Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@merlinmagic05 Don’t worry about SAT score. Score is one of 10 different things considered for selection. Do you best on ACT. Spend time for quality essays, prompts etc., Focus on your HS courses and enjoy the HS time. You are fine.

Can you apply to Drexel bs md through more than one feeder school?

@diaash Hope you are aware, Drexel is no longer a true conditionally guaranteed program. It is called EAP.
See the last line. “Acceptance into the College of Medicine is not guaranteed.”.

Normally EAP are admission to UG only and later during second year there is a process to get into EAP. But Drexel calls it EAP but admits from HS. So which is unique. But it states interview is done by Drexel medical college, which is good. But 4 years are mandatory and MCAT need to be taken and 2 courses for the 12 quarters must be STEM course.

Make sure to read and check with current students and decide. Also if you are close by, visit both UG and MD campus (or buildings) and make sure you are comfortable to live there for 8 years.

Don’t conclude at this point only via BS/MD a person can become a doctor. It is only 3-5% of all MD students. 95% still go thru normal MD route. Almost all BS/MD students are academically strong and capable to get MD as long as you all maintain your passion and focus and continue to prepare your self.

Even if you decide to do BS/MD, join either good quality programs or even if low tiers join if that program is flexible and non-binding and you are/will be happy there. Also keep the finance aspects in the overall equation and try to minimize the cost for UG. GL.

@GoldenRock , you have been so helpful . Thank you so much . From what you saying , seems like most are early assurance programs, where MCAT is required and maintains gpa and core curriculum.
That is a great point that you shared. Thank you .
Is Tuft similar to that ?

Not to bad mouth Drexel, but some how I felt their policies towards their direct med programs have been always rigid, but to compensate to some extent it was a 7 year program till last year. Now they made it 8 year, I don’t follow their new policies but suspect the same old framework may still be in place.

Take for example the MCAT requirement. Students had to secure a score corresponding to 87% ile or something AND get above some similar minimum percentile in each section and have a max 3 attempts to do so. I have heard of students getting above the required 87% ile composite score but falling short slightly in one of the 3 or 4 subsections and had to take it again all over.

By comparison, the neighboring program of Penn State/Jefferson, which i think is far more reputed, had a minimum composite score requirement which corresponded to 67% ile or something. They pretty much made it very clear to students, kind of saying, look we know you are all very smart to have gotten into our program, we don’t need you to prove your mettle all over again on some exam, focus on bigger and better things while you are here.

Any thoughts on TCNJ-NJIT/NJMS-Vs- Stevens for Out of state student? Thanks1

@rk2017 , that was very helpful piece of info. I did not think about that.

@diaash There are only a few BS/MD programs with no MCAT requirements. Almost all will have minimum UG GPA and minimum grade requirements to matriculate into medical school. These programs are super competitive and almost every applicant expects to be selected. To make best of your BS/MD applications, be judicious in your choice of the schools you choose to apply. Be realistic.

I have refrained from chancing thus far but I have succumbed!

ACT 36

Bio E 800
Math II 800
Chem 800

GPA 3.79

Research: Extensive, published a few abstracts (immunology, epidemiology), moderately famous program (few hundred hours)

Volunteer/community service: Pretty solid, few hundred hours (mostly nursing home stuff, music, NHS, etc)

Shadowing: Orthopedic surgeon/sports medicine for a few years (help her out a LOT), other shadows

Did some politics internships with the state rep. and a local mayor

Extracurriculars: Opera singing, full scholarship at a conservatory. Piano for 11 years.

Patent pending on a medicine-related project, a bunch of entrepreneurship work (my common app topic)

President of the only health club at our school, active with ~50 members

CTY for a while (emperor of JHU actually but I can’t mention that)

Did an astrophysics internship at the Harvard Smithsonian

Teaching assistant for biology/forensics at my school (300+ hours, sometimes I get to teach classes/design labs etc)

SO! The one big problem here is my GPA. A 3.79 puts me in the top 25% (although this gets reported as top 30% since we only have deciles). My school is über competitive and my grades have had a huge increase since freshman year. Another issue is that our school only lets us take AP’s starting junior year, so I’m not competitive in that area.

I also have a documented 504 plan and have received an NHS CURE [research] grant as an underrepresented minority (because of my disability/504, even though I’m Asian). My family had severe health issues early in my high school career which contributed a bit to my lower GPA.

Which BS/MDs would I have a shot at? Are Ivy League’s/JHU/Duke/Tufts all way too competitive, since I’m not in the first decile, even though my other qualifications are excellent? I’ve already applied to 3 BS/MDs (GRINDING out those apps), and I have a whole bunch more on my list from UMKC to HPME.

All thoughts appreciated!!

@Cherax Don’t be distracted by GPA alone. You have done an outstanding job and no one can simply ignore all of it.
So would suggest to apply to whatever programs you like including top tiers for both BS/MD and Regular UG.
It is time consuming but it is worth to try.

Don’t be so keen only on BS/MD and be open to go for regular route and don’t compromise and join low tier BS/MD programs. Include Rice/Baylor, NW, WashU, CWRU, UR. You never know!

THANK YOU! I want to cry in relief that I won’t be eliminated simply for my GPA (although that’s a bit of a jump from what you said, I can hope!). I’m certainly applying to regular UGs as well.

I needed that sliver of hope : )

I am extremely confused with the New Jersey Bs md programs.
Seems like there are lots of permutation combinations. Can someone please walk me through ,
these programs. I have tried to read up online on several sites and gone to individual college websites too.
But am still very unclear and lost with the info for New Jersey direct med programs.


I am sure you are aware you could explain your challenging family situations in your common app portion and have done so on your 3 BS,/MD programs you have applied thus far. Below is advice to students on Yale website faq:

Personally I feel you have most realistic chances at BU’s (i.e. Boston) and Penn State/Jefferson programs. Also apply to NW program, they will decide upfront whether or not going to invite you to apply, thereby saving your time and effort.

“Ask your guidance counselor or school official who will be assisting you with your college applications to address any special circumstances in the Counselor Recommendation. You may also write about particular challenges in your personal statement or the “additional information” section of the application, but an explanation from your counselor or another school official is especially valuable. Remember that Yale’s review process is holistic and contextual. If you believe there is important information the Admissions Committee should know when evaluating your application, please share that information with your counselor.”

@diaash NJMS-Newark BS/MD has multiple feeder schools e.g .TCNJ, Rutger’s Newark, NJIT, Drew university etc, You can apply via multiple feeder institutions but you will have only one interview with NJMS-Newark. If selected, you can join any of the feeder school that you applied through. The selected candidates, we have known in past had UW GPA close to 4.0 and SAT score closer to 1550.

Thanks @Grtd2010. Heard all these NJ programs prefer in-state, though their websites state that there is no such limitation/preference.

@grtd2010 thank you. This clarifies it for me. I think they were renamed recently and their affiliation to Rutgers kind of confused me

Hello All,

My D has the following stats:

SAT 1540
SAT II Math 800, Chem 780 and Bio 800

GPA: 4:00 UW
Rank: 1/35 (in an academy)

Will be completing 64 credit in Community college and get a Associate degree while completing high school. GPA in community college is 4:00

Ethnic - Indian American
State NJ

400 hours of research in Antibiotic resistant bacteria at acclaimed research center
Attended THED program at Rutgers University
Selected and attended Science Scholars Academy at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Selected and attending Science Honors program at Columbia University
Completed 3 credit Experiments in course in Green Fluorescent Protein at summer scholar program with GPA 4:00

Medical related Activities:
400+ hours of EMT
300+ hours of volunteering at Senior rehabilitation center
50 hours of shadowing in Pediatric emergency unit

Communication director at Doctors without borders club
Treasurer at Red Cross
10+ yrs of Classical Vocal training and performing
10+ yrs of Classical dance training and performing
3 yrs School Ambassador
National Honors Society
2017/2018 Bio league school team member
Phi Theta Kappa Honors society

Awards and honors
2017 SkillUSA Medical terminology NJ State champion
2017 SkillsUSA Medical terminology Nationally placed 4th
2018 Skills USA Medical terminology - NJ Bronze medal winner

Can you please let me know whether my D has any chances for BS/MD program? if yes, what are the program she can apply?


@Mahikesh What is missing? Why there is a concern?

@GoldenRock SAT seems to be very low…

How do you get EMT certified or work as an emt before 18 years of age.