Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@dd0106 Have you made a decision? We are also looking at Nova and LECOM (with Usciences).
Curious to get your viewpoint on these

@GoldenRock we go Unuv of Cincinnati interview and OU Humanities but we declined as my son got instate UIC-GPPA and UIC Medschool higher ranked then both other schoolsā€¦

Thx @GoldenRock . Cincinnati has IS preference. We are out of state, very slim chance. They are giving national merit in state tuition.

Thanks for everyoneā€™s responses.

Iā€™m also taking Pre Calc AC, instead of Pre Calc Honors my junior year. Which means Iā€™ll take AP Calc AB instead of AP Calc BC senior year. Is this fine?

We havenā€™t made any decisions yet. My D got into Nova, NYIT, Lecom and Seton Hall 7 years MD. After all the requirements, Seton hall is guaranteeing only interview for the SOM. Most probably we may go with LECOM. Trying to figure out which UG school, debating between Duquesne, Seina & seton hill. Any thoughts?

Somehow my D didnā€™t like the Nova atmosphere, not sure why

@dd0106 if you go with LECOM would that be binding? Would your D have the opportunity to apply to allopathic schools if she chooses?

Does anyone know approximately how much people get into SLU Medical scholars program? Like idk if its worth it if I got no money and its OOS but I have a top 20 school in state

@remroll In your specific situation better to stick with UCLA. It is going to be brutal but need to find a way to overcome challenge and not get distracted. Can weigh in if ok to attend other UC if you have got admission.
You can also save $ with UCs being in state.

@bearsfan21 That is fine. Anyhow it is good to do 1 Differential Calculus course in College. Go slow but do well with grade.

@dd0106 - what are the details with seton hall BS-MD? I know itā€™s relatively new. If not guaranteed after meeting qualifications, whatā€™s the probability of getting accepted to their med school if meet GPA and MCAT requirements?

Just saw someone mention LECOM and would like to bring up this interesting tidbit from a current student who is at LECOM-itā€™s being discussed on reddit and SDN.

Thereā€™s a school that needs no introduction. Far too often we hear complaints on forums about the uniform. The ā€œatmosphereā€. The rules about food etcā€¦ When a first year reads these things he thinks to himself, that doesnt sound TOO bad. I think people should know what they are getting themselves into:

-Psych professor who plagiarizes exam questions from board materials and is retained by faculty
-A class of 200 1st years, 160+ got an F on a clinical exam written because the professor being asked to write questions isnā€™t the same one that gave the lecture.
-Lack of transparency with exams. You can never view your exam afterwords. Your class curve is arbitrarily decided. ā€”Last semester the school decided to abruptly reduce the curve to drop average scores. They did so to manipulate the class average and force students into a position where they couldnā€™t take boards without being forced into a ā€œstudy programā€.
-The dean has called several students ā€œidiotsā€ for calling him out on his lies regarding our rotations
-There is no transparency when it comes to rotations. The school refuses to pay for rotation spots and this leads to an ever decreasing pool of spots available.
-Students were lied to about how to vote for spots and it led to many students being forced to leave the state for rotations unnecessarily.
-It is now March of 2nd year, and the 2nd year students have STILL not had information regarding rotations despite having to be forced into 3 mandatory lectures on residency in 3 yearsā€¦
-Not only does the school not really offer financial aid, but they constantly ask students to participate in ā€œrafflesā€ or ā€œcompetitionsā€ which slush student loan money to the ā€œwinnerā€ and they then call this ā€œfinancial aidā€
-Sadly, a loved professor takes his own life and LECOM higher ups threaten faculty to not speak about it to students, causing one of or admins to address it pre exam with the intro ā€œIā€™ll probably get fired for this but you deserve to knowā€ā€¦
-Exams are covered in typos, poorly worded questions and irrelevant material. Since we canā€™t look back at the tests there is little we can do. Faculty instead asks us to leave comments in a comment box on our exams DURING a timed exam so that they can then look over the exam during summer and make some changes. They claim they have been doing this since the beginning and it used to be a lot worse. I donā€™t see how that can be possible. -This school can afford to build another million dollar campus, place their name on a stadium, football jersey, commercials on airliners, yet they canā€™t afford rotations. They canā€™t afford parking, forcing schedules to constantly change in an attempt to fit medical/pharmacy/faculty/interviewees all into one building to save costs -That brings me to the scheduling issues. This school will change schedules w/o notifying students. They argue that they changed a calendar pdf on the portal and that we should be redownloading the calendar daily. -This occured last year and the school forced students to sit through a lecture on ā€œprofessionalismā€ and how we need to start behaving like professionals -The school forces you to sit through multiple mandatory meetings that serve no value and usually are scheduled pre exams to reduce study time. They often make students close their laptops to make sure we arenā€™t productive.
-The school takes random attendance during these mandatory meetings
-The school has programmed dates whereby they send an email telling you that the class is slacking, underperforming etc. as a way to psychologically manipulate students to overwork themselves. How do I know this? There are students who have repeated and have copies of these emails all with the same content and dates one year apart.
-We are given busy work constantly to waste our time. For example we have 3 fill in the blank exams a month before board exams on 2k+ concepts that we have to memorize and many of them are entirely irrelevant to boards. -Many of us, due to the scheduling, only have a day or two betweeen boards and beginning of rotations. Meaning we have 1-2 days to take boards, move out of state, and start rotations. This is insane.

I can go on indefinitely. But I think people should know what we are dealing with here.ā€™

My DS got invited to interview for the OU Medical Humanities program. We will be there on Mar 29. Look forward to seeing other finalists and parents at Norman.

@lgeorge Congrats!

Just looking at the threads and Iā€™m seeing a lot of people with 4.0 UW GPA. However, mine will only be around 3.9. Thatā€™s fine right?

@GreenPoison I can give one fact about LECOM. My relative completed DO there and got residency in Radiology at one of the top hospitalsā€¦ he talked high about LECOM.

@bearsfan21 - a 3.9 is fine. Do the best you can and focus on your SAT/ACT and EC/voluntary/medical activities.

Wow! so shocked to hear lot of bad things about LECOM. looks like valid points, but one of friendā€™s son just graduated this year, he was happy with program, and he got into urology residency. I donā€™t know what to conclude

Seton Hall doesnā€™t disclose anything in detail. They offered seats to almost 300 students, and they have 40 guaranteed seats

@dd0106 - offered 300 seats to incoming freshman for 40 seats four years later? Thatā€™s a strange strategy. Why not simply offer an early assurance program like a lot of schools do, instead of essentially messing with potentially a couple of hundred students. Thanks for sharing info.