the big list of acceptances

<p>Wow! Way to come out...Congrats :)</p>

<p>Fall 2006 Acceptances</p>

<p>Abparent's S - Ohio Wesleyan (Theatre), Elon (MT), Montclair (MT)
actingreacting1 - Cornish College of the Arts (Acting)
ActorsDad's S - CCM (Drama) Final, Evansville (Drama), UMich (Acting)
anothermomwithquestion's D- Marietta (BFA), Muhlenberg, Ohio Northern (MT)
amy oconnell - Roosevelt
BBoyd3188 - Otterbein (BA Voice)
bearcaaat - PPU
be<em>a</em>star OCU(Drama), UCI
BrendanN - Syr, Ithaca (MT), Muhlenburg, UMiami (BFA MT), Emerson, SUNY Purchase (acting)
broadwaycorey - PPark (MT), BW, Otterbein (BA Thea & BM)
broadwaywannabe - UArts

bway06/mbear88's D - NYU Tisch (), Northwestern (Thea), AmerU (MT), Muhlenberg (Thea)

CaptRobinson - CMU (MT)
chaseman1325 - CMU (MT)
chrisnoo- NYU CAP 21 (Final)
cindy013- Fordham, SUNY Buffalo- BA Theater, SUNY Oswego- Theater, Nazareth College- Theater, SUNY Geneseo- Theater
ckp - Roosevelt
clairesellers - MMC (Production/Mgmt) Final
deegee - NYU CAP 21 Final
DramaGuy16 - Roosevelt (Final)
drexel6337's D - Emerson, BOCO
drama8king8 - PPU
dreamdancer - Roosevelt
drum87- Cal State Fullerton, Chapman U (Drama)
edmondsg's S - NYU Tisch, Northwestern (Theatre BA)
eliza'smom's D - Northwestern, Muhlenberg SUNY Geneseo (for MT)
falloffstage - PPU, Millikin, Northern Kentucky University, BW, Emerson
Ginaomibdwy - OCU (MT), UMiami (BM-Voice)
Grateful Dad's D - Wagner, Indiana, SUNY
Fedonia (acting)
gustof777 - UARTS (Final), NCSA
Icebear411 - Syracuse (Acting)
ilbamom's D - SMU (theatre studies BFA), BOCO
illinisue's D - Otterbein (BAThea)
imazoo - ELON (MT), UMich (MT), Ithaca (MT), CMU, BOCO
iNaSpotlight-Shenadoah Conservatory
jakebridges03 - CCM (MT)
Janenw's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jashner's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jbrown's S - LIPA (acting), SMU (acting), Evansville (acting), DePaul (Acting)
Jordansmom D - OCU (MT) - Final, Indiana University
kegosnell - PPU (MT), OCU (MT)
Kellster - College of Charleston, Vassar
kingsandcabbages - BOCO
Lexismom's D - OCU (drama, BA in music), Cal State Fullerton (drama), UAz (MT), Syr (MT), Elon (MT) (Final)
Lisa77's S - UCF (MT), U of Miami (MT)
Lizbennett's S - Shenandoah Cons.
LotteLenya - IndianaU(Bloomington)
lynnm's D - PPU - MT, MMC
magicboy68 - UFla (Acting BFA),DePaul
mamatw's D - Ithaca
managy88 - Shenendoah (final)
mandemb's S - LIPA
MAS06 - BOCO, Ithaca
MattSingsAlot - BoCo, CCM (MT) Final
mboi - Syr (MT), BOCO
Melsmom's D - PPU (jazz dance), Elon (Theatre BFA)
Mezzomom's D - Otterbein (Music)
Miabella - U of Miami (MT)
Michaelsmom's S - PPU (MT-final decision)
Millerp323 - PPU
mollybelle's D - UCI, USC
Momsinger's D - James Madison
MTaussie's S - Otterbein (MT), Illinois Wesleyan (MT)
mtmumzie's D - Syr (MT) Shenandoah (MT), PPU (MT), UArts (MT)
MTPapa's D- Arizona State University (vocal perf), OCU (thea), Rockford College (MT), Shenandoah University (MT), and Syracuse University (MT)
MTpolk - OCU (drama, BA in music)
musicalmom's D - Wright State, Shenendoah, SUNY Buffalo, SUNY Geneseo
mutsey87 - Ithaca
NoccaDad's D - Elon (Final)
notfromme's D - Shenandoah Cons.
nycetoile - Tisch (Strasberg)
PRFRMR20 - Emerson (MT), UArts (MT), U of Miami (MT), BOCO
rel2743553 - New Mexico, UMich (acting)
Samia525 - PPU, BOCO
sonsdad's S- CCM (MT), BW, CMU (Acting), Syr (Acting), Roosevelt, UMich (MT)
srw's S - OCU (MT)
ga - CCM (Drama)
Stphen1187 - Syr (MT), BOCO
surfinpenguin44 - FSU (MT, BFA)
TheActr97J - BoCo
TheaterGuy- NYU Cap 21 Final
TheatreJock - PSU (MT), BW (MT), Coastal Carolina (BA MT)
TheatreNote - FSU (BM V)
Thesp33 - CCM (drama). CMU (Acting)
ThespianDreams - SUNY Potsdam, Indiana University
ToTheStage- U of Colorado (MT, BFA)
Urlivewithfrank2 - BOCO
Vikki's-S- OCU (Drama & BM)
Weetziebat223- NYU CAP 21 Final

Acceptances (you are into the program) by school:

AmerU ( BA MT) - bway06/mbear88's D

Arizona State (Vocal Perf) - MTPapa's D
BoCo - MattSingsAlot, Urlivewithfrank2, drexel6337's D, ilbamom's D, samia525, PRFRMR20, kingsandcabbages, Stphen1187, mboi, MAS06, imazoo, TheActr97J
BW (BM-MT) - falloffstage, broadwaycorey, sonsdad's S, ARTYPOOH, TheatreJock
CAL STATE FULLERTON - Lexismom's D, Drum87
CCM(drama) - aspiringactress1, ActorsDad's S Final, staceyga
Chapman U , drum87, Thesp33
CCM (MT) - jakebridges03, WISCONSIN, sonsdad's S, MattSingsAlot (Final)
CMU (Acting) - thesp33
CMU (MT)- sonsdad's S (acting), imazoo (MT), chaseman1325, CaptRobinson
Coastal Carolina (BA MT) - TheatreJock
Cornish College of the Arts (Acting) - actingreacting1
DePaul (Acting) - jbrown's S, magicboy68
ELON (MT) - noccadad's d (Final), TheatreNote (theatre), lexismom's d, imazoo, Abparent's S
ELON (Theatre) - Melsmom's D
Emerson - PRFRMR20, drexel6337, magicboy68 (theatre arts), BrendanN, falloffstage
Evansville (drama) - ActorsDad's S, aspiringactress1, jbrown's S
FSU MT (BFA) - surfinpenguin44
FSU BM (voice) -TheatreNote
Illinois Wesleyan (MT) - MTaussie's S
Indiana U (BA MT) - LotteLenya, Grateful Dad's D
Ithaca (MT)- mutsey87, BrendanN, mamatw's D, imazoo, MAS06
James Madison - Momsinger's D
LIPA (acting) - jbrown's S, mandemb's S
MMC (MT) - lynnm's D
MMC (Prod/Mgmt) - clairesellers (Final)
Marietta- anothermomwithquestions' D
Millikin- falloffstage
Montclair - Abparent's S
Muhlenburg - anothermom-w-q's D, eliza'smom's D,

bway06/mbear88's D

Nazareth College(BA-Thea) - Cindy013
Northwestern (BA-Theatre) - edmondsg's S, eliza'smom's D,

bway06/mbear88's D

NCSA - gustoff77
NYU/Tisch-Atlantic -
NYU/Tisch-CAP 21 – chrisnoo (Final), Janenw’s D (Final), TheaterGuy (Final), Weetziebat223 (Final), deegee (Final), jashner's d (Final)
NYU/Tisch-Meisner -
NYU/Tisch-Strasberg- nyc
etoile (Final)
NYU/Tisch-undetermined - edmondsg's S,

bway06/mbear88's D

OCU Drama - be<em>a</em>star, Lexismom's D, MTpolk, noccadad's d,TheatreNote, Vikkie's S, MTPapa's D
OCU MT - Jordansmom's D- Final, srw's S, kegosnell, Ginaomibdwy
Ohio Northern (MT) - anothermom-w-q's D
Ohio Wesleyan (Theatre) - Abparent's S
Otterbein (Music)- Mezzomom's D, broadwaycorey
Otterbein (BA Thea) - illinisue's D, broadwaycorey
Otterbein (BA Voice) - BBoyd3188
Otterbein (MT) - MTaussie's S
PPU - falloffstage, Melsmom’s D (jazz dance), Michaelsmom’s S (MT- final),bearcaaat, Samia525, broadwaycorey (MT), lynnm's D (MT), kegosnell (MT), drama8king8, Millerp323, mtmumzie's D
PSU (MT) - TheatreJock
Rockford College (MT) - MTPapa's D
Roosevelt - ckp, amy oconnell, sonsdad's S, dreamdancer, DramaGuy16
Shenadoah Conservatory - iNaSpotlight(MT), Lizbennett's S, MTPapa's D, notfromme's D, musicalmom's D, managy88 (final), mtmumzie's D
SMU (acting) - jbrown's S, ilbamom's D
Syracuse (Acting) - Icebear411, sonsdad's S
Syracuse (MT) - Stphen1187, Lexismom's D, BrendanN, mboi, mtmumzie's D, MTPapa's D
SUNY Buffalo - Cindy013 (BA Thea), musicalmom's D
SUNY Fredonia (acting) - Grateful Dad's D
SUNY Geneseo - Cindy013 (BA Thea), musicalmom's D, eliza'smom's D
SUNY Oswego (BA-Thea) - Cindy013
SUNY Purchase (acting) - BrendanN
UArts - broadwaywannabe, gustof777 (Final), PRFRMR20, mtmumzie's D
UAz (MT) - lexismom's D
UCI - be<em>a</em>star, mollybelle's D
UCFla (MT) - Lisa77's S
U Co - tothestage (MT)
UFla (Acting BFA) - magicboy68
UMiami (BFA MT) - BrendanN, Lisa77's S, PRFRMR20, Miabella
UMiami (BM) - Ginaomibdwy
UMich (MT) - "WISCONSIN", imazoo, sonsdad's S
UMich (Acting) - rel2743553, actordad's S
USC (thea)- mollybelle's D
Vassar - Kellster
Wagner - Grateful Dad's D
Wright State - musicalmom's D</p>


<p>Abparent's S - Otterbein (MT)
ActorsDad's S - UMich (Accepted)
jaymom's D - BOCO
lexismom's d - Elon (Accepted)
Marianne406's D - Evansville
Melsmom's D - Elon (Accepted)
mollybelle's D - UCLA
musicalmom's D - Baldwin-Wallace, Syracuse
scogor's D - Elon
STBFamous - Emerson
TheatreJock - Otterbein (MT)
Thesp33 - Julliard</p>

<p>MBear88 and Bway06....a "public" CONGRATS! Wonderful news :).</p>

<p>I can't believe how long the list is, compared to last year's!! How wonderful.</p>

<p>I was accepted Boston Conservatory and i received an invitation to NYU's orientation thing in the City as well.</p>

<p>Congrats on Boco, CaptRobinson! </p>

<p>Regarding NYU, did you mean Saturday at the Square, University Day, or another event?</p>

<p>Wow! Way to come out...Congrats </p>

<p>Fall 2006 Acceptances</p>

<p>Abparent's S - Ohio Wesleyan (Theatre), Elon (MT), Montclair (MT)
actingreacting1 - Cornish College of the Arts (Acting)
ActorsDad's S - CCM (Drama) Final, Evansville (Drama), UMich (Acting)
anothermomwithquestion's D- Marietta (BFA), Muhlenberg, Ohio Northern (MT)
amy oconnell - Roosevelt
BBoyd3188 - Otterbein (BA Voice)
bearcaaat - PPU
be<em>a</em>star OCU(Drama), UCI
BrendanN - Syr, Ithaca (MT), Muhlenburg, UMiami (BFA MT), Emerson, SUNY Purchase (acting)
broadwaycorey - PPark (MT), BW, Otterbein (BA Thea & BM)
broadwaywannabe - UArts
bway06/mbear88's D - NYU Tisch (), Northwestern (Thea), AmerU (MT), Muhlenberg (Thea)
CaptRobinson - CMU (MT),

BoCo, NYU Tisch ()

chaseman1325 - CMU (MT)
chrisnoo- NYU CAP 21 (Final)
cindy013- Fordham, SUNY Buffalo- BA Theater, SUNY Oswego- Theater, Nazareth College- Theater, SUNY Geneseo- Theater
ckp - Roosevelt
clairesellers - MMC (Production/Mgmt) Final
deegee - NYU CAP 21 Final
DramaGuy16 - Roosevelt (Final)
drexel6337's D - Emerson, BOCO
drama8king8 - PPU
dreamdancer - Roosevelt
drum87- Cal State Fullerton, Chapman U (Drama)
edmondsg's S - NYU Tisch, Northwestern (Theatre BA)
eliza'smom's D - Northwestern, Muhlenberg SUNY Geneseo (for MT)

erinmichelle - Roosevelt

falloffstage - PPU, Millikin, Northern Kentucky University, BW, Emerson
Ginaomibdwy - OCU (MT), UMiami (BM-Voice)
Grateful Dad's D - Wagner, Indiana, SUNY
Fedonia (acting)
gustof777 - UARTS (Final), NCSA
Icebear411 - Syracuse (Acting)
ilbamom's D - SMU (theatre studies BFA), BOCO
illinisue's D - Otterbein (BAThea)
imazoo - ELON (MT), UMich (MT), Ithaca (MT), CMU, BOCO
iNaSpotlight-Shenadoah Conservatory
jakebridges03 - CCM (MT)
Janenw's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jashner's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jbrown's S - LIPA (acting), SMU (acting), Evansville (acting), DePaul (Acting)
Jordansmom D - OCU (MT) - Final, Indiana University
kegosnell - PPU (MT), OCU (MT)
Kellster - College of Charleston, Vassar
kingsandcabbages - BOCO
Lexismom's D - OCU (drama, BA in music), Cal State Fullerton (drama), UAz (MT), Syr (MT), Elon (MT) (Final)
Lisa77's S - UCF (MT), U of Miami (MT)
Lizbennett's S - Shenandoah Cons.
LotteLenya - IndianaU(Bloomington)
lynnm's D - PPU - MT, MMC
magicboy68 - UFla (Acting BFA),DePaul
mamatw's D - Ithaca
managy88 - Shenendoah (final)
mandemb's S - LIPA
MAS06 - BOCO, Ithaca
MattSingsAlot - BoCo, CCM (MT) Final
mboi - Syr (MT), BOCO
Melsmom's D - PPU (jazz dance), Elon (Theatre BFA)
Mezzomom's D - Otterbein (Music)
Miabella - U of Miami (MT)
Michaelsmom's S - PPU (MT-final decision)
Millerp323 - PPU
mollybelle's D - UCI, USC
Momsinger's D - James Madison

momspride - Roosevelt, Emerson

MTaussie's S - Otterbein (MT), Illinois Wesleyan (MT)
mtmumzie's D - Syr (MT) Shenandoah (MT), PPU (MT), UArts (MT)
MTPapa's D- Arizona State University (vocal perf), OCU (thea), Rockford College (MT), Shenandoah University (MT), and Syracuse University (MT)
MTpolk - OCU (drama, BA in music)
musicalmom's D - Wright State, Shenendoah, SUNY Buffalo, SUNY Geneseo
mutsey87 - Ithaca
NoccaDad's D - Elon (Final)
notfromme's D - Shenandoah Cons.
nycetoile - Tisch (Strasberg)
PRFRMR20 - Emerson (MT), UArts (MT), U of Miami (MT), BOCO
rel2743553 - New Mexico, UMich (acting)
Samia525 - PPU, BOCO
sonsdad's S- CCM (MT), BW, CMU (Acting), Syr (Acting), Roosevelt, UMich (MT)
srw's S - OCU (MT)
ga - CCM (Drama)
Stphen1187 - Syr (MT), BOCO
surfinpenguin44 - FSU (MT, BFA)
TheActr97J - BoCo
TheaterGuy- NYU Cap 21 Final
TheatreJock - PSU (MT), BW (MT), Coastal Carolina (BA MT)
TheatreNote - FSU (BM V)
Thesp33 - CCM (drama). CMU (Acting)
ThespianDreams - SUNY Potsdam, Indiana University
ToTheStage- U of Colorado (MT, BFA)
Urlivewithfrank2 - BOCO
Vikki's-S- OCU (Drama & BM)
Weetziebat223- NYU CAP 21 Final

Acceptances (you are into the program) by school:

AmerU ( BA MT) - bway06/mbear88's D Arizona State (Vocal Perf) - MTPapa's D BoCo - MattSingsAlot, Urlivewithfrank2, drexel6337's D, ilbamom's D, samia525, PRFRMR20, kingsandcabbages, Stphen1187, mboi, MAS06, imazoo, TheActr97J, ``` CaptRobinson ``` BW (BM-MT) - falloffstage, broadwaycorey, sonsdad's S, ARTYPOOH, TheatreJock CAL STATE FULLERTON - Lexismom's D, Drum87 CCM(drama) - aspiringactress1, ActorsDad's S Final, staceyga Chapman U , drum87, Thesp33 CCM (MT) - jakebridges03, WISCONSIN, sonsdad's S, MattSingsAlot (Final) CMU (Acting) - thesp33 CMU (MT)- sonsdad's S (acting), imazoo (MT), chaseman1325, CaptRobinson Coastal Carolina (BA MT) - TheatreJock Cornish College of the Arts (Acting) - actingreacting1 DePaul (Acting) - jbrown's S, magicboy68 ELON (MT) - noccadad's d (Final), TheatreNote (theatre), lexismom's d, imazoo, Abparent's S ELON (Theatre) - Melsmom's D Emerson - PRFRMR20, drexel6337, magicboy68 (theatre arts), BrendanN, falloffstage, ``` momspride ``` Evansville (drama) - ActorsDad's S, aspiringactress1, jbrown's S FSU MT (BFA) - surfinpenguin44 FSU BM (voice) -TheatreNote Illinois Wesleyan (MT) - MTaussie's S Indiana U (BA MT) - LotteLenya, Grateful Dad's D Ithaca (MT)- mutsey87, BrendanN, mamatw's D, imazoo, MAS06 James Madison - Momsinger's D LIPA (acting) - jbrown's S, mandemb's S MMC (MT) - lynnm's D MMC (Prod/Mgmt) - clairesellers (Final) Marietta- anothermomwithquestions' D Millikin- falloffstage Montclair - Abparent's S Muhlenburg - anothermom-w-q's D, eliza'smom's D, bway06/mbear88's D Nazareth College(BA-Thea) - Cindy013 Northwestern (BA-Theatre) - edmondsg's S, eliza'smom's D, bway06/mbear88's D NCSA - gustoff77 NYU/Tisch-Atlantic - NYU/Tisch-CAP 21 – chrisnoo (Final), Janenw’s D (Final), TheaterGuy (Final), Weetziebat223 (Final), deegee (Final), jashner's d (Final) NYU/Tisch-Meisner - NYU/Tisch-Strasberg- nycetoile (Final) NYU/Tisch-undetermined - edmondsg's S, bway06/mbear88's D, ``` CaptRobinson ``` OCU Drama - beastar, Lexismom's D, MTpolk, noccadad's d,TheatreNote, Vikkie's S, MTPapa's D OCU MT - Jordansmom's D- Final, srw's S, kegosnell, Ginaomibdwy Ohio Northern (MT) - anothermom-w-q's D Ohio Wesleyan (Theatre) - Abparent's S Otterbein (Music)- Mezzomom's D, broadwaycorey Otterbein (BA Thea) - illinisue's D, broadwaycorey Otterbein (BA Voice) - BBoyd3188 Otterbein (MT) - MTaussie's S PPU - falloffstage, Melsmom’s D (jazz dance), Michaelsmom’s S (MT- final),bearcaaat, Samia525, broadwaycorey (MT), lynnm's D (MT), kegosnell (MT), drama8king8, Millerp323, mtmumzie's D PSU (MT) - TheatreJock Rockford College (MT) - MTPapa's D Roosevelt - ckp, amy oconnell, sonsdad's S, dreamdancer, DramaGuy16, ``` erinmichelle, momspride ``` Shenadoah Conservatory - iNaSpotlight(MT), Lizbennett's S, MTPapa's D, notfromme's D, musicalmom's D, managy88 (final), mtmumzie's D SMU (acting) - jbrown's S, ilbamom's D Syracuse (Acting) - Icebear411, sonsdad's S Syracuse (MT) - Stphen1187, Lexismom's D, BrendanN, mboi, mtmumzie's D, MTPapa's D SUNY Buffalo - Cindy013 (BA Thea), musicalmom's D SUNY Fredonia (acting) - Grateful Dad's D SUNY Geneseo - Cindy013 (BA Thea), musicalmom's D, eliza'smom's D SUNY Oswego (BA-Thea) - Cindy013 SUNY Purchase (acting) - BrendanN UArts - broadwaywannabe, gustof777 (Final), PRFRMR20, mtmumzie's D UAz (MT) - lexismom's D UCI - beastar, mollybelle's D UCFla (MT) - Lisa77's S U Co - tothestage (MT) UFla (Acting BFA) - magicboy68 UMiami (BFA MT) - BrendanN, Lisa77's S, PRFRMR20, Miabella UMiami (BM) - Ginaomibdwy UMich (MT) - "WISCONSIN", imazoo, sonsdad's S UMich (Acting) - rel2743553, actordad's S USC (thea)- mollybelle's D Vassar - Kellster Wagner - Grateful Dad's D Wright State - musicalmom's D


Abparent's S - Otterbein (MT)
ActorsDad's S - UMich (Accepted)
jaymom's D - BOCO
lexismom's d - Elon (Accepted)
Marianne406's D - Evansville
Melsmom's D - Elon (Accepted)
mollybelle's D - UCLA

momspride - Otterbein

musicalmom's D - Baldwin-Wallace, Syracuse
scogor's D - Elon
STBFamous - Emerson
TheatreJock - Otterbein (MT)
Thesp33 - Julliard</p>

<p>Could you please add NCSA to my son's list? He just found out!!!!!!
and Roosevelt(acting)</p>

<p>Thank you so much!

<p>Several of Mary Anna's students got in Tisch R.D. with talent scholarships (although not much) and a student accepted to USC Theatre. Looks like another will be going to Neighborhood Playhouse and another to Circle in the Square-MT.</p>

<p>The tuition at Tisch is increased to $50,060.00. Just as Mary Anna had said. Sticker shock!!!!</p>

<p>That 50K is just tuition???????????? Yikes!</p>

<p>Congratulations to Mary Anna's students. </p>

<p>While I haven't seen next year's tuition, fees, and expenses, please be aware that when comparing schools' costs, that figures be apples to apples. For instance, for the current school year, NYU/Tisch fees are as follows:</p>

<p>Tuition and fees $34,780
Room and Board $11,440
Books and Supplies $700
Travel varies
Personal Expenses $1000</p>

<p>TOTAL $47,920</p>

<p>As discussed on the forum previously, when comparing the fees from one school to another, it is important to know if you are discussing just tuition, or tuition/room/board, or all of that plus books and personal expenses. So, the total above for the current school year is for all those things. I imagine the total in post #868 is for all those things and not just tuition for the coming school year. </p>

<p>Sometimes when people discuss the fees at a school, they just combine tuition/room/board. If comparing Tisch fees, and if using $50,060, that would presumably include all the things as in the figures that are published for this year that I just posted and thus put alongside any other schools' total fees that include the variables of books and personal expenses. Tisch is indeed an expensive school. I am clarifying what I believe the posted figure would include for purposes of comparisons, in case readers interpret that as "tuition" as posted or even just tuition/room/board, as I do not believe that is what that figure represents.</p>

<p>Jeannette...yay for your son!</p>


<p>I just called the Bursar's office at NYU to get next year's fees. I was told that they will not be set until mid May. As far as fees that were sent out to new acceptees, those are considered estimates, I was told. I was told that nobody knows the EXACT fees until mid May. As well, like with any college, fees will increase in each academic year. Therefore, the fee total this coming year will be more than the ones I posted from this current year. This is true at my other child's college as well, and at many other schools.</p>


<p>Thank you for your kind words!!! He is blown away!</p>

<p>More great news!</p>

<p>Fall 2006 Acceptances</p>

<p>Abparent's S - Ohio Wesleyan (Theatre), Elon (MT), Montclair (MT)
actingreacting1 - Cornish College of the Arts (Acting)
ActorsDad's S - CCM (Drama) Final, Evansville (Drama), UMich (Acting)
anothermomwithquestion's D- Marietta (BFA), Muhlenberg, Ohio Northern (MT)
amy oconnell - Roosevelt
BBoyd3188 - Otterbein (BA Voice)
bearcaaat - PPU
be<em>a</em>star OCU(Drama), UCI
BrendanN - Syr, Ithaca (MT), Muhlenburg, UMiami (BFA MT), Emerson, SUNY Purchase (acting)
broadwaycorey - PPark (MT), BW, Otterbein (BA Thea & BM)
broadwaywannabe - UArts
bway06/mbear88's D - NYU Tisch (), Northwestern (Thea), AmerU (MT), Muhlenberg (Thea)
CaptRobinson - CMU (MT), BoCo, NYU Tisch ()
chaseman1325 - CMU (MT)
chrisnoo- NYU CAP 21 (Final)
cindy013- Fordham, SUNY Buffalo- BA Theater, SUNY Oswego- Theater, Nazareth College- Theater, SUNY Geneseo- Theater
ckp - Roosevelt
clairesellers - MMC (Production/Mgmt) Final
deegee - NYU CAP 21 Final
DramaGuy16 - Roosevelt (Final)
drexel6337's D - Emerson, BOCO
drama8king8 - PPU
dreamdancer - Roosevelt
drum87- Cal State Fullerton, Chapman U (Drama)
edmondsg's S - NYU Tisch, Northwestern (Theatre BA)
eliza'smom's D - Northwestern, Muhlenberg SUNY Geneseo (for MT)
erinmichelle - Roosevelt
falloffstage - PPU, Millikin, Northern Kentucky University, BW, Emerson
Ginaomibdwy - OCU (MT), UMiami (BM-Voice)
Grateful Dad's D - Wagner, Indiana, SUNY
Fedonia (acting)
gustof777 - UARTS (Final), NCSA
Icebear411 - Syracuse (Acting)
ilbamom's D - SMU (theatre studies BFA), BOCO
illinisue's D - Otterbein (BAThea)
imazoo - ELON (MT), UMich (MT), Ithaca (MT), CMU, BOCO
iNaSpotlight-Shenadoah Conservatory
jakebridges03 - CCM (MT)
Janenw's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jashner's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jbrown's S - LIPA (acting), SMU (acting), Evansville (acting), DePaul (Acting),

NCSA, Roosevelt(acting)

Jordansmom D - OCU (MT) - Final, Indiana University
kegosnell - PPU (MT), OCU (MT)
Kellster - College of Charleston, Vassar
kingsandcabbages - BOCO
Lexismom's D - OCU (drama, BA in music), Cal State Fullerton (drama), UAz (MT), Syr (MT), Elon (MT) (Final)
Lisa77's S - UCF (MT), U of Miami (MT)
Lizbennett's S - Shenandoah Cons.
LotteLenya - IndianaU(Bloomington)
lynnm's D - PPU - MT, MMC
magicboy68 - UFla (Acting BFA),DePaul
mamatw's D - Ithaca
managy88 - Shenendoah (final)
mandemb's S - LIPA
MAS06 - BOCO, Ithaca
MattSingsAlot - BoCo, CCM (MT) Final
mboi - Syr (MT), BOCO
Melsmom's D - PPU (jazz dance), Elon (Theatre BFA)
Mezzomom's D - Otterbein (Music)
Miabella - U of Miami (MT)
Michaelsmom's S - PPU (MT-final decision)
Millerp323 - PPU
mollybelle's D - UCI, USC
Momsinger's D - James Madison
momspride - Roosevelt, Emerson
MTaussie's S - Otterbein (MT), Illinois Wesleyan (MT)
mtmumzie's D - Syr (MT) Shenandoah (MT), PPU (MT), UArts (MT)
MTPapa's D- Arizona State University (vocal perf), OCU (thea), Rockford College (MT), Shenandoah University (MT), and Syracuse University (MT)
MTpolk - OCU (drama, BA in music)
musicalmom's D - Wright State, Shenendoah, SUNY Buffalo, SUNY Geneseo
mutsey87 - Ithaca
NoccaDad's D - Elon (Final)
notfromme's D - Shenandoah Cons.
nycetoile - Tisch (Strasberg)
PRFRMR20 - Emerson (MT), UArts (MT), U of Miami (MT), BOCO
rel2743553 - New Mexico, UMich (acting)
Samia525 - PPU, BOCO
sonsdad's S- CCM (MT), BW, CMU (Acting), Syr (Acting), Roosevelt, UMich (MT)
srw's S - OCU (MT)
ga - CCM (Drama)
Stphen1187 - Syr (MT), BOCO
surfinpenguin44 - FSU (MT, BFA)
TheActr97J - BoCo
TheaterGuy- NYU Cap 21 Final
TheatreJock - PSU (MT), BW (MT), Coastal Carolina (BA MT)
TheatreNote - FSU (BM V)
Thesp33 - CCM (drama). CMU (Acting)
ThespianDreams - SUNY Potsdam, Indiana University
ToTheStage- U of Colorado (MT, BFA)
Urlivewithfrank2 - BOCO
Vikki's-S- OCU (Drama & BM)
Weetziebat223- NYU CAP 21 Final

Acceptances (you are into the program) by school:

AmerU ( BA MT) - bway06/mbear88's D
Arizona State (Vocal Perf) - MTPapa's D
BoCo - MattSingsAlot, Urlivewithfrank2, drexel6337's D, ilbamom's D, samia525, PRFRMR20, kingsandcabbages, Stphen1187, mboi, MAS06, imazoo, TheActr97J, CaptRobinson
BW (BM-MT) - falloffstage, broadwaycorey, sonsdad's S, ARTYPOOH, TheatreJock
CAL STATE FULLERTON - Lexismom's D, Drum87
CCM(drama) - aspiringactress1, ActorsDad's S Final, staceyga
Chapman U , drum87, Thesp33
CCM (MT) - jakebridges03, WISCONSIN, sonsdad's S, MattSingsAlot (Final)
CMU (Acting) - thesp33
CMU (MT)- sonsdad's S (acting), imazoo (MT), chaseman1325, CaptRobinson
Coastal Carolina (BA MT) - TheatreJock
Cornish College of the Arts (Acting) - actingreacting1
DePaul (Acting) - jbrown's S, magicboy68
ELON (MT) - noccadad's d (Final), TheatreNote (theatre), lexismom's d, imazoo, Abparent's S
ELON (Theatre) - Melsmom's D
Emerson - PRFRMR20, drexel6337, magicboy68 (theatre arts), BrendanN, falloffstage, momspride
Evansville (drama) - ActorsDad's S, aspiringactress1, jbrown's S
FSU MT (BFA) - surfinpenguin44
FSU BM (voice) -TheatreNote
Illinois Wesleyan (MT) - MTaussie's S
Indiana U (BA MT) - LotteLenya, Grateful Dad's D
Ithaca (MT)- mutsey87, BrendanN, mamatw's D, imazoo, MAS06
James Madison - Momsinger's D
LIPA (acting) - jbrown's S, mandemb's S
MMC (MT) - lynnm's D
MMC (Prod/Mgmt) - clairesellers (Final)
Marietta- anothermomwithquestions' D
Millikin- falloffstage
Montclair - Abparent's S
Muhlenburg - anothermom-w-q's D, eliza'smom's D, bway06/mbear88's D
Nazareth College(BA-Thea) - Cindy013
Northwestern (BA-Theatre) - edmondsg's S, eliza'smom's D, bway06/mbear88's D
NCSA - gustoff77.

jbrown's S

NYU/Tisch-Atlantic -
NYU/Tisch-CAP 21 – chrisnoo (Final), Janenw’s D (Final), TheaterGuy (Final), Weetziebat223 (Final), deegee (Final), jashner's d (Final)
NYU/Tisch-Meisner -
NYU/Tisch-Strasberg- nyc
etoile (Final)
NYU/Tisch-undetermined - edmondsg's S, bway06/mbear88's D, CaptRobinson
OCU Drama - beastar, Lexismom's D, MTpolk, noccadad's d,TheatreNote, Vikkie's S, MTPapa's D
OCU MT - Jordansmom's D- Final, srw's S, kegosnell, Ginaomibdwy
Ohio Northern (MT) - anothermom-w-q's D
Ohio Wesleyan (Theatre) - Abparent's S
Otterbein (Music)- Mezzomom's D, broadwaycorey
Otterbein (BA Thea) - illinisue's D, broadwaycorey
Otterbein (BA Voice) - BBoyd3188
Otterbein (MT) - MTaussie's S
PPU - falloffstage, Melsmom’s D (jazz dance), Michaelsmom’s S (MT- final),bearcaaat, Samia525, broadwaycorey (MT), lynnm's D (MT), kegosnell (MT), drama8king8, Millerp323, mtmumzie's D
PSU (MT) - TheatreJock
Rockford College (MT) - MTPapa's D
Roosevelt - ckp, amy oconnell, sonsdad's S, dreamdancer, DramaGuy16, erinmichelle, momspride,

jbrown's S

Shenadoah Conservatory - iNaSpotlight(MT), Lizbennett's S, MTPapa's D, notfromme's D, musicalmom's D, managy88 (final), mtmumzie's D
SMU (acting) - jbrown's S, ilbamom's D
Syracuse (Acting) - Icebear411, sonsdad's S
Syracuse (MT) - Stphen1187, Lexismom's D, BrendanN, mboi, mtmumzie's D, MTPapa's D
SUNY Buffalo - Cindy013 (BA Thea), musicalmom's D
SUNY Fredonia (acting) - Grateful Dad's D
SUNY Geneseo - Cindy013 (BA Thea), musicalmom's D, eliza'smom's D
SUNY Oswego (BA-Thea) - Cindy013
SUNY Purchase (acting) - BrendanN
UArts - broadwaywannabe, gustof777 (Final), PRFRMR20, mtmumzie's D
UAz (MT) - lexismom's D
UCI - be<em>a</em>star, mollybelle's D
UCFla (MT) - Lisa77's S
U Co - tothestage (MT)
UFla (Acting BFA) - magicboy68
UMiami (BFA MT) - BrendanN, Lisa77's S, PRFRMR20, Miabella
UMiami (BM) - Ginaomibdwy
UMich (MT) - "WISCONSIN", imazoo, sonsdad's S
UMich (Acting) - rel2743553, actordad's S
USC (thea)- mollybelle's D
Vassar - Kellster
Wagner - Grateful Dad's D
Wright State - musicalmom's D</p>


<p>Abparent's S - Otterbein (MT)
ActorsDad's S - UMich (Accepted)
jaymom's D - BOCO
lexismom's d - Elon (Accepted)
Marianne406's D - Evansville
Melsmom's D - Elon (Accepted)
mollybelle's D - UCLA
momspride - Otterbein
musicalmom's D - Baldwin-Wallace, Syracuse
scogor's D - Elon
STBFamous - Emerson
TheatreJock - Otterbein (MT)
Thesp33 - Julliard</p>

<p>Our daughter has made her final decision. She's decided to attend Syracuse University next fall to pursue a BFA degree in musical theater. She's thrilled and her mother and I are relieved that the long, arduous journey is over and she can move on to the next phase in her life and career.</p>

<p>Best wishes to those who are still waiting to hear and those who are still grappling with your decision. </p>


<p>Wow, you sound so serene...what a relief it must be when you can put it all behind you! I'm looking forward to looking forward :) Best of luck to your daughter, and you.</p>

<p>Fall 2006 Acceptances</p>

<p>Abparent's S - Ohio Wesleyan (Theatre), Elon (MT), Montclair (MT)
actingreacting1 - Cornish College of the Arts (Acting)
ActorsDad's S - CCM (Drama) Final, Evansville (Drama), UMich (Acting)
anothermomwithquestion's D- Marietta (BFA), Muhlenberg, Ohio Northern (MT)
amy oconnell - Roosevelt
BBoyd3188 - Otterbein (BA Voice)
bearcaaat - PPU
be<em>a</em>star OCU(Drama), UCI
BrendanN - Syr, Ithaca (MT), Muhlenburg, UMiami (BFA MT), Emerson, SUNY Purchase (acting)
broadwaycorey - PPark (MT), BW, Otterbein (BA Thea & BM)
broadwaywannabe - UArts
bway06/mbear88's D - NYU Tisch (), Northwestern (Thea), AmerU (MT), Muhlenberg (Thea)
CaptRobinson - CMU (MT), BoCo, NYU Tisch ()
chaseman1325 - CMU (MT)
chrisnoo- NYU CAP 21 (Final)
cindy013- Fordham, SUNY Buffalo- BA Theater, SUNY Oswego- Theater, Nazareth College- Theater, SUNY Geneseo- Theater
ckp - Roosevelt
clairesellers - MMC (Production/Mgmt) Final
deegee - NYU CAP 21 Final
DramaGuy16 - Roosevelt (Final)
drexel6337's D - Emerson, BOCO
drama8king8 - PPU
dreamdancer - Roosevelt
drum87- Cal State Fullerton, Chapman U (Drama)
edmondsg's S - NYU Tisch, Northwestern (Theatre BA)
eliza'smom's D - Northwestern, Muhlenberg SUNY Geneseo (for MT)
erinmichelle - Roosevelt
falloffstage - PPU, Millikin, Northern Kentucky University, BW, Emerson
Ginaomibdwy - OCU (MT), UMiami (BM-Voice)
Grateful Dad's D - Wagner, Indiana, SUNY
Fedonia (acting)
gustof777 - UARTS (Final), NCSA
Icebear411 - Syracuse (Acting)
ilbamom's D - SMU (theatre studies BFA), BOCO
illinisue's D - Otterbein (BAThea)
imazoo - ELON (MT), UMich (MT), Ithaca (MT), CMU, BOCO
iNaSpotlight-Shenadoah Conservatory
jakebridges03 - CCM (MT)
Janenw's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jashner's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jbrown's S - LIPA (acting), SMU (acting), Evansville (acting), DePaul (Acting), NCSA, Roosevelt(acting)
Jordansmom D - OCU (MT) - Final, Indiana University
kegosnell - PPU (MT), OCU (MT)
Kellster - College of Charleston, Vassar
kingsandcabbages - BOCO
Lexismom's D - OCU (drama, BA in music), Cal State Fullerton (drama), UAz (MT), Syr (MT), Elon (MT) (Final)
Lisa77's S - UCF (MT), U of Miami (MT)
Lizbennett's S - Shenandoah Cons.
LotteLenya - IndianaU(Bloomington)
lynnm's D - PPU - MT, MMC
magicboy68 - UFla (Acting BFA),DePaul
mamatw's D - Ithaca,

Tisch ()

managy88 - Shenendoah (final)
mandemb's S - LIPA
MAS06 - BOCO, Ithaca
MattSingsAlot - BoCo, CCM (MT) Final
mboi - Syr (MT), BOCO
Melsmom's D - PPU (jazz dance), Elon (Theatre BFA)
Mezzomom's D - Otterbein (Music)
Miabella - U of Miami (MT)
Michaelsmom's S - PPU (MT-final decision)
Millerp323 - PPU
mollybelle's D - UCI, USC
Momsinger's D - James Madison
momspride - Roosevelt, Emerson
MTaussie's S - Otterbein (MT), Illinois Wesleyan (MT)
mtmumzie's D - Syr (MT) Shenandoah (MT), PPU (MT), UArts (MT)
MTPapa's D- Arizona State University (vocal perf), OCU (thea), Rockford College (MT), Shenandoah University (MT), and Syracuse University (MT) highlight

MTpolk - OCU (drama, BA in music)
musicalmom's D - Wright State, Shenendoah, SUNY Buffalo, SUNY Geneseo
mutsey87 - Ithaca
NoccaDad's D - Elon (Final)
notfromme's D - Shenandoah Cons.
nyc<em>etoile - Tisch (Strasberg)
PRFRMR20 - Emerson (MT), UArts (MT), U of Miami (MT), BOCO
rel2743553 - New Mexico, UMich (acting)
Samia525 - PPU, BOCO
sonsdad's S- CCM (MT), BW, CMU (Acting), Syr (Acting), Roosevelt, UMich (MT)
srw's S - OCU (MT)
stacey</em>ga - CCM (Drama)
Stphen1187 - Syr (MT), BOCO
surfinpenguin44 - FSU (MT, BFA)
TheActr97J - BoCo
TheaterGuy- NYU Cap 21 Final
TheatreJock - PSU (MT), BW (MT), Coastal Carolina (BA MT)
TheatreNote - FSU (BM V)
Thesp33 - CCM (drama). CMU (Acting)
ThespianDreams - SUNY Potsdam, Indiana University
ToTheStage- U of Colorado (MT, BFA)
Urlivewithfrank2 - BOCO
Vikki's-S- OCU (Drama & BM)
Weetziebat223- NYU CAP 21 Final
"WISCONSIN" - UMich, CCM (MT)</p>

<p>Acceptances (you are into the program) by school:</p>

<p>AmerU ( BA MT) - bway06/mbear88's D
Arizona State (Vocal Perf) - MTPapa's D
BoCo - MattSingsAlot, Urlivewithfrank2, drexel6337's D, ilbamom's D, samia525, PRFRMR20, kingsandcabbages, Stphen1187, mboi, MAS06, imazoo, TheActr97J, CaptRobinson
BW (BM-MT) - falloffstage, broadwaycorey, sonsdad's S, ARTYPOOH, TheatreJock
CAL STATE FULLERTON - Lexismom's D, Drum87
CCM(drama) - aspiringactress1, ActorsDad's S Final, stacey<em>ga
Chapman U , drum87, Thesp33
CCM (MT) - jakebridges03, WISCONSIN, sonsdad's S, MattSingsAlot (Final)
CMU (Acting) - thesp33
CMU (MT)- sonsdad's S (acting), imazoo (MT), chaseman1325, CaptRobinson 
Coastal Carolina (BA MT) - TheatreJock
Cornish College of the Arts (Acting) - actingreacting1
DePaul (Acting) - jbrown's S, magicboy68
ELON (MT) - noccadad's d (Final), TheatreNote (theatre), lexismom's d, imazoo, Abparent's S
ELON (Theatre) - Melsmom's D
Emerson - PRFRMR20, drexel6337, magicboy68 (theatre arts), BrendanN, falloffstage, momspride
Evansville (drama) - ActorsDad's S, aspiringactress1, jbrown's S
FSU MT (BFA) - surfinpenguin44
FSU BM (voice) -TheatreNote
Illinois Wesleyan (MT) - MTaussie's S
Indiana U (BA MT) - LotteLenya, Grateful Dad's D
Ithaca (MT)- mutsey87, BrendanN, mamatw's D, imazoo, MAS06
James Madison - Momsinger's D
LIPA (acting) - jbrown's S, mandemb's S
MMC (MT) - lynnm's D
MMC (Prod/Mgmt) - clairesellers (Final)
Marietta- anothermomwithquestions' D
Millikin- falloffstage
Montclair - Abparent's S
Muhlenburg - anothermom-w-q's D, eliza'smom's D, bway06/mbear88's D
Nazareth College(BA-Thea) - Cindy013
Northwestern (BA-Theatre) - edmondsg's S, eliza'smom's D, bway06/mbear88's D
NCSA - gustoff77. jbrown's S
NYU/Tisch-Atlantic -
NYU/Tisch-CAP 21 – chrisnoo (Final), Janenw’s D (Final), TheaterGuy (Final), Weetziebat223 (Final), deegee (Final), jashner's d (Final)
NYU/Tisch-Meisner -
NYU/Tisch-Strasberg- nyc</em>etoile (Final)
NYU/Tisch-undetermined - edmondsg's S, bway06/mbear88's D, CaptRobinson, 

mamatw's D

OCU Drama - be<em>a</em>star, Lexismom's D, MTpolk, noccadad's d,TheatreNote, Vikkie's S, MTPapa's D
OCU MT - Jordansmom's D- Final, srw's S, kegosnell, Ginaomibdwy
Ohio Northern (MT) - anothermom-w-q's D
Ohio Wesleyan (Theatre) - Abparent's S
Otterbein (Music)- Mezzomom's D, broadwaycorey
Otterbein (BA Thea) - illinisue's D, broadwaycorey
Otterbein (BA Voice) - BBoyd3188
Otterbein (MT) - MTaussie's S
PPU - falloffstage, Melsmom’s D (jazz dance), Michaelsmom’s S (MT- final),bearcaaat, Samia525, broadwaycorey (MT), lynnm's D (MT), kegosnell (MT), drama8king8, Millerp323, mtmumzie's D
PSU (MT) - TheatreJock
Rockford College (MT) - MTPapa's D
Roosevelt - ckp, amy oconnell, sonsdad's S, dreamdancer, DramaGuy16, erinmichelle, momspride, jbrown's S
Shenadoah Conservatory - iNaSpotlight(MT), Lizbennett's S, MTPapa's D, notfromme's D, musicalmom's D, managy88 (final), mtmumzie's D
SMU (acting) - jbrown's S, ilbamom's D
Syracuse (Acting) - Icebear411, sonsdad's S
Syracuse (MT) - Stphen1187, Lexismom's D, BrendanN, mboi, mtmumzie's D, MTPapa's D <a href="Final">highlight</a>

SUNY Buffalo - Cindy013 (BA Thea), musicalmom's D
SUNY Fredonia (acting) - Grateful Dad's D
SUNY Geneseo - Cindy013 (BA Thea), musicalmom's D, eliza'smom's D
SUNY Oswego (BA-Thea) - Cindy013
SUNY Purchase (acting) - BrendanN
UArts - broadwaywannabe, gustof777 (Final), PRFRMR20, mtmumzie's D
UAz (MT) - lexismom's D
UCI - be<em>a</em>star, mollybelle's D
UCFla (MT) - Lisa77's S
U Co - tothestage (MT)
UFla (Acting BFA) - magicboy68
UMiami (BFA MT) - BrendanN, Lisa77's S, PRFRMR20, Miabella
UMiami (BM) - Ginaomibdwy
UMich (MT) - "WISCONSIN", imazoo, sonsdad's S
UMich (Acting) - rel2743553, actordad's S
USC (thea)- mollybelle's D
Vassar - Kellster
Wagner - Grateful Dad's D
Wright State - musicalmom's D</p>


<p>Abparent's S - Otterbein (MT)
ActorsDad's S - UMich (Accepted)
jaymom's D - BOCO
lexismom's d - Elon (Accepted)
Marianne406's D - Evansville
Melsmom's D - Elon (Accepted)
mollybelle's D - UCLA
momspride - Otterbein
musicalmom's D - Baldwin-Wallace, Syracuse
scogor's D - Elon
STBFamous - Emerson
TheatreJock - Otterbein (MT)
Thesp33 - Julliard</p>

<p>My daughter just found out that CMU has posted all the acceptances/waitlists/rejections online. You will need your ID number. My daughter was waitlisted.
For listing records, she was also accepted to Tisch (?) studio.</p>

<p>Congratulations drexel6337!</p>

<p>Fall 2006 Acceptances</p>

<p>Abparent's S - Ohio Wesleyan (Theatre), Elon (MT), Montclair (MT)
actingreacting1 - Cornish College of the Arts (Acting)
ActorsDad's S - CCM (Drama) Final, Evansville (Drama), UMich (Acting)
anothermomwithquestion's D- Marietta (BFA), Muhlenberg, Ohio Northern (MT)
amy oconnell - Roosevelt
BBoyd3188 - Otterbein (BA Voice)
bearcaaat - PPU
be<em>a</em>star OCU(Drama), UCI
BrendanN - Syr, Ithaca (MT), Muhlenburg, UMiami (BFA MT), Emerson, SUNY Purchase (acting)
broadwaycorey - PPark (MT), BW, Otterbein (BA Thea & BM)
broadwaywannabe - UArts
bway06/mbear88's D - NYU Tisch (), Northwestern (Thea), AmerU (MT), Muhlenberg (Thea)
CaptRobinson - CMU (MT), BoCo, NYU Tisch ()
chaseman1325 - CMU (MT)
chrisnoo- NYU CAP 21 (Final)
cindy013- Fordham, SUNY Buffalo- BA Theater, SUNY Oswego- Theater, Nazareth College- Theater, SUNY Geneseo- Theater
ckp - Roosevelt
clairesellers - MMC (Production/Mgmt) Final
deegee - NYU CAP 21 Final
DramaGuy16 - Roosevelt (Final)
drexel6337's D - Emerson, BOCO,

Tisch ()

drama8king8 - PPU
dreamdancer - Roosevelt
drum87- Cal State Fullerton, Chapman U (Drama)
edmondsg's S - NYU Tisch, Northwestern (Theatre BA)
eliza'smom's D - Northwestern, Muhlenberg SUNY Geneseo (for MT)
erinmichelle - Roosevelt
falloffstage - PPU, Millikin, Northern Kentucky University, BW, Emerson
Ginaomibdwy - OCU (MT), UMiami (BM-Voice)
Grateful Dad's D - Wagner, Indiana, SUNY
Fedonia (acting)
gustof777 - UARTS (Final), NCSA
Icebear411 - Syracuse (Acting)
ilbamom's D - SMU (theatre studies BFA), BOCO
illinisue's D - Otterbein (BAThea)
imazoo - ELON (MT), UMich (MT), Ithaca (MT), CMU, BOCO
iNaSpotlight-Shenadoah Conservatory
jakebridges03 - CCM (MT)
Janenw's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jashner's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jbrown's S - LIPA (acting), SMU (acting), Evansville (acting), DePaul (Acting), NCSA, Roosevelt(acting)
Jordansmom D - OCU (MT) - Final, Indiana University
kegosnell - PPU (MT), OCU (MT)
Kellster - College of Charleston, Vassar
kingsandcabbages - BOCO
Lexismom's D - OCU (drama, BA in music), Cal State Fullerton (drama), UAz (MT), Syr (MT), Elon (MT) (Final)
Lisa77's S - UCF (MT), U of Miami (MT)
Lizbennett's S - Shenandoah Cons.
LotteLenya - IndianaU(Bloomington)
lynnm's D - PPU - MT, MMC
magicboy68 - UFla (Acting BFA),DePaul
mamatw's D - Ithaca, Tisch ()
managy88 - Shenendoah (final)
mandemb's S - LIPA
MAS06 - BOCO, Ithaca
MattSingsAlot - BoCo, CCM (MT) Final
mboi - Syr (MT), BOCO
Melsmom's D - PPU (jazz dance), Elon (Theatre BFA)
Mezzomom's D - Otterbein (Music)
Miabella - U of Miami (MT)
Michaelsmom's S - PPU (MT-final decision)
Millerp323 - PPU
mollybelle's D - UCI, USC
Momsinger's D - James Madison
momspride - Roosevelt, Emerson
MTaussie's S - Otterbein (MT), Illinois Wesleyan (MT)
mtmumzie's D - Syr (MT) Shenandoah (MT), PPU (MT), UArts (MT)
MTPapa's D- Arizona State University (vocal perf), OCU (thea), Rockford College (MT), Shenandoah University (MT), and Syracuse University (MT) (Final)
MTpolk - OCU (drama, BA in music)
musicalmom's D - Wright State, Shenendoah, SUNY Buffalo, SUNY Geneseo
mutsey87 - Ithaca
NoccaDad's D - Elon (Final)
notfromme's D - Shenandoah Cons.
nycetoile - Tisch (Strasberg)
PRFRMR20 - Emerson (MT), UArts (MT), U of Miami (MT), BOCO
rel2743553 - New Mexico, UMich (acting)
Samia525 - PPU, BOCO
sonsdad's S- CCM (MT), BW, CMU (Acting), Syr (Acting), Roosevelt, UMich (MT)
srw's S - OCU (MT)
ga - CCM (Drama)
Stphen1187 - Syr (MT), BOCO
surfinpenguin44 - FSU (MT, BFA)
TheActr97J - BoCo
TheaterGuy- NYU Cap 21 Final
TheatreJock - PSU (MT), BW (MT), Coastal Carolina (BA MT)
TheatreNote - FSU (BM V)
Thesp33 - CCM (drama). CMU (Acting)
ThespianDreams - SUNY Potsdam, Indiana University
ToTheStage- U of Colorado (MT, BFA)
Urlivewithfrank2 - BOCO
Vikki's-S- OCU (Drama & BM)
Weetziebat223- NYU CAP 21 Final

Acceptances (you are into the program) by school:

AmerU ( BA MT) - bway06/mbear88's D Arizona State (Vocal Perf) - MTPapa's D BoCo - MattSingsAlot, Urlivewithfrank2, drexel6337's D, ilbamom's D, samia525, PRFRMR20, kingsandcabbages, Stphen1187, mboi, MAS06, imazoo, TheActr97J, CaptRobinson BW (BM-MT) - falloffstage, broadwaycorey, sonsdad's S, ARTYPOOH, TheatreJock CAL STATE FULLERTON - Lexismom's D, Drum87 CCM(drama) - aspiringactress1, ActorsDad's S Final, staceyga Chapman U , drum87, Thesp33 CCM (MT) - jakebridges03, WISCONSIN, sonsdad's S, MattSingsAlot (Final) CMU (Acting) - thesp33 CMU (MT)- sonsdad's S (acting), imazoo (MT), chaseman1325, CaptRobinson Coastal Carolina (BA MT) - TheatreJock Cornish College of the Arts (Acting) - actingreacting1 DePaul (Acting) - jbrown's S, magicboy68 ELON (MT) - noccadad's d (Final), TheatreNote (theatre), lexismom's d, imazoo, Abparent's S ELON (Theatre) - Melsmom's D Emerson - PRFRMR20, drexel6337, magicboy68 (theatre arts), BrendanN, falloffstage, momspride Evansville (drama) - ActorsDad's S, aspiringactress1, jbrown's S FSU MT (BFA) - surfinpenguin44 FSU BM (voice) -TheatreNote Illinois Wesleyan (MT) - MTaussie's S Indiana U (BA MT) - LotteLenya, Grateful Dad's D Ithaca (MT)- mutsey87, BrendanN, mamatw's D, imazoo, MAS06 James Madison - Momsinger's D LIPA (acting) - jbrown's S, mandemb's S MMC (MT) - lynnm's D MMC (Prod/Mgmt) - clairesellers (Final) Marietta- anothermomwithquestions' D Millikin- falloffstage Montclair - Abparent's S Muhlenburg - anothermom-w-q's D, eliza'smom's D, bway06/mbear88's D Nazareth College(BA-Thea) - Cindy013 Northwestern (BA-Theatre) - edmondsg's S, eliza'smom's D, bway06/mbear88's D NCSA - gustoff77. jbrown's S NYU/Tisch-Atlantic - NYU/Tisch-CAP 21 – chrisnoo (Final), Janenw’s D (Final), TheaterGuy (Final), Weetziebat223 (Final), deegee (Final), jashner's d (Final) NYU/Tisch-Meisner - NYU/Tisch-Strasberg- nycetoile (Final) NYU/Tisch-undetermined - edmondsg's S, bway06/mbear88's D, CaptRobinson, mamatw's D, ``` drexel6337's D ``` OCU Drama - beastar, Lexismom's D, MTpolk, noccadad's d,TheatreNote, Vikkie's S, MTPapa's D OCU MT - Jordansmom's D- Final, srw's S, kegosnell, Ginaomibdwy Ohio Northern (MT) - anothermom-w-q's D Ohio Wesleyan (Theatre) - Abparent's S Otterbein (Music)- Mezzomom's D, broadwaycorey Otterbein (BA Thea) - illinisue's D, broadwaycorey Otterbein (BA Voice) - BBoyd3188 Otterbein (MT) - MTaussie's S PPU - falloffstage, Melsmom’s D (jazz dance), Michaelsmom’s S (MT- final),bearcaaat, Samia525, broadwaycorey (MT), lynnm's D (MT), kegosnell (MT), drama8king8, Millerp323, mtmumzie's D PSU (MT) - TheatreJock Rockford College (MT) - MTPapa's D Roosevelt - ckp, amy oconnell, sonsdad's S, dreamdancer, DramaGuy16, erinmichelle, momspride, jbrown's S Shenadoah Conservatory - iNaSpotlight(MT), Lizbennett's S, MTPapa's D, notfromme's D, musicalmom's D, managy88 (final), mtmumzie's D SMU (acting) - jbrown's S, ilbamom's D Syracuse (Acting) - Icebear411, sonsdad's S Syracuse (MT) - Stphen1187, Lexismom's D, BrendanN, mboi, mtmumzie's D, MTPapa's D (Final) SUNY Buffalo - Cindy013 (BA Thea), musicalmom's D SUNY Fredonia (acting) - Grateful Dad's D SUNY Geneseo - Cindy013 (BA Thea), musicalmom's D, eliza'smom's D SUNY Oswego (BA-Thea) - Cindy013 SUNY Purchase (acting) - BrendanN UArts - broadwaywannabe, gustof777 (Final), PRFRMR20, mtmumzie's D UAz (MT) - lexismom's D UCI - beastar, mollybelle's D UCFla (MT) - Lisa77's S U Co - tothestage (MT) UFla (Acting BFA) - magicboy68 UMiami (BFA MT) - BrendanN, Lisa77's S, PRFRMR20, Miabella UMiami (BM) - Ginaomibdwy UMich (MT) - "WISCONSIN", imazoo, sonsdad's S UMich (Acting) - rel2743553, actordad's S USC (thea)- mollybelle's D Vassar - Kellster Wagner - Grateful Dad's D Wright State - musicalmom's D


Abparent's S - Otterbein (MT)
ActorsDad's S - UMich (Accepted)

drexel6337's D - CMU

jaymom's D - BOCO
lexismom's d - Elon (Accepted)
Marianne406's D - Evansville
Melsmom's D - Elon (Accepted)
mollybelle's D - UCLA
momspride - Otterbein
musicalmom's D - Baldwin-Wallace, Syracuse
scogor's D - Elon
STBFamous - Emerson
TheatreJock - Otterbein (MT)
Thesp33 - Julliard</p>

<p>Fall 2006 Acceptances</p>

<p>Abparent's S - Ohio Wesleyan (Theatre), Elon (MT), Montclair (MT)
actingreacting1 - Cornish College of the Arts (Acting)
ActorsDad's S - CCM (Drama) Final, Evansville (Drama), UMich (Acting)
anothermomwithquestion's D- Marietta (BFA), Muhlenberg, Ohio Northern (MT)
amy oconnell - Roosevelt
BBoyd3188 - Otterbein (BA Voice)
bearcaaat - PPU
be<em>a</em>star OCU(Drama), UCI
BrendanN - Syr, Ithaca (MT), Muhlenburg, UMiami (BFA MT), Emerson, SUNY Purchase (acting)
broadwaycorey - PPark (MT), BW, Otterbein (BA Thea & BM)
broadwaywannabe - UArts
bway06/mbear88's D - NYU Tisch (), Northwestern (Thea), AmerU (MT), Muhlenberg (Thea)
CaptRobinson - CMU (MT), BoCo, NYU Tisch ()
chaseman1325 - CMU (MT)
chrisnoo- NYU CAP 21 (Final)
cindy013- Fordham, SUNY Buffalo- BA Theater, SUNY Oswego- Theater, Nazareth College- Theater, SUNY Geneseo- Theater
ckp - Roosevelt
clairesellers - MMC (Production/Mgmt) Final
deegee - NYU CAP 21 Final
DramaGuy16 - Roosevelt (Final)
drexel6337's D - Emerson, BOCO, Tisch ()
drama8king8 - PPU
dreamdancer - Roosevelt
drum87- Cal State Fullerton, Chapman U (Drama)
edmondsg's S - NYU Tisch, Northwestern (Theatre BA)
eliza'smom's D - Northwestern, Muhlenberg SUNY Geneseo (for MT)
erinmichelle - Roosevelt
falloffstage - PPU, Millikin, Northern Kentucky University, BW, Emerson
Ginaomibdwy - OCU (MT), UMiami (BM-Voice)
Grateful Dad's D - Wagner, Indiana, SUNY
Fedonia (acting)
gustof777 - UARTS (Final), NCSA
Icebear411 - Syracuse (Acting)
ilbamom's D - SMU (theatre studies BFA), BOCO
illinisue's D - Otterbein (BAThea)
imazoo - ELON (MT), UMich (MT), Ithaca (MT), CMU, BOCO
iNaSpotlight-Shenadoah Conservatory
jakebridges03 - CCM (MT)
Janenw's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jashner's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jbrown's S - LIPA (acting), SMU (acting), Evansville (acting), DePaul (Acting), NCSA, Roosevelt(acting)
Jordansmom D - OCU (MT) - Final, Indiana University
kegosnell - PPU (MT), OCU (MT)
Kellster - College of Charleston, Vassar
kingsandcabbages - BOCO
Lexismom's D - OCU (drama, BA in music), Cal State Fullerton (drama), UAz (MT), Syr (MT), Elon (MT) (Final)
Lisa77's S - UCF (MT), U of Miami (MT)
Lizbennett's S - Shenandoah Cons.
LotteLenya - IndianaU(Bloomington)
lynnm's D - PPU - MT, MMC
magicboy68 - UFla (Acting BFA),DePaul
mamatw's D - Ithaca, Tisch ()
managy88 - Shenendoah (final)
mandemb's S - LIPA
MAS06 - BOCO, Ithaca
MattSingsAlot - BoCo, CCM (MT) Final
mboi - Syr (MT), BOCO
Melsmom's D - PPU (jazz dance), Elon (Theatre BFA)
Mezzomom's D - Otterbein (Music)
Miabella - U of Miami (MT)
Michaelsmom's S - PPU (MT-final decision)
Millerp323 - PPU
mollybelle's D - UCI, USC
Momsinger's D - James Madison
momspride - Roosevelt, Emerson
MTaussie's S - Otterbein (MT), Illinois Wesleyan (MT)
mtmumzie's D - Syr (MT) Shenandoah (MT), PPU (MT), UArts (MT)
MTPapa's D- Arizona State University (vocal perf), OCU (thea), Rockford College (MT), Shenandoah University (MT), and Syracuse University (MT) (Final)
MTpolk - OCU (drama, BA in music)
musicalmom's D - Wright State, Shenendoah, SUNY Buffalo, SUNY Geneseo
mutsey87 - Ithaca
NoccaDad's D - Elon (Final)
notfromme's D - Shenandoah Cons.
nyc<em>etoile - Tisch (Strasberg)
PRFRMR20 - Emerson (MT), UArts (MT), U of Miami (MT), BOCO
rel2743553 - New Mexico, UMich (acting)
Samia525 - PPU, BOCO
sonsdad's S- CCM (MT), BW, CMU (Acting), Syr (Acting), Roosevelt, UMich (MT)
srw's S - OCU (MT)
stacey</em>ga - CCM (Drama)
Stphen1187 - Syr (MT), BOCO
surfinpenguin44 - FSU (MT, BFA)
TheActr97J - BoCo
TheaterGuy- NYU Cap 21 Final
TheatreJock - PSU (MT), BW (MT), Coastal Carolina (BA MT)
TheatreNote - FSU (BM V)
Thesp33 - CCM (drama). CMU (Acting)
ThespianDreams - SUNY Potsdam, Indiana University
ToTheStage- U of Colorado (MT, BFA)
Urlivewithfrank2 - BOCO
Vikki's-S- OCU (Drama & BM)
Weetziebat223- NYU CAP 21 Final
"WISCONSIN" - UMich, CCM (MT)</p>

<p>Acceptances (you are into the program) by school:</p>

<p>AmerU ( BA MT) - bway06/mbear88's D
Arizona State (Vocal Perf) - MTPapa's D
BoCo - MattSingsAlot, Urlivewithfrank2, drexel6337's D, ilbamom's D, samia525, PRFRMR20, kingsandcabbages, Stphen1187, mboi, MAS06, imazoo, TheActr97J, CaptRobinson
BW (BM-MT) - falloffstage, broadwaycorey, sonsdad's S, ARTYPOOH, TheatreJock
CAL STATE FULLERTON - Lexismom's D, Drum87
CCM(drama) - aspiringactress1, ActorsDad's S Final, stacey<em>ga
Chapman U , drum87, Thesp33
CCM (MT) - jakebridges03, WISCONSIN, sonsdad's S, MattSingsAlot (Final)
CMU (Acting) - thesp33
CMU (MT)- sonsdad's S (acting), imazoo (MT), chaseman1325, CaptRobinson
Coastal Carolina (BA MT) - TheatreJock
Cornish College of the Arts (Acting) - actingreacting1
DePaul (Acting) - jbrown's S, magicboy68
ELON (MT) - noccadad's d (Final), TheatreNote (theatre), lexismom's d, imazoo, Abparent's S
ELON (Theatre) - Melsmom's D
Emerson - PRFRMR20, drexel6337, magicboy68 (theatre arts), BrendanN, falloffstage, momspride
Evansville (drama) - ActorsDad's S, aspiringactress1, jbrown's S
FSU MT (BFA) - surfinpenguin44
FSU BM (voice) -TheatreNote
Illinois Wesleyan (MT) - MTaussie's S
Indiana U (BA MT) - LotteLenya, Grateful Dad's D
Ithaca (MT)- mutsey87, BrendanN, mamatw's D, imazoo, MAS06
James Madison - Momsinger's D
LIPA (acting) - jbrown's S, mandemb's S
MMC (MT) - lynnm's D
MMC (Prod/Mgmt) - clairesellers (Final)
Marietta- anothermomwithquestions' D
Millikin- falloffstage
Montclair - Abparent's S
Muhlenburg - anothermom-w-q's D, eliza'smom's D, bway06/mbear88's D
Nazareth College(BA-Thea) - Cindy013
Northwestern (BA-Theatre) - edmondsg's S, eliza'smom's D, bway06/mbear88's D
NCSA - gustoff77. jbrown's S
NYU/Tisch-Atlantic -
NYU/Tisch-CAP 21 – chrisnoo (Final), Janenw’s D (Final), TheaterGuy (Final), Weetziebat223 (Final), deegee (Final), jashner's d (Final)
NYU/Tisch-Meisner -
NYU/Tisch-Strasberg- nyc</em>etoile (Final)
NYU/Tisch-undetermined - edmondsg's S, bway06/mbear88's D, CaptRobinson, mamatw's D, drexel6337's D
OCU Drama - be<em>a</em>star, Lexismom's D, MTpolk, noccadad's d,TheatreNote, Vikkie's S, MTPapa's D
OCU MT - Jordansmom's D- Final, srw's S, kegosnell, Ginaomibdwy
Ohio Northern (MT) - anothermom-w-q's D
Ohio Wesleyan (Theatre) - Abparent's S
Otterbein (Music)- Mezzomom's D, broadwaycorey
Otterbein (BA Thea) - illinisue's D, broadwaycorey
Otterbein (BA Voice) - BBoyd3188
Otterbein (MT) - MTaussie's S
PPU - falloffstage, Melsmom’s D (jazz dance), Michaelsmom’s S (MT- final),bearcaaat, Samia525, broadwaycorey (MT), lynnm's D (MT), kegosnell (MT), drama8king8, Millerp323, mtmumzie's D
PSU (MT) - TheatreJock
Rockford College (MT) - MTPapa's D
Roosevelt - ckp, amy oconnell, sonsdad's S, dreamdancer, DramaGuy16, erinmichelle, momspride, jbrown's S
Shenadoah Conservatory - iNaSpotlight(MT), Lizbennett's S, MTPapa's D, notfromme's D, musicalmom's D, managy88 (final), mtmumzie's D
SMU (acting) - jbrown's S, ilbamom's D
Syracuse (Acting) - Icebear411, sonsdad's S
Syracuse (MT) - Stphen1187, Lexismom's D, BrendanN, mboi, mtmumzie's D, MTPapa's D (Final)
SUNY Buffalo - Cindy013 (BA Thea), musicalmom's D
SUNY Fredonia (acting) - Grateful Dad's D
SUNY Geneseo - Cindy013 (BA Thea), musicalmom's D, eliza'smom's D
SUNY Oswego (BA-Thea) - Cindy013
SUNY Purchase (acting) - BrendanN
UArts - broadwaywannabe, gustof777 (Final), PRFRMR20, mtmumzie's D
UAz (MT) - lexismom's D
UCI - be<em>a</em>star, mollybelle's D
UCFla (MT) - Lisa77's S
U Co - tothestage (MT)
UFla (Acting BFA) - magicboy68
UMiami (BFA MT) - BrendanN, Lisa77's S, PRFRMR20, Miabella
UMiami (BM) - Ginaomibdwy
UMich (MT) - "WISCONSIN", imazoo, sonsdad's S
UMich (Acting) - rel2743553, actordad's S
USC (thea)- mollybelle's D
Vassar - Kellster
Wagner - Grateful Dad's D
Wright State - musicalmom's D</p>


<p>BOCO - jaymom's D
Baldwin-Wallace - musicalmom's D
CMU - drexel6337's D,


Elon - lexismom's d (Accepted), Melsmom's D (Accepted), scogor's D
Emerson - STBFamous
Evansville - Marianne406's D
Julliard - Thesp33
Otterbein (MT) Abparent's S, momspride, TheatreJock
Syracuse - musicalmom's D
UCLA - mollybelle's D
UMich - ActorsDad's S (Accepted)</p>

<p>Ok Melsmom - you can add my d to OCU Dance Management. She received her letter today with a talent scholarship! I feel very fortunate that she will get a make a choice between two such great programs. Break a leg to all of you!</p>