Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019


You have covered all the key areas for consideration. No one can predict the outcome. Hence in addition to your list of BS/MD programs, apply to some UG schools based on your preferences. Few other points to your profile.

  1. As you noted, your GPA is tad below. But nothing can be done and don't worry about it.
  2. There is no point in taking SAT II subject tests, when you have 780 in all. Waste of time. Use that time to write effective essays/prompts, focus on senior year courses or simply enjoy your HS life. It is not going add a bit of value.
  3. You can consider Rochester, Rice/Baylor (than B/B), OU.

This is a past BMAT test:

Itā€™s difficult but not exceedingly so.

It is difficult to get scores in the top 1% ile range on any test. Remember seeing some percentile charts some time ago on this test. Not sure how many people they are going to call for interviews and the basis for that, but this test weighs in significantly I believe.

Chance me for Northwestern HPME (dream school)! And other BSMD programs like Rice MSP and Brown PLME.

GPA: 4.0. School doesnā€™t weight.
ACT: 36
Subject tests: 800 math 2, 800 physics
APs: have taken about 7, 5ā€™s on all of them but two. Will take 11 APs by the time I graduate
Class Rank: 1/450, shared spot with 4 other students with perfect GPA.

Volunteering: 250 hours + at local university
Shadowing:30 hours, various specialities
Research: 400 hours of lab work on my project + shadowing at cancer center. Research is nearing publication stages and Iā€™m writing manuscript.
200 hours at engineering lab, published coauthor

attended prestigious high school research camp: BU RISE internship track

Officer of HOSA, NHS, Math Team, USABO club. President role in one of them, VP in 3 others.

Varsity tennis for 3 years. State champions 2 years, participated in individual state 1 year. Participated in individual national level competitions

Are my chances good for at least 1 BSMD? I really hope I can get into Northwestern, it is my by far number 1 choice and I would ED if I could.
How can I show demonstrated interest to this school? Anything I can do to boost chances of admission to HPME?

@gurt567 Good profile and good chances. But at this stage, simply focus on these 3 things.

  1. Efforts on excellent essays, prompts for various programs
  2. Take care of your HS courses
    3ā€¦ Enjoy your HS

Donā€™t attach to any particular school. Apply broadly to programs of your choice and this list could be just few or many depending on how keen you are about BS/MD and willing to pursue the traditional route. For BS/MD programs, NW, R/B, Brown, Pitt, BU, RPI, Stonybrook.

Review previous year results thread and send PM to students who got selected to HPME to get specific tips.

Hey! Anybody here an alum from Oklahoma? PM me!


thx. Iā€™m only looking to apply to around 5 BS/MD, only the top programs. Iā€™ll make sure to focus on my essays.


If you are planning on applying to only 5 top programs, better have a solid plan for traditional route. Donā€™t be surprised if you donā€™t receive even a single interview call from any of the 5 programs.

The only thing I can think of demonstration of interest for NW HPME is perhaps visit to the campus tour and talking to the admissions office regarding the program. I am not sure how much it counts though. Check out the latest common data set for NW for the section where they enumerate various factors for general admission and their relative importance. You havenā€™t mentioned your sat 2 subject chemistry and AP Chemistry (and Bio) scores. Chemistry especially is very important for that program (and BUā€™s).

aamc web site has different stats on medical schools but no clear stat on how many of each undergrad school got into medical programs. For example, in one report they give stats of different races and total candidates applied from each undergrad school into medical program but do not give acceptance rate of them.

Can anyone point me to a report that shows acceptance rates of each undergrad school into medical schools?

@DSOF20192023 Here is a different take. If you are so sure about medicine, at this stage, simply ignore all these stats (all have fine prints), join any good 4 year college which is economical and do your best from today until you have your acceptance in hand. It does not matter what school, what major. What matters is your GPA, MCAT, the depth and true passion on your volunteer work to help underprivileged population and clinical volunteer experience. If you think you are not 100% sure but what to explore pre-med courses and will decide later, then it matters what UG school, what major etc.,

Most schools, give which are all UG schools got matriculated in a year. But it will not tell how many students applied, how many were given acceptances or how many who just finished their 4 year versus students from that school with gap years etc., It really does not matter which school, but what you have done during the 4 years matters.

You need to check at individual school web sites. It may or may not give exactly what you are looking. Here is a sample.

@GoldenRock Thank you.

Umich data is interesting and looks like many medical schools have affinity for instate vs outstate. I thought this affinity is only for undergrad.

https://www.ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– /medical/in-state-out-of-state-admissions

@DSOF20192023 Medical schools ARE BOUND by IS vs OOS. Many due to state regulations. For example, TX 90% of students MUST be TX residents. Pretty much all public medical schools, will have very high IS. Even private schools, to some extent they are governed (if there is any state funding) and invariably will have sizable in state students.
Among the public schools, UofMich is extreme outlier with highest OOS. That is why I sent that example. But a top ranked school but more focus on research and it is not that easy to get in.

thanks. What are your thoughts on the UMKC BSMD program? Is it a good program? How are the residency matches afterward?


I donā€™t have much idea about that program. But have noticed the following dedicated thread for that with several students of the program and parents with first hand knowledge contributing. As @GoldenRock suggested you can read through the thread and Private Message individuals with your questions. GL.

Earlier someone posted admission statistics of various BS/MD programs. Any updates for these stats? Trying to finalize our list of BS/MD programs to apply and hope these stats can give some guidance.

Entering GPA in common applicationā€“they allow only weighted or unweighted. My daughter has unweighted 3.91 and weight 4.55, which one is better to enter ?

GW (either GW or St Bonaventure) BS/MD programs guaranteed? (subjected to maintaining GPA and MCAT? web site says provisional and application will be reviewed by a committee.

@skalmadi Same question here, my D school do not have unweighted GPA (only Weighted) in transcript. I believe each college has different way of calculating their own # based upon transcript. Best is to give when is in the transcript?

Would limited shadowing experience (~40-50 hours) be a great detriment to my application? Should I try gaining more these next 2 months or just focus on my essays?

Is it worth it to take the Chemistry SAT? I will be applying to various BS/MD programs and I know Northwestern and Boston require it, and Iā€™m not sure about the others. For some perspective, I took Chem Honors sophomore year and am in AP Chemistry right now but I would have to do a lot of self studying. I have taken two other subject tests, Math 2 (800), and Biology M (790). Thanks!