The next big stress...move in times

<p>also if financially feasible, some of the students have flown in with a parent (1RT, 1 one-way) and that way got to still have the “ooh I’m leaving my baby at college” experience, as well as help with schlepping etc.</p>

<p>Yeah, I think my mom would really like to see the campus and everything, because she hasn’t been there yet. I’ve been away at boarding school for three years so I don’t necessarily feel the need to have my parents come all the way down there and have that sentimental experience, but it would sure be nice to have some help with the moving! I truly appreciate all of the great advice I’ve gotten; this has helped me a lot to think about all of this and realize that even though it’s months away, it is something I need to figure out relatively soon. Thank you all!</p>

<p>*I am glad I have a ds, but he is very particular. *</p>

<p>Mine’s just the opposite–oblivious!</p>

<p>I think we’ll just do a lot of navy blue. Always safe for a guy…</p>

<p>DS is at Loyola (he is junior majoring in English and Gender Studies)…he wanted NOTHING to do with decorating a dorm room. Oh he had his “stuff” that he wanted to bring and we did do a lot of navy blue. The biggies for him were the multiple gaming systems and the flat screen. He also took a desk top computer and a lap top…oh my! It was hard on me because when we moved him in and I wanted to help put it all away and all he wanted us to do was go to Target and then leave…sniff sniff…but we all survived. He moved off campus (literally across the street) and go his first apt. I was all smiles when called and asked if I’d come up and help decorate :)</p>

<p>don’t worry so much. it all works out!!!</p>

<p>if you are a student from far away, you may be able to move in the night before. we did. that time is mostly for people who have been living on campus elsewhere (maybe helping with bama bound or something) to switch dorms. we just drove straight to the dorm when we got into town and went in and asked. we didn’t have all the help that you will get in the morning, but it was no big deal. we parked in the garage and did it all ourselves.</p>

<p>so we were able to move in all her stuff on friday night and then we had saturday to get everything put together.</p>

<p>everything that everyone is so worried about now really does become a non-issue. ALL the honors dorms are very nice. sure one might prefer one over another, but it really doesn’t matter.</p>

<p>Mike W., thanks for the wise and kind words. </p>

<p>You are so right! I need to trust more, worry less.</p>

<p>Which reminds me…I have to refill my Luvox prescription, LOL.</p>

<p>Yes, since we are going down for parents weekend, we will each bring an extra bag with winter clothes and then make a Target run for anything he needs. Where we are getting these large extra bags from I don’t know, I think we trashed most of the luggage when we moved. S has a nice rolling duffle, but I think he needs another one. That way he could roll one with each hand and have the back pack. I will have to check on airline weight requirements, it is easy to get those duffles over 50lb.
I have to believe they will let him in when he walks over to the dorm, but I will try to get a time anyway. Awaiting AA confirmation, hopefully Sunday noon-ish arrival is ok.</p>

<p>Move-in was a breeze for us last year. We decided to fly down instead of drive so we packed lil bro’s clothes, xbox 360, and a few other things into a couple of big suitcases.</p>

<p>We stopped at Kohls and bought his towels, sheets, laundry basket, hangers etc etc and pulled up to his dorm at the scheduled time. The helpers had the rental car unloaded in a minute and took his stuff up to his room for him. We then went to walmart & target and bought toilet paper, soap, shampoo, etc etc. The whole thing was as smooth as could be. </p>

<p>Our only issue was how to get his tv down there but we decided it would be easier to just buy a new one off amazon and have it shipped to Paty. This way he can just put it in storage for the summer and still have a tv in his room back home during breaks. Beats transporting it back and forth for 4 years.</p>

<p>MikeWozowski is right. Do not worry, because if you do, you will only make the situation more stressful for you, your student and the rest of the family. We have done two move-ins in 90-plus temperatures and never had an issue. The first year, we got to the dorm at 8 a.m. and had the car unloaded in about 25 minutes. My youngest son and I left campus before noon. Last year, my son moved in earlier than the other upperclassmen, because he was doing the move in for the freshmen. Got everything out of storage, grab a cart or two and got everything inside rather quickly. </p>

<p>This year, I’m dropping my son off at the airport. He gets to handle the move in. I’ll go and visit sometime in the fall.</p>

<p>regina— OOS and here’s what we did (a breeze) if you’re flying in. </p>

<p>Orders from stores with free shipping to anywhere we had shipped to Paty (definitely closer to Riverside and open for both move-in weekends). I called and found out when was a good time to have things shipped (I believe I had most of if done mid-end of July). </p>

<p>Places that offered free ship to store (like Bed Bath & Beyond) I ordered for pick-up in BHM/Hoover. At BBB you put in your request and don’t pay until you pick-up in BHM so I was even able to eliminate anything I found later for better price and you can place order whenever they start. On your “order” you indicate date you plan to pick up - so we were able to order back in May. We flew into BHM the day before, rented a car and did the pick-ups on way to Tuscaloosa. (Also had time to stop at Costco in Hoover by BBB for TV.) We moved in a.m. did a Target run for milk … Good-bye to DS and caught the plane back home. Hope this helps :)</p>

<p>Is there a specific day(s) set aside every year for movin in or does it change from year to year? What I’m looking at is an approximation of the month. Thanks</p>

<p>Regular move-in for freshman is usually the Friday before classes start. So 8/19 would be the day move-ins start. You can also move-in on Saturday 8/20 as well.</p>

<p>Girls rushing sororities and those in Outdoor and Alabama Action move-in the weekend before that.</p>

<p>on that note - for the retuning freshmen, when is move-in usually for upperclassmen? got an educated guess?</p>

<p>Upperclassmen move-in on the Sunday before classes start, ie the day after freshmen. I was able to move-in on Saturday as I was coming from OOS and the airfare was $100 less if I flew in a day early.</p>

<p>So that puts us at Sun., Aug, 21 this year. Thanks - trying to think ahead :slight_smile:
Wonder how that works if you are in the day prior, thinking if the suite is already open for the freshmen then maybe it’s not a big deal…</p>

<p>My view of move-in times: if the system allows you to schedule a certain time, you are fine to move-in at that time. Freshman move-in is over two days and the few upperclassmen who want/need to move-in on one of these earlier dates can be accommodated. The check-in list lists everyone in the dorm, so it’s just a matter of signing the appropriate forms and moving ones stuff into the room.</p>

<p>Here is an option: if your student is coming down for OA or AA. Let them fly down with just the essentials (Southwest allows for two suitcases). Then drive down at the end of the week and drop off and unpack everything else. This gives your student a chance to get used to campus and since they are so very busy during OA/AA week (they would never know if you were there) you’ll then have the weekend to enjoy campus and a last visit (for a while).</p>

<p>We did this and it worked out great! Last minute trip to New Orleans as well.</p>

<p>Seatide is right, they certainly weren’t checking id’s when we went for move in. We did receive a paper in the mail beforehand listing our move in time and meant for the car windshield, but I don’t recall anyone even glancing at it. If you don’t get a move in time that works for you, or plans change - just show up. I really can’t imagine you being turned away.</p>

<p>I think that moving into Tutweiller for recruitment might be an exception to not checking times. It was crazy!!! There were a lot of University personnel on hand and it did seem that they checked the papers on your windshield as you queued up. After D’s slip up in signing up for a time I was able to make arrangements to piggyback in with the roommate and UA Housing was aware. We were still nervous but it went off without a hitch. Was Ridgecrest and the other side of campus as crazy? Are you required to queue up like at Tut?
Also remember when moving in the following weekend that Bid Day for sororities will be that Sunday. Many many…I repeat MANY parents will come for Bid Day. I flew in as well as my second D to watch and partake in the process. If you have a D going through recruitment this is NOT to be missed! It was nothing I have ever experienced before! When I came home and told my sorority sisters here and shared the pics I took they just couldn’t believe it…what an experience. My point is that hotel rooms might be an issue as well as getting through campus by Sorority Row. I am pretty sure that it would not impact the opposite side of campus but just be warned…appx 1200-1300 girls getting bids, times 1 if not 2 parents and in some cases whole families and alumni…crazy times :).</p>

<p>*Seatide is right, they certainly weren’t checking id’s when we went for move in. *</p>

<p>My kids have had to show their IDs at honors check in to get their keys.</p>