The Official AP Chemistry Discussion Thread

<p>MC was alright: i skipped about 10-15 questions. It has few lab questions i can’t answer. FRQ were easier than MC. I have some doubt on 2 since it is a lab question, but it’s very feasible to do. I probably got a 4, but i hope i got a 5.</p>

<p>I think I my raw score for the multiple choice was around 60 (including incorrect answers) to 65. I think I got all of Question 1 right, most of Question 2 right (except for the last part), most of Question 3 right, all of Question 4 right, half of Question 5 right, and all of Question 6 right.</p>

<p>Is this good enough for a 5?</p>

<p>I especially love how the Collegeboard gives a formula sheet that’s 1) a little difficult to understand in a hurry (They should really have a separate constant section) and 2) somewhat incomplete–I don’t think they had all the #3 formulas (And if they did, I couldn’t find it, reinforcing 1). Thank you PR!</p>

<p>I had a total blank on 2. :o Dimensional analysis to the rescue. :D</p>

<p>I attempted all the FRQs, didn’t finish them all–ran out of time.</p>

<p>Was it just me, or were the reactions rather easy? By the way, if they say to use a calculation to justify, is it okay to just use math rules (e.g. Logs less than 0 mean that the number is less than 1) or do we need a full calculation (I didn’t have time for a full on calc)?</p>

<p>About the MC, it was alright. I never understood vapor pressure… </p>

<p>@ Poseur, I completely agree. It seems like it’d almost be easier learning just the exceptions than attempting to learn both the rules and the exceptions. The only hard rules seems to be that solids and pure liquids don’t belong in equilbrium problems and the solubility rules (I’m waiting for an exception. Feel free to present one. ;))</p>

<h1>2 probably saved my chem grade.</h1>

<p>I did so badly…</p>

<p>The MC was really easy, I only left 4 blank at most. Doesn’t mean I got a good score on it, but I hope it’s better than usual :D</p>

<p>However, the FRQs slaughtered me, especially the Part A. I don’t really understand how, since I got a 5 on the 2008 Exam the night before, and we’ve been doing practice AP problems all year. I’m really upset. Part B was easy though. but I still left stuff blank.</p>

<p>Hoping for a 4 at least, but I really want a 5 =/</p>

<p>I thought the FRQs were much easier than the MC. I left less than 10 blank for the MC. I still don’t get vapor pressure and organic chemistry lol. I’m glad there wasn’t an organic chemistry question.</p>

<p>legit: it seems like you got a 5.</p>

<p>last part on #2: I wrote pour water. I ran out of time after that.</p>

<p>jerrry4445, I wrote some ******** involving PV=nRT. something about inserting a known quantity of gas to get the volume.</p>

<p>@Legit - I think I was about the same as you, except I just left the parts I had no clue on/enough time to answer blank. I wonder if it’s enough for a five as well.</p>

<p>multiple choice was alright, but it just seemed different from all the practice tests and previous exams i took. free response was fairly easy, but time was an issue for me, especially in Part A. the lab question definitely got me, i just wrote, weigh flask on scale, or some thing like that.</p>

<h1>2 left me at a blank for over half of the time for Part A w/ calc… when I figured out a way to get to what it was asking for I just went with it. But I think I messed it up because it wasn’t at STP… at last I’ll get Carried Errors haha. And for that least part I wrote something about filling it with water and pouring it into a beaker or something like that.</h1>

<p>For those that took the AP Chem test last year, did you find it signficantly easier than last year? I could actually answer around 60 MC and answered all the FR this time as opposed to last time.</p>

<p>sexycani: I was thinking about the ideal gas law and I was trying to think of the answer, but I ran out of time on the first part FRQ. I did went back on the second part, but i only have like one minute to think about it. Could have answer the question fairly quickly if I have more lab experiences. (I only did two labs for the whole year in AP Chem). Well, that’s one or two points off.</p>

<li><p>Okay, I know most people did well here, but while I didn’t blank, I got to part C and kind of gave up cause I couldn’t properly remember how to do it. I just made a load of BS that may or may not stick.</p></li>
<li><p>Um…I went stupid for d and e, but f and g I made fairly strong guesses on. (g, however, I think I got wrong now.)</p></li>
<li><p>I, for the life of me, can’t remember this problem, but I do remember nailing it. Totally got it.</p></li>
<li><p>Surprisingly easier than I thought. I feel I probably missed the second one because I rushed through part B (four) to go back to A, even without a calculator.</p></li>
<li><p>NAILED IT! I STUDIED THIS SO WELL! <em>BWAHAAHAHAHAHA</em> (I deserve an evil laugh)</p></li>
<li><p>Nailed this too. Seemed fairly simple, and I while I may have missed part of it, I really think I understood it enough to get most of the points.</p></li>

<p>MC: eh…calculating error, I think I got 47.5. See, I’m stupid and answered all the questions, but whatever. I feel that it balanced out since I almost always made an educated guess.</p>


<p>I regret: Stupidity…blanked on really easy questions. <em>Le sigh</em></p>

<p>i like how everyone here are all worried and/or discussing how they did, but when we get our scores in July, which seems so far away, we’ll all be like, “wait, I took this test?”</p>

<p>I need to build a kite… and I need to find a kite building kit… desperately.
Can anyone help? :(</p>

<p>On topic, who thinks the reactions were reeeeally easy? Let’s hope they were meant to be. Plus, you don’t have to write the states, right?</p>

<p>legit: That is how some people would react, but me, I would go, OH MY GOD, my ap grades are here, my grades are here. Five seconds later, I would hyperventilate. I would also say, I totally got straight 5. When i see my AP test scores, well, my reactions will depend on the scores themselves.</p>

<p>I believe the reactions were easy as well feed.</p>

<p>I agree with you Wulfy; LOVED question 5.</p>

<p>No. Aren’t we not allowed to discuss FRQ yet? I’m afraid to say anything lol.</p>

<p>You can talk about difficulty, but not specific questions</p>