The next big stress...move in times

<p>I wanted to give y’all a “heads up” on what for us was more stressful that doing the room selection process…getting a “move in” time. I am not sure whether it pertains only to those moving in early for AA, OA and Recruitment but last year we had to select a “move in” time. When talking to housing after selecting a room they told us that they would send a notification to D’s Mybama acct when you were able to do this. we had a little “learning curve” at my house about “how often” you should check that acct…yeah you guessed it DD didn’t check it one morning and poof at 10:30 am she realized that people were singing up and <strong>GASP</strong> she was now moving in at 9:30 am on the day that Recruitment started (it was just the evening convocation but still).
We called and begged but to no avail…as they explained it to me they assign x number of move in spots per hour and that is that. Talk about STRESS!!!
As in everything there are ways to “tweak” the system and since you are allowed 2 vehicles per person (no Uhauls please…no kidding!, we “piggy backed” with the roommate and moved in on Saturday at 9 am :)…The process of moving in once we got to the actual day went flawlessly…they have a great system in place and wow it was incredibly efficient. We pulled up, three men with a huge cart unloaded DD things (ok so we needed 3 of the huge carts) and took it up to her room where they unloaded in a matter of minutes and were downstairs helping the next person.
I know many of you are Honors dorms not Tutweiller but am just putting this out there that this “time selection” thing was a bit stressful for us.
Maybe some of you who moved in early could discuss how this worked across campus…did you all get a time …and then did you also have the university people there to unload and take up all of your items? It seemed to me that at Bama bound they made it seem like this was campus wide and not just for the early move in dates.
So…Good luck!!! And keep a “heads up” on this!
Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Thanks, LOL!! Oh great–more stress. </p>

<p>Just chuckling over the the three huge carts. Sounds like me when I pack for a weekend trip. Drives DH nuts!!</p>

<p>Thanks Ahpimommy!!
You guys are SOOOOOOOO Helpful!!</p>

<p>Be glad you have DS’s…while moving in to Tut we encountered several “interior design” teams bringing in custom designed dorm rooms (Matt Clinton does it it Tuscaloosa). Got a chuckle as was behind one such group trying to get a over- sized twin box spring complete with custom designed dust ruffle up the back stairs of Tut. No it’s not the norm but it does happen. DH had a fit at what DD brought and after encountering these folks made it known that she should not start interviewing designers for next year! LOL!</p>

<p>Here’s last years’ thread
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The moral is to log on early for choice time selections:)</p>

<p>And at a glance it looks like the threads on pages 40-50 or so address many of the questions that are arising or soon will - dorm move in, decorating, what to bring, etc. . .</p>

<p>Can anyone give an idea about when, approximately, we’ll receive this email and be able to choose a time?</p>

<p>Also, what happens if one is flying in instead of driving? Does all this just not apply? Still not sure how I’m getting to Tuscaloosa…</p>

<p>After looking at the link posted by timeflew it looks like last year it was June 15th so I would imagine it would be around the same time.
Not sure what to tell you about flying in…will you be shipping everything? I might call housing and talk to them.
Anyone here have experience in this area?
Are you coming early for OA or AA?
I would still think you would need a move in time but would call Housing to confirm?
That brings up those of you who are doing the last Bama Bound session…how does move in work then?</p>

<p>I’m coming early for Rush, not doing OA or AA though. I’m not positive yet, I may talk a parent into driving me, but if I do fly I would be shipping most of my things. I’m just wondering how this works because it would be a pain booking a flight around a very specific move-in time…</p>

<p>Move in for Recruitment is busy because so many girls are moving in at that time. You’re in honors housing not in Tut right? I would call housing and just chat with them…I am sure they have had this situation before. If at all possible you want to be in town by the Saturday before the convocation on Sunday…much less stress to get settled…you won’t have time during recruitment…crazy busy times. Are you at Panhellenic Preview this weekend?<br>
Talk to housing…I might look for a plane that gets in early Saturday and then you could move in later in the day :). Do you know…does your stuff get shipped right to the dorm or does it go to the package center and you have to figure out how to get it to your room…that might be another question for housing.</p>

<p>Thank you for the suggestions…I will definitely contact housing as the room selection date approaches, because I have no idea how all of this works! And yes, I’m in honors housing (Riverside) – I imagine that will be a bit less crazy that move-in for Tut on that day. Thank you!</p>

<p>reginaphalange, if you are flying down to UA and taking a shuttle to campus, schedule a move-in time for when you expect to arrive in Tuscaloosa. I did this last year and even though I ended up missing my move-in time by an hour, I was still able to move-in. You’re not going to be penalized for your flight or shuttle being late, especially since you’ll be travelling with only a couple of bags. Any packages shipped to UA will arrive at either Paty Package Delivery Center or the Post Office (the latter if you ship to your PO box). Paty Package Delivery Center will be open during move-in weekend, while the Post office will be open during the week.</p>


<p>You may want to fly-in a day before, stay in a hotel, and then do move-in. As for booking a hotel…don’t delay…those book up early as well.</p>

<p>You may want to arrive the day before even if you do drive in to town.</p>

<p>Custom decorated dorm rooms, I love it. I am glad I have a ds, but he is very particular. I wanted to start shopping now but he is flying down to AA, so I’m not sure what we are going to do. I will probably pack a set of sheets in his bags, but how far is it to Paty from Ridgecrest SN? He isn’t going to arrive until Sunday am, I know AA starts Sunday, but I assume it will be in the afternoon/evening. Thanks for the note about move-in times, I wasn’t thinking he would need one.
The memory foam egg crate thing is concerning. I was going to buy that now as they don’t have many twin xl’s but they say it has to be unpacked within 48 hours. I"m afraid if I wait to ship that directly I won’t find an xl. Will have to find out how soon we can start shipping into Paty and how to do that.</p>

<p>If Regina’s coming in alone then booking a hotel could be problematic if she’s only 18.</p>

<p>First, anything left at Paty over 30 days gets sent back to the shipper.
Paty to Ridgecrest is not too far… there is a thread somewhere (was it you SeaTide?) about how an OOS handled shipping and moving, involved shipping a handcart w/belongings to Paty.</p>

<p>and remember, you have the entire semester to ship extra stuff - winter clothes etc… doesn’t have to be all there at the start.</p>

<p>Yes…you don’t need those winter clothes at first! Is there a chance that you could ship/bring the essentials to get you through for the first month and maybe parents could bring things down during Parents Weekend? That might be another option? You most likely will want to carry with you all that you need for Recruitment…just to be safe.</p>

<p>I believe momof3boyz’s S shipped many items to campus from OOS as did malanai’s S and myself. Overall, It’s a short walk and very easy to carry items between the two buildings, though one might have to make multiple trips if they didn’t have a handcart.</p>

<p>More twin-XL bedding and mattress pads will become available when stores put out their dorm items during the summer.</p>

<p>Any chance Regina could “pirate” one of the move in carts? could be an adventure.
Another suggestion…you might try and see if you could find another girl who is moving early for Recruitment that day would would be willing to add you in her move? If y’all were moving into the same dorm seems this type of thing might work…y’all might try messaging this on one of the facebook pages…Panhellenic has one as well…maybe post there…just a suggestion!</p>

<p>Thank you all for the great advice! I just spoke with my mom and she said driving down is a possibility…I was shocked, actually, I thought she would have a conniption if I suggested it. I’ll have to figure out what our best bet is – flying might be simpler than a 16 hour drive; this has definitely helped me see that flying is manageable.</p>