Vikkie's S, MTPapa's D
OCU MT - Jordansmom's D- Final, srw's S, kegosnell, Ginaomibdwy
Ohio Northern (MT) - anothermom-w-q's D
Ohio Wesleyan (Theatre) - Abparent's S
Otterbein (Music)- Mezzomom's D, broadwaycorey
Otterbein (BA Thea) - illinisue's D, broadwaycorey
Otterbein (BA Voice) - BBoyd3188
Otterbein (MT) - MTaussie's S
PPU - falloffstage, Melsmom’s D (jazz dance), Michaelsmom’s S (MT- final),bearcaaat, Samia525, broadwaycorey (MT), lynnm's D (MT), kegosnell (MT), drama8king8, Millerp323,

mtmumzie's D

PSU (MT) - TheatreJock
Rockford College (MT) - MTPapa's D
Roosevelt - ckp, amy oconnell, sonsdad's S, dreamdancer, DramaGuy16
Shenadoah Conservatory - iNaSpotlight(MT), Lizbennett's S, MTPapa's D, notfromme's D, musicalmom's D, managy88 (final),

mtmumzie's D

SMU (acting) - jbrown's S, ilbamom's D
Syracuse (Acting) - Icebear411, sonsdad's S
Syracuse (MT) - Stphen1187, Lexismom's D, BrendanN, mboi, mtmumzie's D, MTPapa's D
SUNY Buffalo - Cindy013 (BA Thea), musicalmom's D
SUNY Fredonia (acting) - Grateful Dad's D
SUNY Geneseo - Cindy013 (BA Thea), musicalmom's D
SUNY Oswego (BA-Thea) - Cindy013
SUNY Purchase (acting) - BrendanN
UArts - broadwaywannabe, gustof777 (Final), PRFRMR20,

mtmumzie's D

UAz (MT) - lexismom's D
UCI - be<em>a</em>star
UCFla (MT) - Lisa77's S
U Co - tothestage (MT)
UFla (Acting BFA) - magicboy68
UMiami (BFA MT) - BrendanN, Lisa77's S, PRFRMR20, Miabella
UMiami (BM) - Ginaomibdwy
UMich (MT) - "WISCONSIN", imazoo
UMich (Acting) - rel2743553, actordad's S
Vassar - Kellster
Wagner - Grateful Dad's D
Wright State - musicalmom's D</p>


<p>Abparent's S - Otterbein (MT)
ActorsDad's S - UMich (Accepted)
jaymom's D - BOCO
lexismom's d - Elon (Accepted)
Marianne406's D - Evansville
Melsmom's D - Elon (Accepted)
musicalmom's D - Baldwin-Wallace, Syracuse
scogor's D - Elon
STBFamous - Emerson
TheatreJock - Otterbein (MT)
Thesp33 - Julliard</p>

<p>My D heard from Northwestern late last night--accepted! She has also been accepted to Muhlenberg with a Talent scholarship; SUNY Geneseo (for MT).</p>

<p>My son just heard that he was accepted at UMich MT.</p>

<p>My D has been accepted to UCI Drama (MT), USC Theater, and is waitlisted for UCLA MT. Still waiting on NYU, CMU, Ithaca</p>

<p>RUTGERS? Anyone heard anything one way or the other?</p>

<p>Wow, can't believe how much fun this is to see the acceptances pouring in (all the fun without the anxiety--well, not much anxiety). This was the absolute hardest time for my son 2 years ago--waiting for NYU. Hang in there, all.</p>

<p>Fall 2006 Acceptances</p>

<p>Abparent's S - Ohio Wesleyan (Theatre), Elon (MT), Montclair (MT)
actingreacting1 - Cornish College of the Arts (Acting)
ActorsDad's S - CCM (Drama) Final, Evansville (Drama), UMich (Acting)
anothermomwithquestion's D- Marietta (BFA), Muhlenberg, Ohio Northern (MT)
amy oconnell - Roosevelt
BBoyd3188 - Otterbein (BA Voice)
bearcaaat - PPU
be<em>a</em>star OCU(Drama), UCI
BrendanN - Syr, Ithaca (MT), Muhlenburg, UMiami (BFA MT), Emerson, SUNY Purchase (acting)
broadwaycorey - PPark (MT), BW, Otterbein (BA Thea & BM)
broadwaywannabe - UArts
CaptRobinson - CMU (MT)
chaseman1325 - CMU (MT)
chrisnoo- NYU CAP 21 (Final)
cindy013- Fordham, SUNY Buffalo- BA Theater, SUNY Oswego- Theater, Nazareth College- Theater, SUNY Geneseo- Theater
ckp - Roosevelt
clairesellers - MMC (Production/Mgmt) Final
deegee - NYU CAP 21 Final
DramaGuy16 - Roosevelt
drexel6337's D - Emerson, BOCO
drama8king8 - PPU
dreamdancer - Roosevelt
drum87- Cal State Fullerton, Chapman U (Drama)
edmondsg's S - NYU Tisch, Northwestern (Theatre BA)

eliza'smom's D - Northwestern, Muhlenberg SUNY Geneseo (for MT)

falloffstage - PPU, Millikin, Northern Kentucky University, BW, Emerson
Ginaomibdwy - OCU (MT), UMiami (BM-Voice)
Grateful Dad's D - Wagner, Indiana, SUNY
Fedonia (acting)
gustof777 - UARTS (Final), NCSA
Icebear411 - Syracuse (Acting)
ilbamom's D - SMU (theatre studies BFA), BOCO
illinisue's D - Otterbein (BAThea)
imazoo - ELON (MT), UMich (MT), Ithaca (MT), CMU, BOCO
iNaSpotlight-Shenadoah Conservatory
jakebridges03 - CCM (MT)
Janenw's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jashner's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jbrown's S - LIPA (acting), SMU (acting), Evansville (acting), DePaul (Acting)
Jordansmom D - OCU (MT) - Final, Indiana University
kegosnell - PPU (MT), OCU (MT)
Kellster - College of Charleston, Vassar
kingsandcabbages - BOCO
Lexismom's D - OCU (drama, BA in music), Cal State Fullerton (drama), UAz (MT), Syr (MT), Elon (MT)
Lisa77's S - UCF (MT), U of Miami (MT)
Lizbennett's S - Shenandoah Cons.
LotteLenya - IndianaU(Bloomington)
lynnm's D - PPU - MT, MMC
magicboy68 - UFla (Acting BFA),DePaul
mamatw's D - Ithaca
managy88 - Shenendoah (final)
mandemb's S - LIPA
MAS06 - BOCO, Ithaca
MattSingsAlot - BoCo, CCM (MT) Final
mboi - Syr (MT), BOCO
Melsmom's D - PPU (jazz dance), Elon (Theatre BFA)
Mezzomom's D - Otterbein (Music)
Miabella - U of Miami (MT)
Michaelsmom's S - PPU (MT-final decision)
Millerp323 - PPU

mollybelle's D - UCI, USC

Momsinger's D - James Madison
MTaussie's S - Otterbein (MT), Illinois Wesleyan (MT)
mtmumzie's D - Syr (MT) Shenandoah (MT), PPU (MT), UArts (MT)
MTPapa's D- Arizona State University (vocal perf), OCU (thea), Rockford College (MT), Shenandoah University (MT), and Syracuse University (MT)
MTpolk - OCU (drama, BA in music)
musicalmom's D - Wright State, Shenendoah, SUNY Buffalo, SUNY Geneseo
mutsey87 - Ithaca
NoccaDad's D - Elon (Final)
notfromme's D - Shenandoah Cons.
nycetoile - Tisch (Strasberg)
PRFRMR20 - Emerson (MT), UArts (MT), U of Miami (MT), BOCO
rel2743553 - New Mexico, UMich (acting)
Samia525 - PPU, BOCO
sonsdad's S- CCM (MT), BW, CMU (Acting), Syr (Acting), Roosevelt,

UMich (MT)

srw's S - OCU (MT)
ga - CCM (Drama)
Stphen1187 - Syr (MT), BOCO
surfinpenguin44 - FSU (MT, BFA)
TheActr97J - BoCo
TheaterGuy- NYU Cap 21 Final
TheatreJock - PSU (MT), BW (MT), Coastal Carolina (BA MT)
TheatreNote - FSU (BM V)
Thesp33 - CCM (drama). CMU (Acting)
ThespianDreams - SUNY Potsdam, Indiana University
ToTheStage- U of Colorado (MT, BFA)
Urlivewithfrank2 - BOCO
Vikki's-S- OCU (Drama & BM)
Weetziebat223- NYU CAP 21 Final

Acceptances (you are into the program) by school:

Arizona State (Vocal Perf) - MTPapa's D BoCo - MattSingsAlot, Urlivewithfrank2, drexel6337's D, ilbamom's D, samia525, PRFRMR20, kingsandcabbages, Stphen1187, mboi, MAS06, imazoo, TheActr97J BW (BM-MT) - falloffstage, broadwaycorey, sonsdad's S, ARTYPOOH, TheatreJock CAL STATE FULLERTON - Lexismom's D, Drum87 CCM(drama) - aspiringactress1, ActorsDad's S Final, staceyga Chapman U , drum87, Thesp33 CCM (MT) - jakebridges03, WISCONSIN, sonsdad's S, MattSingsAlot (Final) CMU (Acting) - thesp33 CMU (MT)- sonsdad's S (acting), imazoo (MT), chaseman1325, CaptRobinson Coastal Carolina (BA MT) - TheatreJock Cornish College of the Arts (Acting) - actingreacting1 DePaul (Acting) - jbrown's S, magicboy68 ELON (MT) - noccadad's d (Final), TheatreNote (theatre), lexismom's d, imazoo, Abparent's S ELON (Theatre) - Melsmom's D Emerson - PRFRMR20, drexel6337, magicboy68 (theatre arts), BrendanN, falloffstage Evansville (drama) - ActorsDad's S, aspiringactress1, jbrown's S FSU MT (BFA) - surfinpenguin44 FSU BM (voice) -TheatreNote Illinois Wesleyan (MT) - MTaussie's S Indiana U (BA MT) - LotteLenya, Grateful Dad's D Ithaca (MT)- mutsey87, BrendanN, mamatw's D, imazoo, MAS06 James Madison - Momsinger's D LIPA (acting) - jbrown's S, mandemb's S MMC (MT) - lynnm's D MMC (Prod/Mgmt) - clairesellers (Final) Marietta- anothermomwithquestions' D Millikin- falloffstage Montclair - Abparent's S Muhlenburg - anothermom-w-q's D, ``` eliza'smom's D ``` Nazareth College(BA-Thea) - Cindy013 Northwestern (BA-Theatre) - edmondsg's S, ``` eliza'smom's D ``` NCSA - gustoff77 NYU/Tisch-Atlantic - NYU/Tisch-CAP 21 – chrisnoo (Final), Janenw’s D (Final), TheaterGuy (Final), Weetziebat223 (Final), deegee (Final), jashner's d (Final) NYU/Tisch-Meisner - NYU/Tisch-Strasberg- nycetoile (Final) NYU/Tisch-undetermined - edmondsg's S OCU Drama - beastar, Lexismom's D, MTpolk, noccadad's d,TheatreNote, Vikkie's S, MTPapa's D OCU MT - Jordansmom's D- Final, srw's S, kegosnell, Ginaomibdwy Ohio Northern (MT) - anothermom-w-q's D Ohio Wesleyan (Theatre) - Abparent's S Otterbein (Music)- Mezzomom's D, broadwaycorey Otterbein (BA Thea) - illinisue's D, broadwaycorey Otterbein (BA Voice) - BBoyd3188 Otterbein (MT) - MTaussie's S PPU - falloffstage, Melsmom’s D (jazz dance), Michaelsmom’s S (MT- final),bearcaaat, Samia525, broadwaycorey (MT), lynnm's D (MT), kegosnell (MT), drama8king8, Millerp323, mtmumzie's D PSU (MT) - TheatreJock Rockford College (MT) - MTPapa's D Roosevelt - ckp, amy oconnell, sonsdad's S, dreamdancer, DramaGuy16 Shenadoah Conservatory - iNaSpotlight(MT), Lizbennett's S, MTPapa's D, notfromme's D, musicalmom's D, managy88 (final), mtmumzie's D SMU (acting) - jbrown's S, ilbamom's D Syracuse (Acting) - Icebear411, sonsdad's S Syracuse (MT) - Stphen1187, Lexismom's D, BrendanN, mboi, mtmumzie's D, MTPapa's D SUNY Buffalo - Cindy013 (BA Thea), musicalmom's D SUNY Fredonia (acting) - Grateful Dad's D SUNY Geneseo - Cindy013 (BA Thea), musicalmom's D, ``` eliza'smom's D ``` SUNY Oswego (BA-Thea) - Cindy013 SUNY Purchase (acting) - BrendanN UArts - broadwaywannabe, gustof777 (Final), PRFRMR20, mtmumzie's D UAz (MT) - lexismom's D UCI - beastar, ``` mollybelle's D ``` UCFla (MT) - Lisa77's S U Co - tothestage (MT) UFla (Acting BFA) - magicboy68 UMiami (BFA MT) - BrendanN, Lisa77's S, PRFRMR20, Miabella UMiami (BM) - Ginaomibdwy UMich (MT) - "WISCONSIN", imazoo, ``` sonsdad's S ``` UMich (Acting) - rel2743553, actordad's S ``` USC (thea)- mollybelle's D ``` Vassar - Kellster Wagner - Grateful Dad's D Wright State - musicalmom's D


Abparent's S - Otterbein (MT)
ActorsDad's S - UMich (Accepted)
jaymom's D - BOCO
lexismom's d - Elon (Accepted)
Marianne406's D - Evansville
Melsmom's D - Elon (Accepted)

mollybelle's D - UCLA

musicalmom's D - Baldwin-Wallace, Syracuse
scogor's D - Elon
STBFamous - Emerson
TheatreJock - Otterbein (MT)
Thesp33 - Julliard</p>


<p>Congrats on your boy's incredible success - what a list of offers!! If a parent's perspective on the UM MT program might be of help, please feel free to contact me - email is best - and I'd be happy to share what I know from my daughter's experience there (she's currently a soph MT)</p>

<p>Otherwise, best of luck with the decision and whatever it is, he will clearly be getting great training.</p>

<p> forgot to say one thing...</p>

<p>Go Blue!</p>

<p>; )</p>


<p>Shhhhhhhh!! I was trying not to be pushy!!!! ;)</p>


<p>You are too cute! You definitely get the school spirit award! Rah Rah!</p>

<p>The letters have all been mailed so you should hear very soon! My D knows two kids in the city who have already received theirs. Best of luck to all of you!</p>

<p>i was accepted into Roosevelt's CCPA for Musical Theatre and am definitely going there this fall</p>

<p>Fall 2006 Acceptances</p>

<p>Abparent's S - Ohio Wesleyan (Theatre), Elon (MT), Montclair (MT)
actingreacting1 - Cornish College of the Arts (Acting)
ActorsDad's S - CCM (Drama) Final, Evansville (Drama), UMich (Acting)
anothermomwithquestion's D- Marietta (BFA), Muhlenberg, Ohio Northern (MT)
amy oconnell - Roosevelt
BBoyd3188 - Otterbein (BA Voice)
bearcaaat - PPU
be<em>a</em>star OCU(Drama), UCI
BrendanN - Syr, Ithaca (MT), Muhlenburg, UMiami (BFA MT), Emerson, SUNY Purchase (acting)
broadwaycorey - PPark (MT), BW, Otterbein (BA Thea & BM)
broadwaywannabe - UArts
CaptRobinson - CMU (MT)
chaseman1325 - CMU (MT)
chrisnoo- NYU CAP 21 (Final)
cindy013- Fordham, SUNY Buffalo- BA Theater, SUNY Oswego- Theater, Nazareth College- Theater, SUNY Geneseo- Theater
ckp - Roosevelt
clairesellers - MMC (Production/Mgmt) Final
deegee - NYU CAP 21 Final
DramaGuy16 - Roosevelt <a href="Final">highlight</a>

drexel6337's D - Emerson, BOCO
drama8king8 - PPU
dreamdancer - Roosevelt
drum87- Cal State Fullerton, Chapman U (Drama)
edmondsg's S - NYU Tisch, Northwestern (Theatre BA)
eliza'smom's D - Northwestern, Muhlenberg SUNY Geneseo (for MT)
falloffstage - PPU, Millikin, Northern Kentucky University, BW, Emerson
Ginaomibdwy - OCU (MT), UMiami (BM-Voice)
Grateful Dad's D - Wagner, Indiana, SUNY
Fedonia (acting)
gustof777 - UARTS (Final), NCSA
Icebear411 - Syracuse (Acting)
ilbamom's D - SMU (theatre studies BFA), BOCO
illinisue's D - Otterbein (BAThea)
imazoo - ELON (MT), UMich (MT), Ithaca (MT), CMU, BOCO
iNaSpotlight-Shenadoah Conservatory
jakebridges03 - CCM (MT)
Janenw's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jashner's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jbrown's S - LIPA (acting), SMU (acting), Evansville (acting), DePaul (Acting)
Jordansmom D - OCU (MT) - Final, Indiana University
kegosnell - PPU (MT), OCU (MT)
Kellster - College of Charleston, Vassar
kingsandcabbages - BOCO
Lexismom's D - OCU (drama, BA in music), Cal State Fullerton (drama), UAz (MT), Syr (MT), Elon (MT) <a href="Final">highlight</a>

Lisa77's S - UCF (MT), U of Miami (MT)
Lizbennett's S - Shenandoah Cons.
LotteLenya - IndianaU(Bloomington)
lynnm's D - PPU - MT, MMC
magicboy68 - UFla (Acting BFA),DePaul
mamatw's D - Ithaca
managy88 - Shenendoah (final)
mandemb's S - LIPA
MAS06 - BOCO, Ithaca
MattSingsAlot - BoCo, CCM (MT) Final
mboi - Syr (MT), BOCO
Melsmom's D - PPU (jazz dance), Elon (Theatre BFA)
Mezzomom's D - Otterbein (Music)
Miabella - U of Miami (MT)
Michaelsmom's S - PPU (MT-final decision)
Millerp323 - PPU
mollybelle's D - UCI, USC
Momsinger's D - James Madison
MTaussie's S - Otterbein (MT), Illinois Wesleyan (MT)
mtmumzie's D - Syr (MT) Shenandoah (MT), PPU (MT), UArts (MT)
MTPapa's D- Arizona State University (vocal perf), OCU (thea), Rockford College (MT), Shenandoah University (MT), and Syracuse University (MT)
MTpolk - OCU (drama, BA in music)
musicalmom's D - Wright State, Shenendoah, SUNY Buffalo, SUNY Geneseo
mutsey87 - Ithaca
NoccaDad's D - Elon (Final)
notfromme's D - Shenandoah Cons.
nyc<em>etoile - Tisch (Strasberg)
PRFRMR20 - Emerson (MT), UArts (MT), U of Miami (MT), BOCO
rel2743553 - New Mexico, UMich (acting)
Samia525 - PPU, BOCO
sonsdad's S- CCM (MT), BW, CMU (Acting), Syr (Acting), Roosevelt, UMich (MT)
srw's S - OCU (MT)
stacey</em>ga - CCM (Drama)
Stphen1187 - Syr (MT), BOCO
surfinpenguin44 - FSU (MT, BFA)
TheActr97J - BoCo
TheaterGuy- NYU Cap 21 Final
TheatreJock - PSU (MT), BW (MT), Coastal Carolina (BA MT)
TheatreNote - FSU (BM V)
Thesp33 - CCM (drama). CMU (Acting)
ThespianDreams - SUNY Potsdam, Indiana University
ToTheStage- U of Colorado (MT, BFA)
Urlivewithfrank2 - BOCO
Vikki's-S- OCU (Drama & BM)
Weetziebat223- NYU CAP 21 Final
"WISCONSIN" - UMich, CCM (MT)</p>

<p>Acceptances (you are into the program) by school:</p>

<p>Arizona State (Vocal Perf) - MTPapa's D
BoCo - MattSingsAlot, Urlivewithfrank2, drexel6337's D, ilbamom's D, samia525, PRFRMR20, kingsandcabbages, Stphen1187, mboi, MAS06, imazoo, TheActr97J
BW (BM-MT) - falloffstage, broadwaycorey, sonsdad's S, ARTYPOOH, TheatreJock
CAL STATE FULLERTON - Lexismom's D, Drum87
CCM(drama) - aspiringactress1, ActorsDad's S Final, stacey<em>ga
Chapman U , drum87, Thesp33
CCM (MT) - jakebridges03, WISCONSIN, sonsdad's S, MattSingsAlot (Final)
CMU (Acting) - thesp33
CMU (MT)- sonsdad's S (acting), imazoo (MT), chaseman1325, CaptRobinson
Coastal Carolina (BA MT) - TheatreJock
Cornish College of the Arts (Acting) - actingreacting1
DePaul (Acting) - jbrown's S, magicboy68
ELON (MT) - noccadad's d (Final), TheatreNote (theatre), lexismom's d, imazoo, Abparent's S
ELON (Theatre) - Melsmom's D
Emerson - PRFRMR20, drexel6337, magicboy68 (theatre arts), BrendanN, falloffstage
Evansville (drama) - ActorsDad's S, aspiringactress1, jbrown's S
FSU MT (BFA) - surfinpenguin44
FSU BM (voice) -TheatreNote
Illinois Wesleyan (MT) - MTaussie's S
Indiana U (BA MT) - LotteLenya, Grateful Dad's D
Ithaca (MT)- mutsey87, BrendanN, mamatw's D, imazoo, MAS06
James Madison - Momsinger's D
LIPA (acting) - jbrown's S, mandemb's S
MMC (MT) - lynnm's D
MMC (Prod/Mgmt) - clairesellers (Final)
Marietta- anothermomwithquestions' D
Millikin- falloffstage
Montclair - Abparent's S
Muhlenburg - anothermom-w-q's D, eliza'smom's D
Nazareth College(BA-Thea) - Cindy013
Northwestern (BA-Theatre) - edmondsg's S, eliza'smom's D
NCSA - gustoff77
NYU/Tisch-Atlantic -
NYU/Tisch-CAP 21 – chrisnoo (Final), Janenw’s D (Final), TheaterGuy (Final), Weetziebat223 (Final), deegee (Final), jashner's d (Final)
NYU/Tisch-Meisner -
NYU/Tisch-Strasberg- nyc</em>etoile (Final)
NYU/Tisch-undetermined - edmondsg's S
OCU Drama - be<em>a</em>star, Lexismom's D, MTpolk, noccadad's d,TheatreNote, Vikkie's S, MTPapa's D
OCU MT - Jordansmom's D- Final, srw's S, kegosnell, Ginaomibdwy
Ohio Northern (MT) - anothermom-w-q's D
Ohio Wesleyan (Theatre) - Abparent's S
Otterbein (Music)- Mezzomom's D, broadwaycorey
Otterbein (BA Thea) - illinisue's D, broadwaycorey
Otterbein (BA Voice) - BBoyd3188
Otterbein (MT) - MTaussie's S
PPU - falloffstage, Melsmom’s D (jazz dance), Michaelsmom’s S (MT- final),bearcaaat, Samia525, broadwaycorey (MT), lynnm's D (MT), kegosnell (MT), drama8king8, Millerp323, mtmumzie's D
PSU (MT) - TheatreJock
Rockford College (MT) - MTPapa's D
Roosevelt - ckp, amy oconnell, sonsdad's S, dreamdancer, DramaGuy16
Shenadoah Conservatory - iNaSpotlight(MT), Lizbennett's S, MTPapa's D, notfromme's D, musicalmom's D, managy88 (final), mtmumzie's D
SMU (acting) - jbrown's S, ilbamom's D
Syracuse (Acting) - Icebear411, sonsdad's S
Syracuse (MT) - Stphen1187, Lexismom's D, BrendanN, mboi, mtmumzie's D, MTPapa's D
SUNY Buffalo - Cindy013 (BA Thea), musicalmom's D
SUNY Fredonia (acting) - Grateful Dad's D
SUNY Geneseo - Cindy013 (BA Thea), musicalmom's D, eliza'smom's D
SUNY Oswego (BA-Thea) - Cindy013
SUNY Purchase (acting) - BrendanN
UArts - broadwaywannabe, gustof777 (Final), PRFRMR20, mtmumzie's D
UAz (MT) - lexismom's D
UCI - be<em>a</em>star, mollybelle's D
UCFla (MT) - Lisa77's S
U Co - tothestage (MT)
UFla (Acting BFA) - magicboy68
UMiami (BFA MT) - BrendanN, Lisa77's S, PRFRMR20, Miabella
UMiami (BM) - Ginaomibdwy
UMich (MT) - "WISCONSIN", imazoo, sonsdad's S
UMich (Acting) - rel2743553, actordad's S
USC (thea)- mollybelle's D
Vassar - Kellster
Wagner - Grateful Dad's D
Wright State - musicalmom's D</p>


<p>Abparent's S - Otterbein (MT)
ActorsDad's S - UMich (Accepted)
jaymom's D - BOCO
lexismom's d - Elon (Accepted)
Marianne406's D - Evansville
Melsmom's D - Elon (Accepted)
mollybelle's D - UCLA
musicalmom's D - Baldwin-Wallace, Syracuse
scogor's D - Elon
STBFamous - Emerson
TheatreJock - Otterbein (MT)
Thesp33 - Julliard</p>

<p>After a long anxious spring, D (bway06) is celebrating acceptances at NYU Tisch (Saturday at the Square), Northwestern (BA in Theatre), American University (BA in Musical Theatre) and Muhlenberg (Theatre).
And if I can convince her to be an engineer, scientist, or whatever, instead of an actress (yeah, right) she has also been accepted today to Cornell University.
Thanks to everyone who has posted at CC for being my unofficial guardian angels through this lengthy (and highly emotional) process. And special thanks to soozievt!!!!
Congrats to all of the kids and their parents who celebrate their own great news !!!</p>