The Official AP Chemistry Discussion Thread

<p>lol on the Calc BC post, everyone was posting answers hours after the exam.</p>

<p>yeah, jerry, you’re right, people do react differently.</p>

<p>i’m pretty comfortable with the multiple choice “cut-off” for a 5 being around 50 or higher. but does anyone have a rough estimate for the free response section? maybe how many parts you can miss or how many points can be taken off to still get a 5 with a good multiple choice score?</p>

<p>dunbar: you can discuss the frq, but not specifically. But it could be implied. Besides, people who on this thread know what questions you’re talking about.</p>

<p>discussing answers is frowned upon, but not a big deal. actually it’s illegal, but seriously, i’m sure many of us discussed with teachers or other students.</p>

<p>since we’re all waiting till the 48 hours are up, is anyone else still taking any other AP exams for this week? I have APWH on Thursday.</p>

<p>who wrote WHY SO SERIOUS on their answer sheet?</p>

<p><em>one hand raised here</em></p>

<p>I have English Lanugage tomorrow, Human Geog. on Friday, and a make-up Comp Sci on the 21st.</p>

<p>It’ll be funny if “WHY SO SERIOUS” movement appears on the news. Sadly, I did not write that because I took the test too seriously, but maybe on my next exam on thursday.</p>

<p>Does anyone else not like how they give us lined paper for the FRQ? Like I do my math homework on lined paper, but these lines were so thick so I felt I had to press so hard to make everything show up right. I’d prefer if they did it like calculus where you get boxes.</p>

<p>I had already been raped pretty hard so I was like, hell, why are you so worried about this thing, you’re not even taking chem in college mannnn WHY SO SERIOUS</p>

<p>I really liked this test. I felt it was the perfect level of difficulty. I’m hoping for a 5 but I’m pretty confident I got at least a 4.</p>

<p>The essay portion of the free response section made me SO happy!</p>

<p>Anyone else feel like the paper for the free response had a weird texture?</p>

<p>My pencil was a little dull too, but when I was writing it came out especially dull and thick on the paper…everything looked kinda smudged compared to my normal writing, which is alot more neat and sharp.</p>

<p>Hope they can read it…</p>

<p>The free response questions and the MC were not quite what I expected (barely any electrochem questions :frowning: and luckily no organic chem) but I thought they were quite easy. I think I should at least get a 4.</p>

<p>F. M. L.
hated this test.</p>

<p>By the way, I hate the musty, clay kind of smell that you get when you open the packet. wth?</p>

<p>I don’t want to say anything too specific, but I don’t think I looked at the standard potential sheet once…</p>

<p>We’re supposed to do WHY SO SERIOUS? in our AP world exam Thursday.</p>

<p>Last year it was the THIS IS SPARTA! for the AP world haha</p>

<p>I didnt do about 4 FRQ. (not whole ones altogether but the i and ii parts)</p>

<p>^^ I heard about that one Terrence C …:)</p>