<p>For High School Class of '08 and prior classes: How did you deal with the wait? Did you do something effective and productive to cope with it?</p>
<p>For High School Class of '09: What are you doing to deal with the wait?</p>
<p>I find myself looking everyday on my Eli Account to see if there's any change. I realized today this is probably not helpful. Is there anything that eases the anxiety of the wait, or do we simply have to soldier through?</p>
<p>Time is moving soooo slowly as I wait for the 15th</p>
<p>But at the same time, it seems like January 5th is coming SO quickly (because I have to memorize sooo many lines for our school play before rehearsal starts and play in a chamber music concert as soon as winter break ends).</p>
<p>I found a safety that I actually like a good bit this past weekend, so that sort of took some of the pressure off of December 15th. I’m still counting down the days, but it’s a little less stressful now.</p>
<p>Yeah, I already got into a great school (UMich) and an amazing merit offer without admission from another (RPI) , so the stress is off. But, still… Yale is my dream school and dec 15 can’t come quickly enough. I already read through the past two SCEA decisions threads to compare myself. :P</p>
<p>To deal with the wait, I am applying to top state schools!
Hopefully when I get deferred at Yale, I’ll be cheered up by acceptances in the following weeks.</p>
<p>I should definitely get on the whole applying to state schools thing. The only other letter I’ll get before March is from Oxford, and that most likely will just be a downer (right before Christmas, too!).</p>
<p>Concentrate on other applications and looking seriously at other schools.
I simply assume I am going to get rejected and am preparing all the materials I’ll need come December 16.</p>
<p>Also, school and extracurriculars tend to be distracting. Time goes by quickly.</p>
<p>I have spent the whole of November (in which I wanted to use to fill out all my other applications) filling out science competition forms. Bleargh.</p>
<p>But at the moment? Addressing envelopes for recommendations…</p>
<p>ISEF has like…a billion safety forms. Plus a research plan. Plus like…I don’t even know. All the forms have begun to blur together…</p>
<p>And JSHS, I think, is a bit smaller. But I had to have 5 copies of my paper all bound with the plastic slider thing in a specific order with specific details and my name and the page number in specific places and OH LOOK ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS HAVE JUST EXPLODED MY BRAIN. So yes, that was my November.</p>